The Amazon Exchange


The Amazon Xociety desperately needs your web design skills, if you can help, please call Bernadine at 713-731-0251 (leave message) or e-mail at Do you Amazons want a list-serv? We get too much e-mail at for one person, can someone else help out by checking our e-mailbox?

From: | Block Address | Add to Address Book
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 18:25:40 EDT
Subject: A Womyn's Space - Rae's Place

This just in:

Greetings from RAE'S PLACE Coffeehouse and Poetry Spot: A Womyn's Space. I am sending this e-mail to invite you to RAE'S PLACE and let you know that I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!!!! Can you forward this e-mail and attachment to as many womyn as possible? Without your support, RAE'S place will not be able to survive as a womyn's space. Also I am in the process of incorporating WOMYN'S WORLD bookstore into RAE'S PLACE. This venue is a very important necessity for up and coming and accomplished Poets/Artists. Also it's a place where you can come and relax, mingle, and socialize with other womyn 7 days a week from 8am-12mid, have a cup of coffee, latte' cappucino, or herbal tea and chill to the sound of easy listening, Jazz, and Oldies. We have open mic poetry every Sunday @ 8:30pm. Author Sharon Bridgforth will be at RAE'S PLACE along with Donna Garrett and Billie Simon. Please come and show your support. We are located @2416 Pierce, Houston TX 77003.....#713-821-1226.



FRIDAY, APRIL 12th, 11:00am-1:00pm

To The Women of Houston,

The Amazon Xociety's new radio program, THE FIRST SEX, will be airingits second show on KPFT 90.1FM from 12:00pm-1:00pm on WEDNESDAY, April 24th.

Dear AASA Members and Friends,

We want to make sure that you know about an important demonstration against the Israeli occupation and for peace in Palestine that will be held in Houston this coming Sunday, April 28, 2002, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Galleria area at the Westheimer and Post Oak intersection. Please forward this message to as many people as possible, and tell everybody you know, we want to have the biggest turnout ever at this demonstration and make it the most organized as well.

We want to make sure that we have a lot of signs, and for that cause we are holding a workshop at the ACC building at 10555 Stancliff on Thursday, April 25 at 7 p.m. to work on painting and writing signs, and even making professional signs with enlarged pictures for use at the demonstration, so please plan to meet with the community this Thursday to ensure the success of this important protest.


WHEN : SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2002 FROM 3 P.M. TO 6 P.M.


Also, in the interest of conveying a unified image of our pain and sadness with the Palestinian people, we want to encourage participants NOT to ride in their cars up and down the street in the fashion that happened at the last protest on Friday. This is for 2 reasons. First of all, it sends mixed messages -- we are trying to convey our sadness about the tragedy of the Palestinian situation, and people who are driving by see an image of fun and happiness. Secondly, the police have informed us that this type of action is illegal, and they could have given each car a ticket for the manner that they were driving in, but they didn't because they were sympathetic to our situation. But they told us it needs to be controlled, because they may next time exercise the power of giving tickets to people if it continues to be out of hand.

Demonstration sponsored by the Houstonians for Peace and Justice in the Holy Land, which is an umbrella group that includes several associations in Houston, including the AASA.

News Release
CONTACT: Kamber Sherrod, Representative, Alliance for a Feminist Option (512) 474-0284,


AUSTIN - A leading theorist in the women's rights and animal rights movements will discuss the implications of animalizing women in contemporary cultural images and sexualizing animals used for food on Thursday, April 18, at 7 p.m. in the Art Building room 1.102 on the University of Texas campus.

Carol J. Adams will present "The Sexual Politics of Meat," a slideshow and lecture that uses advertisements to draw parallels between the objectification of women and animals in popular culture.

Adams is the author of the internationally-recognized "The Sexual Politics of Meat" and "Neither Man nor Beast". Her work is often used in college courses in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. Her work is also featured in an award-winning documentary, "A Cow at My Table." Adams has published nearly 100 articles on vegetarianism, animal advocacy, domestic violence and sexual abuse. She has contributed entries on "vegetarianism" for numerous academic encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Since 1987, Adams has lived in the Dallas area. Periodically she teaches a course on "Sexual and Domestic Violence: Theological and Pastoral Concerns" at the Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University.

The event is sponsored by the UT Alliance for a Feminist Option and UT Students Against Cruelty to Animals to foster discussion on the issues of feminism, vegetarianism, homophobia and racism.

For more information on Carol J. Adams, visit

To set up an interview prior to the event, please call Kamber Sherrod, 474-0284. -- DJ-RJ Reggae Evolution Texas Reggae List

To Purchase an Herb Angel for that special someone in your life (Mothers Day is coming up) or if chair massage is more your speed I can melt away those tension spots, aches and pains till you are butter!
Where is all this wonderfulness taking place you ask?
League City Sports Plex, near 45 and Calder Dr
Saturday, April 6th, 9-4pm
This is a chance for all you Clear Lake and Galveston County Women's Groupies to find out what relaxation is all about.
Need more info? Contact Rowan at 713.748.0826 or

Gender and Genocide: Women and the Holocaust a lecture by Dr. Joan Ringelheim

SUNDAY, Feb. 10, 2002, 7 pm
Becker Theater--Emery Weiner School
9825 Stella Link
Admission Free, Reservations required
713-942-8000 ext 204

