Title: Phoenix Rising

Author: Nightingale

Genre: Magic Knight Rayearth

Warning: The addition of characters and the changing of story line are present in this fic. So get used to it.

Notes: Be aware that Phoenix is a girl and she is originally from Cephiro. There is NO shounen ai or yaoi in this fic. Thanks for reading. Oh… there’s a lot of angst and Eagle doting though. *winks*

~ There was a silly damn bird called a phoenix back before Christ, and every few hundred years he built a fire and burnt himself up. He must have been first cousin to man. But every time he burnt himself up, he sprang out of the ashes, he got himself born all over again. – Fahrenheit 451

~ The Phoenix was a mythical bird with splendid plumage, reputed to live in the Arabian Desert. Fabled to be the only one of its kind, it lived for five or six centuries, after which it burned itself to death on a funeral pyre of twigs ignited by the sun and fanned by its own wings. It rose from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle, and was believed by the gods to be the symbol of hope and rebirth.

~ A mythical bird that lives for 500 years...builds its own funeral pyre is consumed by the flames...Then rises anew from the ashes… This legend supposedly symbolizes the rising and setting of the sun as well as immortality… resurrection and life after death…


I am Phoenix Solara. Born in the magical country of Cephiro, I was laughed out and scorned for the power deep within me. People taunt what they do not understand, and I was born with quite an unusual mark upon my forehead. The mark of the Phoenix, which was the symbol of our clan. Had they listened to my parents, this never would have come to be, instead, we were forced out of our home Cephiro, and into a neighboring country seeking refuge. That country is called Autozam. In a world vastly different from my home, my parents labored to gain their precious citizenship. Soon, the Solara family gained an excellent foothold in society, leading into my new life in their world of science and futuristic ideas. At the age of 12 my mother told me about my power and my heritage, leaving to me certain items that would protect me in the future. All of which came from that cursed land I know as Cephiro. One would wonder why I loathed it so deeply, but at the age of 14 they would have understood. That was the age, my parents were ripped from my life by an explosion in the lab they worked in. Scientific geniuses, who had brought about wonderful new discoveries, died in their devotion to their work. A curse of Autozam I have come to live with. I was left completely alone. Do to their upstanding work, the government took me in and raised me within their armed forces. Surprisingly, I learned quickly and flew through most of my technological courses. I excelled primarily in mechanics and machine work, but came a close second in military strategy and combat. But as a child, I was looked down upon for my gender in its weakness. So, the small girl who fell into life in Autozam was no more, and a boy took her place. No one knew that officer Phoenix Solara was indeed a ma’am and not a sir. With this logic, I decided I would always be alone, but fate had other things in mind. Thus my story begins my graduate year from Autozam’s military academy at age 17.


Looking into the mirror, eyes of shining silver analyzed the sight reflecting from the surreal surface. Hair the shade of hematite glistened in the pale light as slender fingers worked shoulder length locks into a low ponytail. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her officer’s jacket and placed the headband gently upon her brow and allowed the white drape connected to it to cover her hair. Lifting the front of the headpiece slowly she ran a finger over the bird of fire on her forehead. “Death… and rebirth… Phoenix Solara…” Smiling lightly she dropped it back into place and turned from the mirror.

A soft knock sounded at the door, causing her to turn her gaze toward it. “Yes?”

“It’s me, Eagle Vision.” The soft gently voice traveled through the door and filled her ears. The president’s son as well as the academy’s prodigy had become a good friend of hers and now they were graduating together.

“Enter.” The door slid open revealing the tall young man with short platinum blonde hair slightly curving about his brow. Golden brown eyes sparkled with excitement as he waltzed into her quarters. “Eagle… What a pleasant surprise.”

With a brilliant smile he gave her a small wink. “I got ready early I was so excited. Aren’t you? We’ve worked so long and hard for this and it’s finally paying off.”

Nodding slowly, she smiled back and nervously messed with her uniform. “You’ve worked harder than most. And I’m sure you’ll be the best Autozam has ever had. Do you think… we’ll still be friends… after this?” Her voice wavered and accidentally hit a high note.

Blinking, Eagle gave a soft smile. Clapping a hand on Phoenix’s back he spoke in a soft voice. “Hey old boy, we’ll always be friends. Remember? I told you that a long time ago. Someday, when I’m a commander, I’ll request for you to be one of my chief officers.”

The two smiled at each other as Phoenix outstretched a hand. “Promise? You had better shake on it.” With a grin Eagle clasped her hand in his.

“Promise! I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now lets go my friend before I get all nervous! I’m anxious to graduate and have this school behind me.”

“As am I.” Without another word they exited Phoenix’s room and entered into a crowd of swarming students all chattering excitedly to one another. Leaning toward Eagle she whispered into his ear a question. “What’s the fuss about do you think?”

“Probably excited like us.”

“Tsk… Eagle… Be more observant.”

Eagle gazed about slowly and eventually came to the realization of just what his friend had meant. “These are undergraduates as well.” Phoenix nodded and prodded Eagle in the side. “Why do I have to ask?”

“You’re good at talking.”

Frowning, Eagle narrowed his eyes. “And what is that supposed to mean?” Shrugging, she whistled innocently and looked away from his piercing glare. “Don’t forget I can still beat the crap out of you in sparring…” A frown crossed her lips as he grinned happily for making his point. Tapping another student on the shoulder, the boy turned about to look at him in question. “What’s all the noise about?”

The cadet went wide-eyed and leaned in closer. “Some one has been giving customs a hard time. They’re all leery about him being here cause he was a warrior from his country.”

Phoenix’s eyebrow arched slightly and gave the cadet a look. “What country?”

“I think Cephiro!” The boy beamed at his well-learned knowledge of the gossip. “Officer Solara, we haven’t had anyone from there come here since who knows when! Cephiro hardly has anyone leave!”

She winced minutely and nodded sagely in agreement. “I see... That is something strange indeed. We should check him out later. What do you think Eagle?”

Turning to look at Eagle, she caught a strange gleam in his eyes that caused her to blink. “I couldn’t agree more. It should prove very… interesting… to say the least.”

Narrowing her silver gray eyes she nodded, not liking the tone his voice had taken in the least. Eagle… Why do you sound like this? Because he is from Cephiro? No one knows I’m from there as well except top officials… Why did the fact of him being from that country excite you so?


Six hours later, the graduates laughed while comparing their diplomas. Eagle’s soft laughter reverberated in her ears as he pulled off his headgear and made motions to change from his dress uniform. “Did you bring your casual uniform so we could change here?”

