Hello and welcome sisters, to The
Amazon Xociety. As Amazons, we are joined in spirit,
whether together or apart. We are committed to a positive
sisterhood and an Amazon way of life and feminist activism. The Amazon Xociety is an
intergenerational feminist organization advocating for the empowerment of women and girls. We are open to all women expressing a positive mentality. We strive towards elevating womanhood and maintaining our activism. We are a modern Amazon
organization serving the practical needs of our membership while reaching out into the general community of women.
We recognize and nurture those
whose lives are in transition and those who may need
encouragement and friendship as they create liberating
changes for themselves. With the support of the Xociety,
each Amazon will work towards becoming the person she has
always wanted to be.
As women, we don't always
recognize our own power. As a population that constitutes
more than half of this country and over half the world,
we have a real and dynamic power to wield. We have an
enormous opportunity to shape the world as we would have
it, to empower and prepare our daughters for the
challenges they must face, and to change men's views of
women by the way we raise our sons. There is power in
numbers, so let's cultivate our power!!!
Funk & Wagnall's
FEMINISM - A doctrine advocating the granting of the same social,
and economic rights to women as the ones granted to men; a
movement to achieve these.
FEMINISM - 1. The theory of the political, economic, and social
equality of
the sexes. 2. Organized activity on behalf of women's rights and
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Last updated on May 2010.