How did women's experiences during the Holocaust differ from men's? How did gender impact upon one's fate during the Holocaust? Dr. Ringelheim will examine the differences in the experiences and memories of women and men, and why there has been a general reluctance to explore the questions of gender in this context.
May 3-5, 2002 
Camping and Concerts 
Girl-Fun in the Country 
$35 Feb 15, check by mail 
$45 Mar 15 
$55 Apr 15 
$65 each by May 1 
$75 gate, cash only 
Mail checks to: 
10101 St. HWY 173 N  Bandera, TX  78003 
(830) 796-7001
Desert Hearts Cowgirl Club is located 50 miles NW of San Antonio near Bandera, TX. Primitive camping with port-a-potties and festi-showers. Live entertainment, group campfire, flea market, scavenger hunt, stuffed horse rodeo, volleyball, and more. Be free to be your self

How do we stop this from growing. Why is this happening to women in the year of 2002. 

These are the questions I want to answer. 


Male-Female Salary Gap Growing, Study Says 
By Shannon Henry 
Washington Post Staff Writer 
Thursday, January 24, 2002; Page A02 

Female managers are not only making less money than men in many 
industries, but the wage gap has also deepened during the economic
boom years of 1995 to 2000, a congressional study to be released 
today reports. 

Full-time female managers earned on average less than their male 
counterparts in the 10 industries that employ 71 percent of all 
female workers, and in seven of the 10 fields, the pay difference 

Just when it seemed the wage gap was a relic, the backward earnings 
slide alarmed the two congressional members who requested and 
analyzed the report. 

"I don't find one line of good news in the report," said Rep. Carolyn 
B. Maloney (D-N.Y.). "Yet I think people believe women are doing 

"I can't tell you why," said Rep. John D. Dingell (D-Mich.) about the 
report's findings. "There are more questions raised by the study, 
frankly, than answers." 

The study was prepared by the General Accounting Office using data 
from the Department of Labor's quarterly Current Population Survey. 

The study found that a full-time female communications manager earned 
86 cents for every dollar a male made in her industry in 1995. In 
2000, she made only 73 cents on the man's dollar. 

The industries under study included public administration; 
professional medical services; hospitals and medical services; 
education; entertainment and recreation services; finance, insurance 
and real estate; business and repair services; retail trade; and 
other professional services. 

The study also reported that women in management positions find it 
more difficult than men to balance family and career. About 60 
percent of married female managers do not have children at home, 
while 40 percent of married male managers are not raising children. 

"I really did believe it would be easier for our daughters," Maloney 
said yesterday at a lunch with female reporters and editors where the 
report was released in advance. 

Maloney said the report's findings are particularly troubling because 
there is a general sense in the United States that generation by 
generation, women have been edging closer to equality with men in 
many areas, including career and compensation. 

"It's a wake-up call, not only for corporate America but all of 
America," she said. 

Dingell and Maloney said the study brings up many questions that may 
be addressed by regulations or legislation in the future, including 
an examination of maternity-leave policies and a fresh look at the 
Equal Rights Amendment. The lawmakers said they also planned to 
analyze data from the 2000 Census that is expected out later this 

Still, as bleak as the study seemed, some cautioned against 
interpreting the findings as a significant blow to gender equality. 

"It's possible a lot more junior women are entering those industries, 
therefore lowering the average age and the average wage," said Diana
Furchtgott-Roth, chief of staff of the council of economic advisers 
at the White House and co-author of "The Feminist Dilemma: When 
Success is Not Enough." 

"That's curious, but it tells us nothing in particular," said Ed 
Hudgins, director of regulatory studies at the Cato Institute in 
Washington. Hudgins said he knows a number of professional women who 
have taken time off to have children, which, along with other 
economic and cultural patterns, could possibly explain the 

"It has nothing to do with men cutting their salaries because they 
wanted to be mean," he said. "Would these congressmen contend that 
employers have become discriminatory in the past five years? It's a 
hard argument to make." 

The GAO report is the latest study to show greater obstacles facing 
women than men in the working world. Catalyst of New York, a 
nonprofit group that studies women's issues, reported in 2000 that 
among senior-level managers in the financial-services industry, for 
example, 58 percent of women are raising children while 88 percent of 
men have kids at home. 

"It begs the question: 'Do women and men have the same choices?'" 
said Johanna Ramos-Boyer of Catalyst. But Ramos-Boyer did point to 
other findings that show the gender gap in the workplace is, at least 
in some corners, improving. 

"There has been progress upward," she said. A recent Catalyst study 
found that in 2001, 12.4 percent of corporate board seats were held 
by women, up from 8.3 percent in 1993. 

However, there are indications that equality gaps won't easily shrink 
with each generation. Catalyst found in a recent study that most men 
ages 26 to 37 consider their own career of "primary" importance to 
that of their wife or partner. 

Pay studies that account for an employee's education level and their 
time in the workforce and at a particular job are often the most 
reliable measures of gender gap, said John Dantico, a member of the 
compensation and benefits committee of the Society for Human Resource 
Management and a longtime consultant to private industry. 

Compensation expert Allison Sumrow of Dallas-based People Solutions 
Inc. said pay inequities exist. Pay differential often widens when 
women enter a company with low starting salaries, she said. 
Subsequent raises women earn are added to the low base figure, 
offering few chances to make up ground. 