Looking slightly unnerved, Phoenix shook her head trying desperately not to watch him while trying not to look suspicious. “I forgot… I should go back to my room and change. We can meet at Customs in an hour or so to see…”

Waving a hand, Eagle merely laughed at her gesture. “Phoenix, how long have we known each other?” Pausing only a moment, he took the time to watch a look of shame spread over his friend’s face. “Look… we’re almost exactly the same size… You can borrow some of my clothes.”

Forcefully she kept her eyes from widening is complete and utter shock. “Honestly Eagle, I can go back to my…”

“Good grief… Lt. Phoenix Solara! Don’t make me pull rank on you!” With that Eagle shed his jacket and ventured over to his dresser. Pulling out two sets of solid black clothing, he tossed one to her. “I’m going to take a shower now, so be a good boy and sit tight.” With a wink he disappeared into the bathroom.

Watching him silently she heaved a sigh of relief. Waiting until she knew for a fact the shower was running, she shed her clothes and put on his. Other than being slightly taller than her, they were indeed exactly the same size. Is this a good thing? Blinking she let a sigh escape her thin rose colored lips. With precision she pulled on one of his black finger-less gloves and flexed her slender digits.

Carefully folding her dress uniform, she checked herself a second time in the mirror. Dazedly she ran a finger along the fabric and failed to notice Eagle as he waltzed into the room smiling softly. “See? It fits fine doesn’t it?”

Jumping at his voice she spun about silently scolding herself for acting so strangely. “Yes, thank you.”

“Don’t act so formal. It’s not a problem my friend.” Putting his headpiece back onto his head, he shot a brilliant smile in her direction. “Shall we now go and see our new visitor? Then we can go look for out assignments.”

“Sounds good to me.” Vaguely she attempted to return the smile before they headed for the door with a calm gait. Phoenix studied his face silently from the corner of her eye. His normally soft features seemed rigid and full of serious thought. It unnerved her immensely. “Eagle, is something the matter?”

As if waking from a deep sleep he looked at her with a hazy look. “Sorry… I just have something on my mind. Shouldn’t you have something on your mind as well Mr.?”

Feeling the heat rise into her face she looked away with a huff. “I always have things on my mind, thank you very much.”

“Oh my… don’t tell me… from the color that just came to you face, you have a girlfriend! And you didn’t tell me. I’m seriously hurt.” A look of genuine hurt crossed his features as he looked at her.

“NO! Um… No… Someone has indeed caught my eye, but said person doesn’t know and isn’t ever going to know.” Turning a darker shade of red she threw a glare his way.

Frowning in mock disappointment, Eagle grasped her shoulder. “And here I wanted to help you tell this girl how you felt. You need to lighten up boy.”

Smiling weakly she nodded her head. “Perhaps you’re right. But I’d be crazy to take your advice and it certainly isn’t today. Or any time soon for that matter.” Eagle watched her a moment then shook his head.

“Ignoring that one comment… Solara, you really are an odd one. If you’re worried about rejection you aren’t as bright as we all thought you were.” Smiling slightly he let out a soft laugh. “I just thought of the funniest thing just now.”

“Uh… do I even want to know?”

“Probably not, but it’s so funny I’ll tell you anyway. You’d make a knock out girl.” Chuckling, he neglected to see the shock and horror in her sterling eyes.

Brushing her hematite bangs from her face she pulled herself together. “Ha ha… Very funny Vision…” Silently, she whapped him on the back of the head.

Rubbing the back of his head he smiled in an innocent manner. “And here I thought I had made an extremely valid point.” Grinning in satisfactory at her fuming, he looked up at the customs sign. “Here we are.”

Submerging from her anger she looked blankly up at the sign. They walked through the door and waved to the officer at the desk. “Hello Vision… Solara…” The man smiled at the duo politely. “What do you two need?”

Eagle beamed. “Can we get a look at the guy from Cephiro while he’s still in holding?” The officer looked at the boy a moment then sighed.

“If it weren’t for your father, Vision, I’d smack you just for the thought of asking me such an insane question.” Eagle laughed and Phoenix at the man in amusement. He wasn’t the only one susceptible to Eagle’s charms. “He’s in cell number nine. Be careful and have your laser swords at ready. I trust you two.”

With smiles the teens walked calmly down the cellblock. Stopping at the one numbered nine, Eagle pressed his hand to the pad and the door slid open quietly. Inside sat a man in solid black and silver armor complete with a long white cape that swept the floor. “Hello, my name is Eagle Vision.”

The man turned about to reveal deep sapphire eyes shaded by jagged ebony bangs. Phoenix gasped slightly recognizing his uniform as a high guard from Cephiro. The man shifted his gaze to her and gave an expectant look. Eagle blinked and looked at his companion giving a sigh of resignation.

Turning back to the man, Eagle beamed. “His name is Phoenix Solara.”

“Do you people have a thing for birds?” The deep voice was thick and very soft as he once more turned away.

“Will you tell us your name please?” Eagle pressed on as he ignored the low remark.


“Lantis, nice to meet you. Welcome to Autozam. I’ll work on getting you cleared.” Phoenix turned to Eagle in shock. “I’m sure we can get this settled soon.”

With a curt shake of her head, she knew he was telling the truth. “That’s true sir. Eagle is an excellent talker.”

Once again Eagle shot a sharp glare at her. Lantis turned to look the blonde in the eyes silently for a long moment as if searching his soul. “I understand.” Lantis then gazed at Phoenix a moment with darkened eyes speaking of knowledge he shouldn’t have possessed concerning her.

Eagle offered a hand to Lantis. “I hope we can be friends.” Lantis gripped his hand carefully and nodded in consent. “My friend and I must get to work then. We’ll see you again soon.” The other nodded and calmly watched Phoenix lag behind.

“Lantis… you are…”

“You shouldn’t point fingers. You yourself are from Cephiro am I not correct?” The cold tone of voice echoed in her ears as she looked downward. “Let’s not ask questions. We are both hiding a great deal of things about ourselves. Let’s keep it that way for now.”

Nodding she spun about and rushed to catch up with Eagle. “What took you so long?” Eagle stared at her heavily wondering what was going through her head.

“Nothing, he just… disturbs me slightly.” Eagle smiled and closed his eyes. “We should go to see where we’ve been assigned.”

Fear was in his golden eyes as he looked up at her. “Yes… Let’s do that…”


The walk was silent as they stood at each other’s sides deep in the sea of their thoughts. Phoenix felt a freezing stone in the pit of her stomach and she knew it was fear. She had become so extremely close to Eagle and now they faced the idea of being separated. Their four long years of friendship didn’t seem so long anymore, and the idea of losing him made her heart quiver and ache. You’re so stupid Solara… You knew you’d always be alone…

“Phoenix…” She looked up abruptly to the boy walking solemnly at her side. “If we get sent far away from each other, you’d better keep in touch. I’ve got used to having you around all the time…”

Eyes of silver took in his intense face while forcing her face to remain utterly expressionless. “Eagle, we’re best friends. I’ll keep in touch, I promise.” A smile finally inched its way across his smooth countenance making the lump in her throat finally dissipate. She was truly in love with that smile.

