Lantis Fan Site.. and other stuff... ^_~

Hello again! This would be my extremely under-developed site for fan art and fan fiction. I know it says that this is for strictly Lantis, but then there wouldn't be too much in here... ^^;;;

Lantis: She really knows how to make a guy feel good... -.-

Honestly Lantis! People don't write enough about you! Besides, I don't want to make a whole bunch of other pages to put my fan fiction on... O.o;;

Lantis: *cough*Lazy*cough*.....

Grr... You're so mean to me!!!! WAHHH~!!!

Lantis: I'm sorry!!!! O.O

Fan Fiction

Phoenix Rising - Lantis and Eagle Centric - Incomplete
12 Pains of Christmas ~ Rayearth Style

Fan Art

My personal Fan art.. ^____^
My itoko's Fan art