From: "autonomous collective" | Block Address | Add to Address Book Subject: dont be afraid of february 6 Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 07:31:02 +0000 Tommorow, February 6, CCA (2014 Washington) will have its grand opening celebration. There will be live music from S.K.S who recently performed at the Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu-Jamal fundraiser, local installment IBM, and psycadelic jazz band Big Trash Day. There will be food and drink and we encourage people to bring food for this community event. The event is free to all ages, doors open at 7:00pm, and people are encouraged to bring their friends. The barter cafe will be open for trading and our immediate needs are both perishable & non-perishable food items (beans, rice, canned food, cofee, fruits & vegies etc.), services, or anything else that might be of use. Other items we are in need of are an espresso machine, lamps, a chimineo or wood burning stove, tables & chairs, computer equipment, sound equipment (pa system, sound proofing, speakers etc.) books of political and social significance, music, office supplies, and a bike rack. The goal of the Center for Creative Autonomy is to promote self-sufficient, autonomous individuals and communities through mutual aid education, community building, and sustainable living. With your help after February 6 CCA will strive to provide: Free School - consisting of Language classes, skill building and health courses. InfoShop – with revolutionary supplies such as books, buttons, patches, t-shirts, etc. Art & Music Space – open space for both musicians to play, and artists to showcase their work. Barter Café – No money will be accepted at the café, anyone wishing to have a cup of coffee, espresso, or maybe even a sandwich must barter. Canned goods, clothing, or any USEFUL items or services will be traded. Lending Library – A library devoted to the struggle Community Gardening – Making ourselves self sufficient, and eliminating the need of grocery stores and other corporate entities that drain resources from our communities. Community Activities – Sunday potlucks and sports to strengthen ties between people and communities. Please Come by and check out our grand opening, or stop by whenever to see our programs and just relax.

The Center for Creative Autonomy is located at 2014 Washington in Houston and can be contacted at 713.864.0972


WEDNESDAY, JAN.16, 2002. Silent vigil, from 4:30-5:30 PM, at the office of Ex-President Bush on the eleventh anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Meet on the sidewalk in front of 10000 Memorial Drive (1.8 miles west of 610). Park on International Blvd. (off Memorial, 1.6 miles west of 610).
Please bring posters focusing on the commemoration.

We will stand silently with posters remembering the invasion and eleven years of sanctions.

We will remind Ex-President Bush and the people of Houston that the people of Iraq, especially the young, the ill and the aged, continue to suffer.

We will remember the 1 million Iraqis, including five hundred thousand children under age 5, who have died since the invasion of Iraq because of the sanctions and the continued bombing.

We will remember those suffering without adequate food, water or medicine because of the sanctions.

We will remember that thousands of depleted uranium shells have been left on Iraq soil with resulting contamination for centuries to come.

Representatives, one of whom has visited Iraq within the last few years, will be available for media interviews.

Sponsored by: Dominican Sisters of Houston - Office of Justice and Peace
Fellowship of Reconciliation
Pax Christi - Houston

Call Sister Jane Abell at (713) 747-3310 or Ken Crowley at (713) 443-3420.

"The Occupation Is Killing Us All: International day of action in solidarity with Women in Black"

This comes from Lynn Furay. Please come out if you can on FRIDAY, we need all the warm bodies we can get. A good turnout at this event will be a great way to round out your year of activism for women! I encourage you all to consider joining WILPF (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom). E-mail Lynn at for more information. ~Bernadine

Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 17:55:21 EST
Subject: vigil on Dec 28th

This is a vigil to support the Women in Black in Palestine and Israel (the peace groups)
It will be at 4:30 December 28 at the Mickey Leland Federal Bldg. at the corner of Jefferson & Smith downtown.
Please read the following article for more information. Lynn Furay Spread the word....

CHARLA HOUSTON SPANISH GROUP meets every other Thursday, at 7 p.m. para placticar, practicar, and disfrutarnos en espanol. If you want to improve your Spanish through fun and informal conversation, please join us! All levels welcome. For information, please contact or (713) 416-7203.
invites you to a Panel Discussion on

Women in Afghanistan: Beyond the media portrayal to action

Opening remarks by:
Ms. Angela King
Assistant-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women Panelists:

Ms. Tahmeena Faryal
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan

Ms. Jessica Neuwirth, Esq.
President of Equality Now, international women's rights group

Ms. Noeleen Heyzer
Executive Director
United Nations Development Fund for Women


Moderated by Ms. Marcia Brewster
Proposals to include Afghan women in the peace process;

Concrete ways that women are setting the process in motion;
How women in the UN can participate through advocacy.

Tuesday, 20 November 2001
1:15-2:45 p.m.
Conference Room 2

For information contact Ms. Brewster, Ext. 3-8590 ( or Ms. van den Bosch, Ext. 7-3267 (



From: Holly Pottle
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 15:20:26 -0700 (PDT)

Are you interested in helping to promote positive body image among women and girls? Let's take action to stop allowing our bodies to be used to oppress us! An organization is forming, which will strive to:

-Encourage women and girls to define our own beauty standards. We are often socialized into believing in beauty standards that are defined by outside sources. We own our bodies, so we have the right to define the beauty standards for ourselves.

-Counteract narrowly defined beauty standards. We do not have to be busty, wrinkle-free, and extremely thin to be attractive. Such narrowly defined beauty standards are harmful to our physical and emotional health.

-Address multicultural beauty issues.

-Counteract gender double-standards of beauty.

-Address ways women's bodies are depicted in the media.