“Hey Eagle! Phoenix!” Both looked up to see an extremely tall man with spiked raven colored hair running toward them grinning. “I know your assignments!”

“Hello, Geo. What did you find?” The older officer smiled at the blonde and gave the thumbs up to him.

“You’ve been assigned to the NSX as chief Lt. You’re gonna be with me!” Grinning broadly, Geo clasped his hand on one of Eagle’s shoulders. “It’s what you’ve always wanted!”

A minute smile touched Eagle’s lips, but soon faded when he looked at the ever-solemn Phoenix. He knew Phoenix was excellent at hiding emotions, but he was the only one that could read through it half the time. Whispering to Geo, he kept an eye on Phoenix as she nonchalantly looked toward the assignment office. “What about him?”

Geo blinked then shook his head sadly, replying in a hushed tone. “Eagle, Phoenix was assigned to the RSX as chief engineer. He has received a high honor… but…” The older cut off and looked to the ground heavily trying to think of something to say in comfort.

Sadness filled his golden brown eyes as he turned to Phoenix who continued to pretend not to care. Eagle saw the ache in the shining silver eyes and knew she had heard them. “Phoenix… that’s pretty amazing… To come straight out of the academy and receive a commanding position.” He forced a smile, but didn’t feel it at all. The president’s son didn’t want to lose his best friend, but he didn’t want him to miss such a golden chance either.

Phoenix flashed a smile and silently ran her fingers though her shining black-gray hair. “I’m honored indeed…” She stared into Eagle’s eyes and softened her gaze for him.

Catching the gesture he felt the pain slash through him like a knife causing him to wince. “It truly is…”

Geo sighed softly and watched the two exchange looks that spoke louder than words. He’d known them forever it seemed and they’d been always joined at the hip it seemed. “Hey guys, cheer up. We still have a week before we split up.” Attempting to beam reassuringly, it only lightened their moods slightly.

After receiving their assignments, Phoenix excused her presence even after Eagle’s insistence that she stay with them. She had smiled at the brilliant blonde and shook her head telling him she needed to get some rest. She had a splitting headache from all of the changes she knew she was going to have to face. After a long moment, he finally relented and she’d begun her long trek back toward her quarters.

I knew this would happen… I thought I was ready for it. I thought I was strong enough to be alone. Clenching her fists, she felt her nails dig into the palm of her hand through the gloves. Stopping, she looked at her gloved hand and sighed heavily. It’s all his fault. The first day I met him, all I wanted was for him to…

“Yo Phoenix!” Blinking, she rose her eyes to an officer running toward her. Noticing the long dark blonde hair she shivered. “Can I walk with you?”

Forcing a light smile, she fought off the grimace threatening to surface as she nodded in resignation. “All right Sienna. Do you need something?” The girl beamed up at Phoenix and hugged her. “Uh…” In shock, Phoenix merely patted Sienna’s back as she clung to her.

“I heard about your assignment! That is so cool!” Glowing orbs of aquamarine looked into Phoenix’s eyes. “You are a lucky guy you know that?”

Slowly, Phoenix pried herself loose of the death grip Sienna had her in. “Yes, I suppose I am.”

“Must suck to lose your best friend though, huh?” Sienna gave her a sad smile then ruffled Phoenix’s bangs. “You know I was assigned to the RSX as well…”

Phoenix stared down at the girl clinging to her arm and fought the urge to roll her eyes. “Is that so…” Dear God… Why me? The girl giggled and nodded, refusing to relinquish her hold of Phoenix’s arm, which was slowly losing circulation. Sighing, she began her walk toward her room silently groaning to herself.

As they walked on, Sienna still refused to let go, until they ran into Eagle, whom had been on his way to check on Phoenix. Golden eyes widened as he stared in shock at the sight before him. Taking a deep breath, he looked again with more observance as Phoenix always told him to and realized the complete disgust in his friend’s metal toned eyes. “Well, Sienna… It seems you’ve leeched your way onto an unsuspecting prey…”

The bite in Eagle’s voice caused a soft chuckle to escape Phoenix that she couldn’t quite hold in. The boy smiled at her then looked at the fuming girl rooted at his friend’s side. “Eagle Vision! You’re just jealous! Especially since he’s assigned to the same ship as I and not you!” Smiling arrogantly, she didn’t see the anger seeping into Eagle’s eyes.

“That may be true, but if you’d pay more attention you little parasite, you’d notice my friend here doesn’t like you hanging all over him…” The venom in his voice instantly brought a frown to Phoenix’s paled face. Looking away as Sienna stared up at her, trying to decide how she’d respond.

Torn between being mad for being drug into this, and laughter at the brutal truth, Phoenix remained stoic. “I will not comment…”

“You’re too polite Phoenix…” Eagle smirked softly. “Honesty is the best policy. Just tell the truth.”

“Phoenix! It’s not true is it? You like me don’t you?” The sadness and tears crept into her eyes as Phoenix looked down upon her void of feeling.

“Sienna… Being friends is one thing… more than that… well… put simply… repulses me.” Utter horror sprang across her face as she stared up at the hematite haired girl.

“You… you… JERK!” Eagle began to laugh as she fumed. Finally, Sienna reared back to slap Phoenix, but Eagle firmly grasped her wrist before she could with a frown on his smooth features. “Let go Eagle!”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that Miss Sienna. Please just leave.” The intense look on Eagle’s face seemed to calm the anger and change it into fear.

With a defeated look she turned away. “Fine…” Pausing she looked back at Phoenix and smiled slightly. “I have time to change your mind.” Silently Phoenix sighed as she waltzed away with a spring in her step.

Eagle laughed and shook his head. “My friend, you had me worried there for a minute when I first saw you.”

“Eagle…” In a calm voice she threw a glare his way. “You are a cruel… brutally honest… jerk… Thanks.” A smirk bent her lips as she grasped his shoulder.

“Not a problem, Phoenix.” Smiling brightly, he draped an arm over Phoenix’s shoulders. “And here I thought you ditched me for that leech.” There was no stopping it, Phoenix burst out in laughter not even eagle had heard before. “Wow, it seems I’ve finally gotten you to laugh whole heartedly.”

Carefully she calmed herself and rubbed the moisture from her eyes. “Eagle… One, I’d never ditch you, and two… If I ever like her… shoot me!” The two laughed and walked into Phoenix’s quarters.

