The strength of our organization is based on our membership.

We want YOU to become a member of our dynamic organization. It is our desire to build and maintain an active membership of motivated women who possess a strong sense of integrity, committment, and professionalism. Are you tired of do-nothing meetings? We never meet just for the sake of meeting because we recognize how precious everyone's time is. We are always very productive and get a lot done. A key ingredient of every successful group is professionalism and committment, therefore, our meetings begin on time and regular attendance is expected of members. Accept this invitation to become an Amazon.

The strength of every organization is its members and leaders.
How dedicated are they to fulfilling the mission and goals?
Do they put in the necessary effort to make it happen?

In order to meet the goals of the organization we must have members who are interested in actually participating (program planning and implementation, mentoring, building authentic sisterhood. We are all very busy women, but we make the time to participate and make our vision a reality.

* Exclusively female

* No age requirements

* No Dues

* Teens are welcomed

* Couples are especially encouraged to join.
...(Mother/daughter, grandmother/granddaughter, aunt/niece, friends)

Membership is FREE. However, we do require your heart, your energy, your talent, your enthusiasm, optimism, and a pro-woman attitude. Again, committment in the form of regularly attending Amazon meetings is expected of everyone. Likewise, everyone is expected to honor her committments to project, committee, or other organizational work. "Some people cannot manage committment or punctuality and it is very hard to reform these bad habits" from author Elisabeth Brooke. It is critical to our organizational success that we not waste or disrespect each other's time. We work hard to set a tone of integrity where there is enough honesty to express anger, hurt, constructive criticism, praise, joy, pleasure.

Female (born woman)
Fill out Membership Form
Possess a Pro-Woman Attitude
Attend at least seven Amazon meetings per year.
Support at least one Amazon activity per year in some capacity (hopefully serving on a committe)
Attend at least one Amazon sponsored event per year.
Be on time for meetings and events.
(Time is a respect issue. It's a matter of respect for others, respect for the organization, and its mission.)

Amazons VOTE! Members over 18yrs must be registered voters.
Voter registration forms available at meetings.
(Feminists fought for over 72 years to win the right to vote for women, so show up on election day!)
[We will never tell you how to vote, but you must vote your conscience at every opportunity.]

Become a warrior for the human rights of women! Join our Amazon sisterhood.

For more information, please call 713-734-0820 or e-mail at
Due to many interested women outside of the Houston area, we are now
strengthening our on-line community of THE AMAZON XOCIETY.

Meeting Information

If you'd like to work toward achieving the objectives and goals referenced on this website, then please consider becoming a member.
You can help us maintain the momentum by adding your talents to our organization. Remember, things don't just happen all by themselves so pitch in!

Homepage | Projects | Pillars

8525 Comal Street * Houston, Texas 77051 * * 713-734-0820