We can address these and other beauty issues of concern through group meetings, community outreach/education and various additional activities. The group is open to everybody. Please e-mail me suggestions, feedback, and questions.

If you are interested in participating and/or helping to plan the group, please e-mail me the days and times you can meet. Please e-mail me a phone number is you prefer to be called by phone. If possible, please forward this message. My e-mail address is

We can make a difference! -Holly Pottle


6:00 - 9:00 PM




Political adv. paid by the Barbara Ashley Campaign; Jeffrey E. Crews, Treasurer. 1314 Texas Ave., #901, Houston, Texas 77002.

From: Nan Hildreth
Subject: Citizen's Globalization Forum - June 20

At the Wednesday`s June 20 7:30pm meeting of the Citizens' Globalization Forum in Olive Branch Meeting Room behind 2360 Rice Blvd., Joan Denkler will talk about Economic Gunboats.

Why does a peace organization, Peaceworkers, say that the "economic effects of globalization are killing more people in Latin America than all the armed conflicts?" Why does the Catholic bishop of Buenos Aires threaten to excommunicate the president of Argentina because the president's cooperation with the IMF is causing so many babies to die?

Talk and videos on IMF policy demands with some good news from Noam Chomsky. Joan Denkler, speaker.

For more information, contact, Nan Hildreth, 713-864-7108

Film: 900 Women in Prison

Dear Concerned Citizen,

Barbara Ashley is a past welfare mother who has since become a practicing lawyer, Licensed in the State of Texas. This inspirational single mom is now running for Houston City Council. Articles have been written in the Houston Chronicle about her remarkable journey as a victorious survivor of domestic violence. Because of her interest in working families, she was invited to speak to the labor caucus of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1996. This natural leader and public speaker has served as a shining role model for the children and families connected with Kid Care, the organization that feeds Houston’s hungry children, as well as for other eager learners. She has appeared on the Debra Duncan Show and talked about these issues on television in a compelling manner. There certainly are many people in Houston who already know her as a practical problem-solver with integrity.

As you can imagine, she already understands firsthand the day to day realities faced by many working families.

Now it is Barbara Ashley who is needing your help. Today. She needs to raise at least $30,000 in seed money to kickstart her campaign.

Help Barbara now, and you will be contributing to real solutions, crafted by knowlege and experience, rather than the band aids applied by well-meaning citizens in public office who have little understanding of the problems faced by the working poor.

Barbara shares your concerns. She will fight to improve the quality of life of all city residents. Her priorities include:

Expansion of After School Programs. After school programs have been proven to be a cost effective way of reducing juvenile crime, enriching the lives of school children, adding to the educational experience, and easing the burden of working parents.

Elimination of lead paint in our schools. Lead paint causes disease in children and school personnel. We need to spearhead a massive program to remove the lead paint.

Promoting a Cleaner, Greener Environment: That includes expanding mobility choices for all citizens including light rail, increased bus routes and van pools. Supporting only those Metro Board members who are committed to increasing the level and quality of service to all working neighborhoods throughout the region, and making public transporation more accessible to more citizens including the disabled and elderly.

Implementing a City Construction Coordination & Planning Division: To oversee ALL construction projects. Planning and coordinating in advance will minimize the number of city street repairs, thus reducing the blockages to the flow of traffic, enhancing the business community, and making Houston an even more people-friendly city than it already is.

Developing an Ergonomics Standard for city employees to combat repetitive stress injuries. Repetitive stress injuries represent the biggest job safety and health problem facing city employees today. Developing a standard for the city may become a model for employers everywhere.

Equal pay for equal work . Make this a requirement for companies that contract with the city. Women are people, too, and deserve to be paid the same.

As you can see, Barbara shares your concerns. Help elect her to City Council At-Large Position 4.

Again, Barbara needs to raise $30,000 in the next 30 days.

With your help, this remarkable woman can make a difference for working families in Houston. Make your voice heard by contributing to her campaign generously.

Thank you for your time and attention concerning this matter.


The Barbara Ashley Campaign Committee

From: Vicki Noble (
Subject: Fall Equinox in Greece

with Vicki Noble & Demetra George

WHEN: September 23-October 7, 2001
COST: $2595 (+airfare)
But if you pay in full before May 1st, the early bird cost is: $2350!

Join us on a pilgrimage to Crete, Santorini, the Peloponnese and Delphi in search of the origins of women's ecstatic religion. We will visit sacred caves, mountain shrines, temples, museums, and oracle sites as we seek to reconnect with a spiritual heritage in which women collectively entered into states of trance through dance and music in worship of the divine and emerged healed, transformed and renewed.

We will incorporate teachings, ritual, and yogic practices iinto this traveling symposia, invoking the ecstatic women of ancient Greece--those snake-handling, bee-keeping, blue-tattooed Maenads of Bronze Age legendary fame. Teachings will include asteroid astrology of place names and personal identities (such as Delphi, Pythia, Dionysus, Amazone, Medea), as well as mythological stories and archaeological evidence, through which we will investigate the broad based shamanistic women's religion that linked the Aegean islands of Crete and Santorini (ancient Thera) with Turkey, Greece, Old Europe, Central Asia, and the "Silk Road" all the way to eastern China during the second and first millenia B.C.E.

Enjoy the Mediterranean culture and sumptuous food at our beach front hotels on Crete and Santorini, and a hydrotherapy healing session and massage at Loutraki, long known for its thereapeutic mineral watersl. There will be ample time for sunning, swimming and shopping. Bring your questions and dreams to the ancient oracle sites of Hera at Perachora and Gaea at Delphi.