“It’s a deal.” Eagle grinned and sprawled out on her bed. “Hey Phoenix… are you feeling ok? You seem really out of it today and I’m worried…” Eagle stared blankly at the ceiling in perfect silence. “Phoenix… you’re my best friend… you know you can talk to me about anything.”

Phoenix turned to her mirror slowly and stared into it’s shimmering depths. Taking in a deep breath she pressed a hand lightly on its cool surface. “Eagle… you know… I was an orphan… I was… raised in the military academy.” Eagle sat up and looked at her with wide eyes. “When my parents died… I didn’t even cry. Mom had asked me not to cry no matter what happened. And the only thing that came from my eyes were drops of blood… I… I was left all alone… I had no one…”

Eagle stood up and rested his hands on Phoenix’s shoulders gently trying to transfer some sort of comfort to her. “You don’t have to say anymore. Phoenix… I’ll be here for you no matter what.” She turned about and faced him smiling with a touch of melancholy. The burning in her eyes intensified, but she followed her normal protocol and bit back the emotions.

“Thanks Eagle.” The blonde smiled and reached to his neck and pulled off his dog tags. “Eagle? What…”

“Hey… I know… it’s illegal and all not to have both of them, but…” Unclasping the chain he removed one of the silver plates bearing all of his information then handed it to her. She took it in her hand and stared at it in complete shock. “There… now you remember… friendship like ours isn’t going to leave you alone.”

Phoenix blinked and smiled wider than she ever had in her entire life. Eagle was about to clasp his chain when she grabbed his hand to halt his motions. “Wait…” Slowly she pulled off her tags and removed one of the tags and placed it gently into his hand. “There… that’s better.” The two laughed and put their id tags back on.

With a grin, Eagle trotted to the door and motioned for her to follow. “I talked dad into letting Lantis go. Let’s go get him!” Phoenix laughed softly and nodded in agreement.

“You are impossible, Eagle.”

“Better believe it!” Eagle strutted proudly then stopped short. “But um… We are to be responsible for him. And he has to stay with you a while, because he can’t live with the president’s son and…” Phoenix silently fumed at her friend and chunked a pillow at his head. “Ow!”

“What? He has to live with ME? Are you nuts? Why did you drag me into this?” Phoenix glared at Eagle who tugged at his collar nervously.

“It’s just for a week Phoenix, please? It would really help me out… and you know how much dad trusts you.”

“Dear lord Eagle…” Phoenix sighed and cupped her forehead in a gloved hand. “This is black mail, but fine. Only because it’s for you… I can’t believe this.”

“You know you can’t live without me.” Smiling nervously, Eagle watched her with expectant hope.

Sadly you’re right. “Yeah sure… If you say so. Let’s go get him before I change my mind.” Eagle hugged her quickly and bounded out of the room chanting ‘thank you’ countless times, leaving an extremely stunned Phoenix.


Phoenix lagged at least three steps behind her friends and the towering man in black at his side. Eagle was talking nearly nonstop to Lantis, completely happy with the occasional acknowledgment. It seemed as though she’d been totally forgotten within the blonde’s mind. Sighing, she allowed her silver eyes to wander and look about their surroundings. Her attention wandered after it and hadn’t realized that she let her stoic mask break. Her face rippled with emotion she had shown before. Sadness, pain, despair and forgotten memories of a blackened past. Eagle finally turned to look at her when he noticed Lantis looking back at her. “Phoenix…”

Instantly the look faded away as she snapped to attention. Seeing the worry clear on Eagle’s face she turned a light red. “Yes?”

Eagle took a visible breath and shook his head in dismay as he looked away from her. “Nothing… Lantis… for the week you’ll be staying with Phoenix. He’ll take care of you and I’ll come by a lot to help you get settled in. He’s a great guy so you’ll have nothing to worry about Lantis.” The ebony haired man nodded and gave her a piercing look with his deep blue eyes.

Phoenix smiled minutely and trailed her eyes to the ground. “I’m sure… we’ll get along fine.” She winced at his words, but made no motions.

“That’s good. This is Phoenix’s quarters, so I’ll let you two get acquainted. I need to go… speak with my father. I’ll be by later.” He smiled lightly to reassure the stressed out hematite-haired officer staring at him hopelessly. “Catch you later.” With a wave, he spun about and walked away.

Looking at Lantis, she took a deep breath. Taking off one of her gloves, she then pressed her hand to the panel next to the door sending the door open with a swoop. “I’ll show you around, and then we’ll go out and do something about your attire.” The man nodded and walked inside with her following closely behind. “I’m one of the few that have quarters to myself. It was originally a double, so it’ll be easy for you to move in.”

With a nod he looked around the neatly designed living area and smiled slightly. “How long have you lived here in Autozam?”

“Since I was a small child.”

“Why did you leave?”

Her silver eyes averted to the floor as she debated her answer. “How well do you know Cephiro?”

“Very well…” He gazed at her solemnly as she removed her headgear and laid it aside.

“Then maybe you’ll know.” Gently she lifted her bangs to reveal the red mark on her forehead in the shape of the mythical phoenix firebird. Mouth gaping he took a step closer to take in the mark of the bird of old. “Phoenix… death and rebirth… You are of the family Solara that fled from Cephiro… But…”

Eyes widening, she wondered if this truly was a good idea telling him so much. “Yes… people fear what they don’t understand.”

“But… the child with the mark… was a…” She shot a hand up and looked at him in utter terror. “I see… so you are.”

“Please… don’t tell anyone…”

“You have my word. I am the only Cail of Cephiro as well as the former captain of the pillar’s guards.” Blinking she moved to speak but he cut her off. “You know my story and I know yours… Let’s leave it at that.”

“I understand.” Replacing her headgear, she grabbed her elaborate white cape trimmed in black and royal purple. "Shall we get you out fitted now in the shopping district?” With a nod they headed out the door and toward the shopping district of Autozam’s capital. “I am a mechanic as well as a warrior. If you like, I can get you a chance to pilot one of our mechs.”

“That sounds good. Do you have one of your own?”

“Yes… It’s called the STO… Not as good as the FTO or GTO… But I’m fond of it. Anyway, there’s nothing I can’t improve.” She smiled triumphantly.

“Which one is Eagle’s?”

“The FTO…”

“You upgraded it didn’t you?” Blushing she nodded slowly. “Nothing but the best for him I gather.”

“Uh… yeah…” Rubbing the back of her head she slowly regained control. “How…?”

Lantis just smiled slightly and looked onward. “Actions speak louder than words.”

