My Itoko's MKR Fan Art

This... is my itoko's (cousin's) work for various character, granted most are original and no Lantis. ^^;;

Lantis: I take it she doesn't like me...

That's not it! She just likes to be imaginative. ^_^

Lantis: Ah.. unlike you? *arches an eyebrow*

>.<;; You're SO mean...

Lantis: *evil smirk*

This is a fairy she made up just for Ascot. ^_^ She likes Ascot! But her fave is Ferio! ^_~ Her name is Aeris and she'll be in a fic she'll be writing just for Ascot!

Oooo... Bishie! This is her creation of Clef's other side. ^_^ CLEF!!! *-*

Lantis: Alas.. a Clef moment... *grumble*

Clef: Eh? o.o

hee hee... anyways, he'll be in her fic "The Other Side of Darkness" that I'll be posting upon completion. ^_^

Hee hee... Another picture of the gorgeous Kage. Clef's other side. ^_^ He's so hot!

Lantis: I'll be hearing about this for a while...

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