Demetra and Vicki have been taking women on spiritual pilgrimages to the Mediterranean since 1992, working together with experienced travel agents and local tour guides knowledgeable in the ancient goddess cultures.

Demetra George, MA Classics, a practitioner of astrology since 1971, is the author of four books and on the faculty of Kepler College where she teaches the history of ancient and medieval astrology.

Vicki Noble, co-creator of Motherpeace Tarot and author of Shakti Woman: Feeling Our Fire, Healing Our World, is a healer, ritualist, scholar, and adjunct professor at CIIS and New College in San Francisco.

To register, please contact Demetra at 541-345-5680

This Friday March 2, 6:30 pm at MECA (1900 Kane)! DEMOCROCY NOW! co-hosts Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez to will open up the town hall meeting on Pacifica, community radio and the current crisis.  Do not miss the opporunity to meet these personalities and key media activists from across the country.  Details for this, the Super Teach-in on Saturday and other events reside on our online calendar and on our webpage: CONTACT Shalini for more info at


The Empowerment Seminar for Women

On May 10th, The Glass Ceiling Will Shatter!

Success Unlimited is a unique one-day seminar for women by women (men are also welcome). Titled "The Empowerment Seminar for Women", Success Unlimited offers its attendees a rare opportunity to share in the wisdom and intellect of some of the most empowered women in the United States and new ideas about achieving both personal and professional goals. The line-up of speakers is as diverse as it is impressive. Joining the women of Houston on May 10th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the George R. Brown Convention Center are:

a.. Whoopi Goldberg – Hollywood’s Hippest Square
b.. Gov. Ann Richards – Shattering the Glass Ceiling
c.. Candice Carpenter – Technology by Women for Women
d.. Loretta LaRoche – The Joy of Stress
e.. Iyanla Vanzant – For Love
f.. Suze Orman – For Money Tickets are now on sale for $179.00 (plus service charges and tax)
Special VIP Package: $279.00 (plus service charges and tax)

a.. includes premier seating and a Q & A luncheon with Loretta LaRoche, Candice Carpenter and Ann Richards.

Be sure to visit the Success Unlimited 2001 Exhibition before and after the event, and during breaks.

Call Events Unlimited at 281-397-8124 to reserve your seats today.

For groups of 10 or more, ask about discounted rates.

Speakers and date subject to change.

Amy White
Assistant Producer

International Women's Day: Join us in celebrating International Women's Day - a free celebration open to the public. Event is hosted by WAGT (Women Against Global Trafficking). Friday, March 9, 2001 6-9 pm at Notsuoh's, 314 Main Street, Houston, Texas. There will be food, drink, and music. For more information, please call (281) 496-3917 or email:

Saturday, February 24, 2001 (tomorrow night)

Poetically Inclined is proud to host all the way from San Antonio, the Down South Poets! They will be performing from and signing their first book, Volume I: The Dirty Collection. There will be a group of poets from San Antonio coming with them to check out how we do it in Houston, so represent!

Our special musical guest is Raj, amazing singer/songwriter and host of the Mausoleum’s Thursday night open mic. Open mic - We also celebrate Black History month with a tribute to black poets past and present. Bring your own work or read your favorite poems from other writers. Last but not least, the Beatniq Cliq will be filming the set for their documentary on spoken word "Dub Poetry 2G". We must continue to document the work we do!

Head down to Oscars Creamery & Internet Cafe located at 1201 Westheimer (a block from Montrose/Westheimer intersection) next to Hollywood Video. There is additional parking in the lot directly behind the building in the event the parking lot in front is full. 8PM.
If you get lost, call Lou or Dina at 713.521.1808.

See ya tomorrow night!

Peace & Blessings,

kim c

********************************** Charles Peters (San Antonio) in collaboration with Kenneth Dillon (New Orleans) and Quenton Gillespie (Atlanta), have published Down South Poets, Volume I: The Dirty Collection. To order your copy send check or money order for $14.95 payable to: C & K Collaborations Publishing, PO Box 782042 San Antonio, Texas 78278

Houston Women's Festival

Community Announcement

Corpus Justice, a Houston non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of justice, invites volunteers to a "Teen Alert" Workshop on Monday, December 4th at 7:00 p.m., Montrose Public Library, 4100 Montrose.

The "Teen Alert" Program (TAP) is designed to educate youth about civil rights, juvenile law, and the juvenile justice system. TAP is presented in schools, churches and other organizations. For more information about the Volunteer Workshop or to schedule the program for the spring semester please contact Marilyn Head at 281-405-8998 or email - You may also leave a message on our Citizen Impact Assistance (cia) line @ (713) 867-3934.

Tonight, Thursday Sept. 7th, at 7pm
First Uniarian Church on Fannin @ Southmore (south of Sears)

Local Kick-Off meeting for the 4th National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation.

This meeting will be to set in motion activities that will mobilize a broad spectrum of people with different viewpoints, and of different nationalities, to stop STOP the epidemic of police brutality and murder across this country. Last year, activities were organized in over 60 cities and towns. Thsi movement has played an important role in pushing to the forefront the reality of police brutality, growing represion, and how an entire generation of our youth are being looked at and treated like criminals--almost from birth! It has played a critical role in the cases of Pedro Oregon, Anthony Baez, and Abner Louima, to name but a few.Please come and give your input, and strategize how you can mobilize those you are in contact to build this year's activities as strong as possible.