With a curt nod she pointed at a store off to their right. “We’ll pick you up some clothing and supplies, then we’ll head over to the training arena and see the mechs. If you catch on pretty quick I’ll let you pilot mine.” As they entered a woman rushed out to greet them smiling warmly. “Hello Cheyenne, mind helping my friend out today?”

With a brilliant smile the brunette nodded. “Anything for you Mr. Solara. I see he likes black. I have the perfect clothes! Be right back!” Emerald eyes sparkled as she winked at Phoenix.

Lantis turned to her and quirked an eyebrow slowly. “What can I say… I’m popular and what they don’t know won’t hurt them.” The taller shook his head. With a slight grin she rested her fists on her hips. “It would suck if it were a known fact. Guys would think I was freaky or something.”

“You’re friendlier than you put yourself out to be.”

“Well… thanks… so are you.” Lantis blinked then looked up as the store clerk came running back and grabbed his hand excitedly.

“He’ll be right back looking just as handsome as you Phoenix!” Cheyenne giggles and disappeared toting Lantis behind her. Less than ten minutes later she came back grinning happily. “Ta da! Told you!”

Lantis walked out of the back room fully decked in Autozam style clothing that was mostly black and trimmed in white. “Very nice. Great job Cheyenne.” Phoenix smiled at her causing her to blush. “Could you get a few more outfits in his size and have them sent to my quarters? He’ll be our guest for a while.”


“Thanks! How much do I owe you Miss Cheyenne?”

“Oh nothing at all Phoenix! It’s on me this time. It’s not everyday I get to see two handsome men at once.” With a wink she waved to them. “Have a nice day!”

Phoenix waved back and turned for the door. “Thanks again Cheyenne. See you some other time.” They could her giggle as they walked out onto the street. “Nice girl… You look really good you know. Is it comfortable.”

“It’s nice.” Lantis observed his outfit and smiled at her slightly. “Do I get an interesting head piece as well?”

The girl blinked and touched the purple gem lying on the center of the silver plate on her forehead. “Yes. I can get you one at the training arena. I have to find one that melds well with you mental energy.” The other nodded looking deep in thought as they walked toward the military compound once more.

Approaching a large building, she once again placed the palm of her hand on a blacked out panel sending the large doors open with a soft swoosh. “You have access to a lot I see…”

Shrugging she acquired a smug grin on her fine porcelain face. “The rewards of being raised by the military and being best friends with the president’s son are quite endless.” Lantis nodded once more as they traveled down the seemingly endless hall large enough to fit a full sized battleship inside of it. To the left and right stood tall mechas in the shadows. “These are most of the graduates and some of the higher ranking officers mechs. Some of the best mechanics work here…”

“Including you?”

A bit shocked, she smiled and looked away to hide the color as it rose to her cheeks. “I suppose. Not for much longer though…” A sadness flooded her features as she stopped at a highly technological console. “I’ve been assigned else where.” Deftly her fingers worked over the keypad. Silently a panel on the wall slid open to reveal a few different headpieces on clear shelves. “Could you put one on? I need to read your mental energy level…”

Soundlessly, Lantis grabbed one with a deep blue gem and slid it onto his head. Blank eyes of sterling silver gazed at the readings, while tapping a few buttons. “If I chose the wrong one… Will I need to try again?”

Looking up at Lantis she shook her head. “I just need to make adjustments. Does it fit ok?”

“Yes. It’s quite comfortable.”

“Good… you have a nice mental energy level… Even higher than mine. Nearly as high as Eagle. I thought you would be though.” Slender fingers glided over the keypad as she made the necessary adjustments. “I think I’ll even be able to spar with you if you catch on quick enough.” A smile finally broke her stern looks. “Ready to learn?” Pressing a button, the panel closed and lights flickered off.

Smirking, he nodded in agreement. “Ready when you are officer Solara.”


“Faster Lantis!” The large mechs flew about the arena with grace searching for just the right opening in which the other’s defenses would be weakened for a shot. Peering through her pale purple visor she saw the intense expression playing upon his stern face. Watching the high readings for his biological data she wondered how she could possibly explain to him how the mechanics of the machine worked, then as if the light had just turned on she knew just how to explain it to him. “Lantis! Like magic. Use your thoughts as you would your will in Cephiro. The mind is power here just as the will is there. Put your thoughts into motions! Make your movements flow. See yourself as the machine!”

Nodding he attempted to relax his composure and watch her quick movements as she approached him. Almost as if he had melded his mind with the machine, it hit him and he sprung into motion like a wolf stalking and awaiting its prey. Catching her completely off guard, he slammed her STO into the ground with a resounding crash. As the dust cleared he smirked at her through his comm. screen. “Like that?”

Looming over her she saw the grin etch its way over his smooth features. “Exactly…” Smirking, she pushed a few buttons with a gleam in her silver toned eyes. “STO… move…” Instantly the large mech moved with the grace of a bird swooping down to brush it’s wing tips on the glassy surface of a lake and swung about to sweep the others legs out from beneath it. Gaping, Lantis swore she never once touched the ground and had defied all laws of gravity. “Fight me like you mean it Lantis!”

“Happy to oblige…” Jumping to its feet, he catapulted it’s immense weight into her while igniting its laser sword. With a flare of sparks, swords crashed like lightning nearly becoming one with one another.

Growling softly she put all of her energy into trying to push him backward, but her concentration was shattered and sent her crashing beneath Lantis’ blow. Before he could stop, the blade swerved out of his control and drove itself deep into her mech. “Phoenix! What are you doing? Dear God! Phoenix!” Eagle’s voice flowed into her slowing fading consciousness amongst the crackling energy of the cockpit.

Lantis stared wide-eyed at the mess that had come to be by his failure to control his strength. Kneeling the large machine down to the ground, he jumped from the hatch and ran to her sizzling mech. “Phoenix! Can you hear me? STO! Open!” The cockpit grudgingly complied, screeching as it opened revealing her limp unconscious form, crimson blood trickling down her porcelain face. Biting his lip he carefully reached into the sparking mess and lifted her out of the wreckage. Cradling her to him he checked her pulse desperate to know she was all right. The relief flooded into his face when he was finally able to find it. “You’ll be all right.”

In a flurry of deep green and white, Eagle bolted across the arena toward them. “Phoenix! What did you do to him?” A flash of pain and anger lit up his golden brown eyes as they bore into Lantis.

“Phoenix was teaching me how to use the LTO and we were sparring. When you called his name… He dropped his guard and I wasn’t able to respond fast enough.” The two stared at each other until Eagle looked down with shame written plainly on his face.

“I see… Then it’s my fault… Is… he ok?” Lantis nodded slightly in reply to the suddenly wilting blonde. “Let’s take him to the med. lab.”