Emilio Bateman,
Member, La Resistencia

The Harris County Democrat Party Resolutions Committee meeting scheduled for August 14 at 6:30 pm has been cancelled due to the national convention. The next meeting will be September 11 at 6:30 pm here at the party office, 2404 Labranch. If you have a resolution to be considered before the November election, PLEASE send it to the office (must be in writing) prior to the September 11 meeting. Remember we do not accept resolutions from the floor at the Executive Committee meetings - they go through this committee process first.

Sue Schechter, Chairperson
Harris County Democratic Party
2404 LaBranch
Houston, Texas 77004
fax 713-739-7786

Feminist Expo 2000, March 31-April 2, 2000 - You Deserve
     to Be There!


The Feminist Majority Foundation is seeking college students dedicated to women's rights to apply for a leadership conference in Washington, DC, July 6th-9th. The Feminist Leadership Institute is a four-day feminist leadership training for undergraduate students committed to starting and/or leading Feminist Majority Leadership Alliances on their campuses during the 2000-2001 academic year. Leadership Institute participants will have the opportunity to learn from a variety of cutting-edge projects led by the Feminist Majority Foundation, while also participating in leadership trainings and working on strategies for effective pro-choice activism on campus. Students will have the opportunity to work with other young people from across the nation and to incorporate their particular talents and interests into an intense, directed leadership training program. We welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds and academic disciplines. Students of color are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information on the application process, please contact a member of the Field Rep team!

**Don't Forget to Apply for the Feminist Majority Foundation's Summer Leadership Institute! Applications are due on May 1, 2000. Contact the Field Rep Team for details!**

Contact Us:
You can reach any of the Field Representatives at the Feminist Majority Foundation's DC office at (703) 522-2214. The members of the Field Rep team are listed below, along with their pager numbers: Debbie Castro
(1-800-608-3179); Nikki Deblosi (1-888-663-1266); Rosalyn Lemieux
(1-800-490-1169); Annie O'Connell (1-888-663-1577); Beth Raboin
(1-800-609-9592); Carmen Schwisow (1-888-663-1527); Shonali Shome
(1-800-418-0816); and Amanda Silver (1-800-490-1127).

April 17, Monday - Dr. Paula Caplan, presented by the University of Houston Graduate School of Social Work. 4:30 - 6pm in Krost Hall Audiorium, UH Law Center. Dr. Caplan is the author of ??hey Say You??e Crazy: How the World?? Most Powerful Psychiatrists Decide Who?? Normal, You??e Smarter that They Make You Feel: How Experts Intimidate us and What We can Do About It, and Don?? Blame Mother, among others. This presentation is funded by a grant from the Tenneco Corporation. Contact Karen Stout for more information, 713-743-8115.

And over at Rice Unviversity on Monday, April 17, 2000, Sewall Hall 309, 4:00 - 6:00 P.M.

"Male Fraud: Counterfeit Masculinities and the Brandon Teena Archive" lecture by Judith Halberstam, Professor of English Literature, University of California at San Diego

Presented by Rice University Center for the Study of Cultures Feminist Reading Group.

In preparation for the lecture, the Feminist Reading Group will screen the documentary, "The Brandon Teena Story" (90 min.) on Friday, April 14, 3-4:30 P.M., in Sewall Hall 309. Directions to the film and lecture: Enter the campus via entrances 2 or 3 on Main Street and park in spots designated for visitor parking. Sewall Hall is located across from Cohen House (the faculty club) and Allen Center (the Registrar, Cashier, and Human Resources.) You can also park in the main parking area accessible through entrance #8 off University Blvd. or entrance # 12 off Rice Blvd. From the main parking area, you can catch a shuttle bus to Sewall Hall.

For a current calendar of events and other information, please visit our site on the
MERCK MANUAL NOW ONLINE (Info from Femnet) The Merck Manual of Medical Information: Home Edition is the first complete medical reference that's free on the Internet. This on-line version of the best-selling Home Edition is brought to you as a service by Merck & Co., Inc., the company committed to providing quality medical information for more than 100 years. GO TO: Merck Manual
A Documentary Film and Video series sponsored by the University of Houston Women's Studies Program.
Tuesday afternoons from 3-5 pm, Brown Room, M.D. Anderson Library, University of Houston.
Free and open to the public. Join us after each film for refreshments and conversation!

Real Mothers don't eat quiche; they don't have time to make it.
Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils are probably in the sandbox.
Real Mothers often have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids.
Real Mothers know that dried playdough doesn't come out of shag carpets.
Real Mothers don't want to know what the vacuum just sucked up.
Real Mothers sometimes ask "why me?" and get their answer when a little voice says, "because I love you best."
Real Mothers know that a child's growth is not measured by height or years or grade...It is marked by the progression of Mama to Mommy to Mom...

The Images of Mother

4 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 YEARS OF AGE ~ Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.
16 YEARS OF AGE ~ Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 YEARS OF AGE ~ That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE ~ Well, she might know a little bit about it.
35 YEARS OF AGE ~ Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
65 YEARS OF AGE ~ Wish I could talk it over with Mom

* The beauty of a woman
Is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure that she carries,
Or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole,
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives,
The passion that she shows,
And the beauty of a woman
With passing years-only grows!

Please send this to five phenomenal women today in celebration of Women's History Month. If you do, something good will happen - you will boost another woman's self-esteem.

FRIENDS OF WOMEN'S STUDIES presents TABLE TALK, Tuesday, March 14, 2000, at Hilton Hotel, University of Houston, Conrad Hilton Ballroom, 11:30 reception, 12:00 Luncheon. Complimentary Valet Parking (parking's a breeze - UH is on Spring Break) $50 Individual. Reservations required. Contact: Women's Studies Program, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-3784, (713) 743-3214.

Conversationalist: Michelle Barnes, Gertrude Barnstone, Anita Bunkley, MERYL Cohen, Cath Conlon, Sarah Cortez, Ann Criswell, Eunice Drexler, Sissy Farenthold, Betty Fitzpatrick, Barbara Foorman, Elizabeth Ghrist, Vanessa Gilmore, Patricia Gras, Laura Groppe, Cynthia Freeland, Elaine Kennedy, Yani Keo, Sandy Reese-Kessler, Monica Lamb, Ninfa Lorenzo, Mariquita Masterson, Linda May, The Rev. Leonora Montgomery, Monica Pope, Bapsi Sidhwa, Carolyn Sumners, Suna Umari, and Genevieve Vaughn.

TABLE TALK benefits the WOMEN'S ARCHIVE AND RESEARCH CENTER (WARC) at the University of Houston. The WARC was established in 1996 to collect, preserve and share the stories of women's contributions to the life and culture of TExas and Houston. Our focus is the written records and oral histories of women's organizations and individual women who have affected our lives.

From: buzzanco
Subject: Charlie King--Free Concert! Folk-Protest-Nueva Cancion Music

Charlie King and Karen Brandow--well-known and acclaimed musicians--will be performing at the University of Houston on Tuesday, February 8th. The show is FREE and Open to all.

It will begin at 7:00 p.m and take place in the Cougar Den at the University Center. You can get there via Calhoun Road and take Entrance 1. The University Center is across from the U.H. Hilton.

King is one of the best-known folk/protest musicians of this generation, hailed by Pete and Peggy Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, Tom Paxton and others and the recipient of many awards from music and social justice organizations.

Brandow, who spent many years in Latin America, is a performer and educator specializing in native music, especially "nueva cancion."

Tell your friends, family, etc. about this. Again, it's free and open to the public.

Bob Buzzanco
Associate Prof. of History
University of Houston
Department of History
Houston, TX 77204-3785 713.743.3093
713.743.3216 [fax]

November 6, 1999 - Time: 9 AM

Women 2000: Beijing Plus Five
To bring together NGO leadership, ducators, service providers, activists, students, and other interested persons to learn ways to infuse new ideas and strategies into existing organizations and networks.

Event Type: Conference
DuPont Country Club
Willmington, DELAWARE

For more information contact:
Kathleen Meyer Conference Coordinator
Fax: 302-764-3776

December 4, 1999 - All-day event

Women, Immigration & the Global Economy
Working women and how their lives are impacted by the World Trade Organization (WTO). This follows the WTO ministerial in Seattle, Washington November 30 to December 3, 1999
Event Type: Conference
Place: TBA

For more information contact:
Lorraine Pozzi (
Fax: N/A
BaseCamp Seattle

Subject: (PERSONAL SAFETY) It never hurts to be reminded

Kate Purcell, RN

In my job, I review criminal and psychiatric files of imprisoned sex offenders who are approaching their release date. I decide if they are likely to re-offend based on certain criteria and then civilly commit them to a sex offender treatment facility if I decide that they are at significant risk to re-offend.

I have read hundreds and hundreds of files, and have taken note of some of the mistakes women make. Let me preface this by saying that a woman is NEVER EVER EVER at fault for being raped or attacked, but there are definitely ways to reduce your risk of being a victim.

Here are the most common mistakes women make that could result in them getting kidnapped, attacked, and/or raped:

1. Getting into the attacker's car when he pulls a gun and orders you to get into his vehicle. Most attackers don't want to shoot you ... they want you to get into the car so that they can drive you to a deserted place and torture you.

Don't comply. Run screaming. It is MUCH more likely than not that he will just move on to an easier target.

2. Pulling over when a man drives alongside of you pointing at your car pretending something is wrong. If this happens, drive to the nearest well-lit and populated gas station and look the car over yourself (or ask an attendant). Never pull over. Believe it or not, many women have fallen for this for fear of their car spontaneously exploding in the middle of the road. Not likely.

3. Not locking your doors while driving. I have read several cases where the attacker simply walks up to a woman's car while she's at a traffic light and jumps in with his gun or knife drawn.

4. Opening your front door when you have not positively identified who is there. If you don't have a peep hole, get one.

I've seen countless cases where the attacker gains access to his victims simply by knocking on their door.

Don't let an attacker get into your home. He then has a private, relatively soundproof place to attack you.

5. Not being alert in parking lots. If you go to the grocery store at night, don't be shy about asking for an escort to your car. Too many women are abducted from parking lots or even raped in the parking lot. Look in your back seat before entering your car. Cars provide endless hiding places for attackers, both inside them and in between them.

Be aware of your surroundings by looking to the left and right and behind you with your head up all the time. You may appear paranoid and look funny to others, but an attacker will think twice about approaching someone who appears so aware of what's going on.