“No… he’s all right. No major wounds or injuries. Just a bad bump on the head. Let’s just get him back to his quarters.” Eagle stared with wide light brown eyes at his best friend’s limp form in the Cephiro man’s arms. Regret and shame filled his posture and he slumped while giving a nod. This was his fault and he’d never forgive himself for it.


Phoenix shot up in her bed gazing wildly about the room. Silver eyes with a misty haze finally caught sight of sapphire and took a pause in their frantic search. Her body ached immensely from head to toe. The magnetic pulse the STO had put off had nearly sent her into convulsions and she knew that she had come out very lucky. Lantis quietly regarded her as she checked herself for any extensive damage. Silently he reached out and touched her hand that was lying limply at her side and gave her a light smile. “Try not to move too much… You need to rest. You went into shock after your console exploded. How are you feeling?”

Hazily she glared down at the sheets covering her black clothed form. “I’ll survive. My nervous system is rather shot from being fried so nicely.” Sighing softly she clenched her free hand into a fist allowing her nails to pierce her soft pale skin. Droplets of bright crimson beaded along her fingers as her eyes slid closed. “I can’t believe this. I was so stupid. Not only will it take forever to fix STO, he probably…”

Lantis reached out and pressed a finger softly to her lips in a gentle attempt to halt her words. “No… he doesn’t. It’s all right. He’s in the bathroom… Seems he’s rather sick.” Phoenix allowed her eyes to widen as she looked at Lantis quietly. “Your secret is safe… but you should calm him down.”

Nodding with a pained look she let out a prolonged sigh. “Thank you… for helping me… I truly don’t know why you did so, but I thank you sincerely.”

The ebony haired man leaned back in his chair as he closed his eyes. “I feel partially responsible as I should… besides… I think you need to realize that not all of Cephiro is full of hate like you think.”

Shock filled her face as she took in his solemn repose. “I see…” Suddenly the door slid open and an extremely pale Eagle ran into the room and nearly knocked Phoenix into the wall as he pounces her. “Eagle? Oof!”

Arms draping securely about Phoenix, Eagle hugged her tightly to him. “Are you ok? I’m SO sorry! I don’t know how to tell you just how much!” Pulling back he cupped Phoenix’s face in his hands. “I’ve been so worried.”

Blinking, Phoenix stared into the ghastly white face of her beloved best friend. “I’m fine… Just sore and out of sorts… Not to mention a nasty bump on the head… Don’t worry about me. You are the one who looks ill.”

Eagle shook his head and finally released her. “I deserve it… as long as you’re all right. By the way… I never realized how long your hair was until today.”

“Ah… yeah… I like it long.”


“Of course! Why else would I have it that way?” Phoenix gave Eagle a look of impatience then defiantly closed her eyes.

“Gees Phoenix… lighten up will ya? I like it.” Eagle smiled as her eyes fluttered open. “By the way! I heard assignments office is looking for you!”

With a slight nod, Phoenix smiled back into his bright countenance. “Thanks. How long have I been out? Not too long I hope.”

“Amazingly, you woke up sooner than I had guessed.” His pale lips curved into a lopsided smile as he made himself comfortable beside her. “I can’t believe you taught Lantis so much so quickly. You guys looked like you’d been practicing most of your lives. If it weren’t for the outcome, I’d be in a state of awe.” Sad eyes averted to the bed in shame once more.

Reaching out, she rested her bent fingers beneath his chin and rose his eyes to hers. With as much warmth as she could muster, she beamed at him. “Never give it a second thought. I shouldn’t have been distracted so easily.”

In relief he finally smiled back. “You’re the best Phoenix.”

“Not really… besides… I’ve messed up your clothes. And I’ve also got a lot of work on my hands due to STO.” A spark of anguish flickered in her silver eyes as she forced herself to keep smiling.

“Not to worry about either! I found an extremely talented mechanic to work on STO while you recover. His name is Zazu Torque. He and Geo are good friends.” Eagle grinned and ruffled her hair. “I’m glad you and Lantis are getting along well.”

“I’m sure you are.” Phoenix smirked then sent Lantis a quick smile over Eagle’s shoulder. Instantly Eagle flared slightly in reaction to the gesture. Laughing, she rested her hand on his shoulder. “Something the matter Eagle?”

“You just like making me flustered.”

“Maybe I do.”


Lantis smirked from his spot in the corner and rose to his feet. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you two reminded me of a married couple.” Phoenix instantly shot a worried glance up at him.

Eagle turned about gaping slightly at Lantis in shock. “What? No… just best friends. He’s like my brother.” As if she were a flower in the desert heat, she wilted instantly at his words.

Noticing, Lantis gave her a sorrowful look knowing he was responsible for this as well. “I know. Why don’t we allow Phoenix to rest and clean up?” Eagle nodded slowly as Lantis kept him from looking at the withered girl perched upon her bed.

“Yes, Phoenix do that and we’ll come back later to check on you.” Solemnly, as if deep in thought, Eagle walked out of the room leaving her to feel as though she’d been submerged in darkness.

With heavy eyes Lantis observed her rigid repose and intense look of pain as her fist clenched tightly upon her lap. “It’ll be all right. I’ll come back in an hour or so.” Nodding as if she didn’t care, she slid from her bed staring at nothing in particular. Eagle seemed to have wandered off on his own and Lantis was now heavily considered staying with her.

She took slow steps and soon found herself collapsing into his arms. Soundlessly he put an arm around her waist and walked her to the bathroom. Heavily she leaned against the sink and stared on blankly. “I should have died with my parents.”

Shaking his head, he turned on the water and busied himself readying her shower. “Phoenix… That boy would die if you weren’t in his life. Perhaps you should tell him…”

“No… it wouldn’t matter now. I’m nothing but a surrogate sibling to him. So either way, I’ll always be nothing.” Running slender fingers through her gleaming locks she turned to look in the mirror. “Lantis… do you think I could be pretty?”

The tall man turned to her in slight surprise. Staring through jagged bangs of ebony, he met her eyes in the mirror. “Yes. I do.” He gave a swift smile and soon found her clinging to him desperately.

Gently he wrapped an arm about her shoulders and stood with her in silence. “I wish I could cry. My heart wants to. It feels as though all the tears have turned to dust and blew away.” Dropping her cheek against the fabric covering his chest, she closed her eyes. “I’m sorry for dragging you into this. Normally I’m not like this. Normally I’m stronger and can stand on my own. But… you see straight through me as if I were an open book.” His grip tightened about her telling her it was ok speaking louder than words. “Thank you Lantis.” Taking a deep breath she pulled herself onto her feet. “I think I’ll be all right now. You can go look around the city. My card with my credits on it is on the table next to the door if you need to buy something…”

Carefully, Lantis cupped her chin and rose her eyes to his. With his other hand he gently swept away her silken bangs of hematite. “Solara… you have a truly kind heart. Thank you for taking me in. I’ll not be a bother. I’ll come back in exactly an hour to check on you.” Nodding simultaneously he turned and left the bathroom, allowing the door to slide closed behind him.