6. Trusting a clean cut, honest looking stranger. I see mug shots of every sex offender in the state of Florida. They do not look like monsters. They often look like they could be your friendly grocer, bank teller, waiter, neighbor, clergy, doctor, etc.

They are every age between 15 and 90, and probably beyond. Only a small minority actually look scary.

I just read a case yesterday of a man with only one leg who beat up his victim with his crutch before he raped her. Who would have ever thought that a one-legged man could be a rapist?

This is not an exhaustive list of what not to do, but just some things that I have observed more than just a few times. Pass this on to the women in your lives.

FROM: Withheld
SUBJECT: Pacifica Radio- KPFT (Houston)



FROM: Marilyn Head, Director of CORPUS JUSTICE
SUBJECT: Citizen Review Panel

Dear Emilie & Bernadine,

I think we should consider a memorial to the three mentally ill women who have been shot to death by police in the past 12 months. The first death was in August '98. I saw the news video of it but missed the article in the paper. (I am trying to research the incident now.) In January '99, Sheryl Sue Seymour, a local artist was shot to death after she had called 911 for help when she knew she was slipping into serious illness, and just this August Colleen Kelly was shot to death even though the police had a taser gun at the seen. Not long ago Chief Bradford and the Mental Health Community had worked together to establish new procedures for police, including the use of taser guns when necessary.

I think the establishment of a Civilian Complaint & Mediation Board would be a fitting memorial. We need a civilian board that will investigate these serious cases and report to the public.

Corpus Justice is working to sign up volunteers to work the polls at the election in November. If we get enough signatures we can present a resolution for a Civilian Complaint & Mediation Board to the City Council and they will have to put the issue before the public for a vote at a special election.

Anyone who would like to volunteer is asked to send their name, address, and telehone number to me. I will keep you informed by email.


Civilian Complaint & Mediation Board along the line of, but not exactly like, the New York City Complaint Board ( html) to check and balance the power of HPD (police agencies in the city and Harris County).

Independent, non-police agency

Board elected by popular vote

One board member elected from each City Council District as well as 5 at-large members

Tax funded and budgeted with sufficient means to be effective

Funding will include office site, equipment and supplies; administrative, office, legal, and investigative staff; and all other necessary expenditures including budgeting for the following; The elected Board will receive sworn statements under oath and notarized from complaints in any language from residents of the City (Harris County) with a 2 yr. statute of limitations.

Authority of legal jurisdiction will include all allegations of police criminal activity and misconduct including, but not limited to, violations of civil rights, state codes & rules, police general orders and procedures. Filed by members of the public (City/Harris County).

Authority to subpoena, summon, compel witnesses, administer oaths, etc., and power to punish for contempt (as provided to the City Council by the City Charter)

Authority to make findings based on standard of proof/preponderance of the evidence: substantiated, unsubstantiated, exonerated, unfounded.

Authority to present investigations of most serious cases, including excessive use of force, discharge of firearms, incidents resulting in bodily injury or death, abuse of authority, civil rights violations, and other investigations deemed necessary, before a Disciplinary Actions Review Panel who may review and recommend discipline and civil/criminal charges when substantiated. The Disciplinary Actions Review Panel will be comprised of representatives from the: community, the Office of the Mayor, Chief of Police, City Council, CC&MB, and Task Force. The CC&MB will retain the right to make final determinations of discipline or to file civil/criminal actions.

The CC&MB will review investigations of less serious cases of police misconduct and determine discipline when substantiated. Discipline may include termination, suspension, fines, probation, community service, etc.

Authority to present before a grand jury with all the obligations and rights now granted to the attorney representing the state

Authority to assign attorneys as representatives with all the obligations and rights now granted to prosecuting attorneys representing the state.

Oversee Alternative Dispute Resolution Mediation requests, process, and outcome.

No serious cases (as mentioned above) presented to the Disciplinary Actions Review Panel may be mediated.

Authority to establish a Lobby Committee to strike, amend, or seek new laws necessary to ensure due process and equality before the law for all residents of the state

Authority to appoint an independent Task Force (audit panel) with subpoena power to ask for and get documents from Police Departments, CC&MB, and other government agencies; to recommend changes in the practices of Police Departments, CC&MB, and other government agencies. Its jurisdiction would extend to protection of the rights of the people. Its duties would include efforts to improve civilian oversight, internal police investigations, and to address, make recommendations, and report on other issues relating to justice. The Task Force will present reports and it findings to the CC&MB, Police Departments, Mayor, City Council, Commissioners Court and the U.S. Justice Department. The CC&MB Board will appoint a liaison to the Task Force.

Inspector General (currently exists in HPD) attached to the Police Department and answerable to the Task Force, will oversee the discipline of police officers by the CC&MB, see to it that said discipline is being carried out, and follow up on recommendations of the Task Force to the CC&MB, Police Department, and other government agencies.

The following questions have been sent to the Secretary of State, Elections Division, St. Rep. Silvester Turner, US Rep's Shelia Jackson Lee, Green and Bentsen.

In the event an initiative to establish a CC&MB with various powers was successful by receiving the majority of a popular vote, is there any state law that could stop the City Council from being required to establish such a Board?

Regarding the powers mentioned above, what powers would have to be excluded, if any, considering present state law, to write an appropriate resolution?

Also, what is the extent of the jurisdiction of the City Council (City of Houston) in relation to Harris County since the District Attorney's Office serves both areas?

Email friend...spread the word.