Placing a hand lightly on her chin where he touched her she blushed lightly. “Thank you… so very much… Lantis.” With a soft smile she shed the clothes Eagle had loaned her and stepped into the shower after unbinding her chest.


Drying herself off slowly, she relished the warm and refreshed feeling upon her skin. Walking out of the bath, she wrapped the deep amethyst towel about her torso just below her arms. Quickly she glanced about the room and smiled lightly. Lantis wasn’t back yet and it meant she had some time to herself to piece her broken up life back together. Standing before her full-length mirror she took in her damp hair that clung to her porcelain white skin. It looked almost black instead of its vibrant silver gray she was used to seeing. Breathing in the clean fresh smell she rationalized that Lantis would have to knock before entering since the palm scan wouldn’t recognize his biological data. Letting go of the towel she allowed it to fall to the floor to form a small puddle lapping over her feet.

Finally opening her eyes, she hadn’t realized that she’d closed them in the first place. Shyly she took in her slender form with sad eyes. As much as she hated to admit it, she was becoming a female with every single curvature and formation. There was no denying it at all. “I hate you…” Silver eyes flared into the mirror reflecting all of the hate that she held for herself and the lie she lived in.

Suddenly a horror filled gasp resounded from the back of the room causing her to freeze in the place that she stood. Not daring to look back to see whom it was, she already knew. Only one other person was allowed to enter these quarters unannounced, and he had platinum blonde hair and golden brown eyes. “Phoenix…”

Instantly she dropped to her knees and snatched up the towel to recover her bare body. Still she dared not turn to face him, to see the hurt or betrayal that was sure to lie in the gorgeous eyes. Her lips began to tremble as the room grew extremely cold wrapping even her soul in dread and ice. Nervously she grasped the tags about her neck searching for some sort of security while closing her eyes. “Eagle…” Her voice cracked with emotion and unexpectedly took on a feminine sound. “I…”

His breathing could be heard across the room and she knew this wasn’t good at all. Finally she mustered the courage to slowly turn around and look him in the eye while still clenching the necklace as if it were the only thing left that was real in life. Their eyes met like two seas of clashing precious metal and she saw the terror mixed with surprise in his normally sparkling eyes. Brimmed about their rims in crystalline liquid she knew what he was feeling. Betrayal. The intense gaze dropped to the floor as he forced out pained words to her. “I came… by to… check on you… you didn’t answer so I… I let myself in. Forgive me.” Quickly he spun about and hurriedly rushed to the door.

“Eagle! Please… Don’t leave…” The pleading agony in her voice stopped him in mid step but he made no move to face her. “Let me explain…” A dry sob caught in her throat as she out stretched a hand in his direction. Slowly he turned toward her still avoiding eye contact and sat in a chair, while averting his eyes to the floor.

Moving silently he clenched his hands into one another tightly causing his knuckles to become paler than they already were. “Please…do.”

Shivering, she felt a complete feeling of helplessness flow through out her being. “I was born in another country… At a young age, my parents and I fled from there to here. They claimed me as a male because they didn’t want me to be discriminated. I stuck with it because in the military girls are considered the weakest link…” Something seemed to crumble in her chest as her knees finally gave and sent her crashing to the floor. “Please! Don’t hate me! No one in Autozam knows! Not even your father! I could be imprisoned for this…” Pausing, she allowed the tremors to shake her fragile form. “But… then again… if I could ease your pain by being imprisoned or killed… I would…” Suddenly she felt a snap in her soul and a barrier that had been carefully placed in her heart fell apart as she began to sob for the first time ever in her life. Even as an infant she hadn’t cried, now it was all that was coming from her eyes that were thought to be dry and void of the pressure liquid. Broken and upon her knees before the only person she’d ever loved and trusted, there was nothing else she could do but cry over the pain and mistakes she had impinged upon him.

Suddenly, warm arms encircled her chilled body and began to rock her back and forth in soothing motions. Her face was pressed against his warm chest, soaking the white fabric with her salty tears. A hand slowly worked through her wet hair while the other merely held onto her waist in order to steady her. “Phoenix… I don’t want any of that for you… My pain will eventually fade away… I… please don’t cry. I’ve never seen you cry before no matter how much pain you were in… This hurts me more than what…” He choked on his words as he dropped his chin lightly upon her head.

“Eagle… I’m so sorry… I’m so very sorry…” Gently he pulled away and looked at her tear stricken face. With shaking fingers he caressed her cheek and brushed them away. “Eagle…”

“Phoenix… just because you are a she and not a he… doesn’t mean that you’re no longer the same person. You’re still the friend I cherish and care about… It’ll just be hard to grasp and adjust for a while…” Never once letting her go, he finally met her eye to eye. Both of them were a sea of churning emotions that neither could begin to fathom. “Don’t apologize anymore… I understand your reasoning…”

Without another thought she wrapped her arms about his neck and pulled him close to her. “So… You’ll still keep all of your promises?”

“Hm… we’ll see…” Phoenix pulled back to look at him with widened eyes. Two of his fingers then pressed to her lips and hushed her oncoming questions. “You’ll know when the time comes. But first let me get used to the idea of my best friend being a gorgeous lady.”

Phoenix slowly shook her head and let her head fall against his chest heavily. “You’re impossible Eagle…”

“That I am… would you truly have me any other way?” Slowly he began to rub her back to loosen up the tense muscles lying beneath her silk like ivory skin.

“I adore you just the way you are.” Sighing softly she listened to the comforting beat of his heart as she slipped into the awaiting darkness of unconsciousness.

“I’m glad…” Realizing she fell asleep he looked down upon her a moment in thought before gently pressing his lips to the top of her head in a chaste kiss. Afterwards he lifted her into his arms and cradled her against him. “And to be honest, you really are a knock out girl just as I suspected.” A soft smile curled his lips as he took her to her bed and laid her upon it. “Get your rest sweet little fire bird… Someday we’ll talk through this… I have to figure myself out first… as well as how I truly feel.”


Blinking a few times, Phoenix attempted to clear the haziness from her vision. The room about her was dark and a small digital clock blared out in neon numbers four am. Gently she rubbed her temples with her index fingers and whimpered in despair. “Please tell me it wasn’t a dream…” A soft rustle brought her attention to her side where Eagle’s head laid resting upon his crossed arms as he sat on the floor. Feeling her cheeks turn a dark crimson, she realized she was still not clothed. The towel had fallen away and the sheet was all that covered her lithe form. Carefully she slid from the bed around Eagle, trying desperately not to wake him.

As quietly as possible she dug out some clothing from her dresser and put them on. As soon she was done moving about, Eagle moved slightly and muttered in a tired voice. “Are you decent?”

Blinking, she once again turned a brilliant shade of red. “Yes… Did you stay…?”

His head rose slowly and he groaned softly in discomfort. “Yes… I told father I was staying with you for the evening.” Looking up at her, he allowed his hazy eyes to wander cautiously over her form that was dressed only in a T-shirt and shorts. He’d never seen her so revealed before, other than when he walked in on her earlier that evening. “And if you’re wondering, I sent Lantis to my quarters for the night.”

Shivering slightly under his appraising eyes, she moved back toward the bed. “I see… Thank you… for staying.” Slender arms hugged herself as she began to tremble intensely.

“It’s my pleasure.” Rising to his feet he peered into her precious metal eyes in slight worry. “Why are you shaking? Are you hurting? Are you feeling ok?”

Shaking her head she breathed in a labored breath. “I’m ok. I’m just not used to feeling… so exposed like this…” A fleeting smile touched his lips as her words reached his ears. Taking her hand lightly, he pulled her to him and hugged her.

“It’ll be ok Phoenix. I don’t ever want to hurt you. Do you want me to stay or go home now?”

“Please stay… I don’t want to be alone right now… And…” Her voice slowly became lower than a whisper. “I fear as soon as you walk out… we’ll never be this close again…”

Drinking in the fear in her eyes he knew full well that she knew what was going to happen in the near future. With the rising of the sun, he’d be gone, and she could say nothing to stop him. With a soft nod he gently began leading her toward her bed. “Of course…” As he attempted to push her down she refused to let go of his form. The farther he moved from her the more intense the trembling became, so finally he picked her up and laid her down before settling down next to her. Pulling her close, he didn’t understand why he was acting so strangely, but the warmth he felt as he held on to her was sheer heaven in every aspect. Burying his face into her hair, he breathed in deeply to memorize her scent. She smells like honey and vanilla…

Sleepily, she laced her fingers into his soft blonde hair and closed her eyes. His warmth and smell intoxicated her beyond any human belief sending her control fluttering away on the wings of some invisible bird that no one knew about. Drowning in the sound of his heart beat once more, she muttered a few soft words before falling into the awaiting arms of sleep. “Eagle… I’ve always… loved you…”

Unsteadily he pulled back to stare at her wide-eyed. He could tell she was asleep now, but her words struck him right in the heart causing his chest to throb with warmth while fluttering about anxiously. Eagle hadn’t thought of falling in love before. He’d been perfectly content with his friends. With her… He always felt whole with his best friend and had seriously begun to wonder about himself for it. Now he didn’t know if he should be sad or relieved, but at least now it made perfect sense. “Phoenix… I don’t know what to think… but I think the feeling is mutual…”

In the depths of her unconscious mind she felt a warmth flood through her yet didn’t know why. Something inside of her seemed to be fluttering about in happiness for some reason yet still matched the perfect rhythm of his heart. This was what she had always wanted, and even if it didn’t last forever, she surely wished it could.


Eagle stood stone still on the edge of a man made plateau overlooking a small wooded area enclosed by a nearly translucent bio dome. His platinum hair ruffled lightly in the wind of the artificial ecosystem as his eyes slid closed. Even in a man made paradise, he could smell the technology lacing about the peaceful area. Very few domes had forests of any type of naturalistic scene. This one in particular was reserved for high officials because it was the best in quality. Thoughts were ransacking his mind as his brow creased slightly. It hurt… beyond words to find out… That… Phoenix lied to me.

A sigh escaped his pale lips as his eyelids finally opened once more. Couldn’t you have told me? I would have understood… His white cape flared out about him as the wind picked up. Over four years you filled my life… you had my trust… all of my secrets… I even challenged… His thoughts paused as some one rested a hand lightly on his shoulder. Turning his head slowly, he caught sight of his charge for the day.

Deep sapphire eyes watched him silently in question only soliciting a heave in reply. Lantis narrowed his eyes and took a step forward to look over the structures edge. “There are many places like this in Cephiro. You always expect to see this all the time. You take for granted just how beautiful it truly is… until of course… it doesn’t exist any longer within the bounds of your life.” Sadness filled his eyes as they strayed over the false surroundings. “When you have something of such value… cling to it. Because… when you lose it, you’ll realize just how important it truly was. By then, it’s too late.”

Somehow, Eagle knew he meant Phoenix, but he nodded in response. “I understand. But sometimes you have to just let go. There’s nothing that can be done. Just like you can’t go back. Words that weren’t said before can no longer be said…” Lantis looked down at the ground in dismay, shaking his head.

“At this rate Eagle… You’ll never understand. Just like my brother and the princess…” With those words he spun about and walked away, sending his black and white cape fluttering behind him. Calling over his shoulder, Eagle could hear the melancholy in his tone of voice. “Look for something greater than the pain your heart is clinging to.”

Wincing from the sting in his words, Eagle instead allowed his heart to cling to uncertainty. “I may love her… but my heart is wounded so deeply. Had she really loved me, she would have told me and not let me find out this way…”

The dome slowly began to cloud up, hiding the clear ceiling from the eye. A low rumble was heard as small raindrops plopped softly upon his hair and clothing. Closing his eyes, he up turned his face toward the sky allowing the water to stream softly down his perfectly smooth cheeks. Continuing this, he ignored the heavy footsteps that approached him and the deep loud voice slightly angered in tone. “Eagle Vision!” Geo balled a fist defiantly waving it at the unmoving boy. “Why did you mess with orders? You ruined Phoenix’s chance to be something great and assigned him to some lame job on the NSX! I know this is your doing!”

Eagle chuckled at the irony of it all. It struck him funny now, when he heard Phoenix referred to as a ‘he’ and even funnier that his favor to his best friend was going to haunt him. There was no way around it now. Life on the NSX would be a pain as he tried to avoid the gorgeous girl with hematite hair. “Forgive me Geo. I realize my error. More than you think actually. Sometimes good intentions get thrown back into your face.” Geo moved to argue, but stopped when he realized the emotional state of his younger friend.

“It’s fine Eagle.” Resting a hand on his shoulder he shook his head. “I was wondering how you would handle the separation.” Sighing softly he gave a small smile. “Let’s get you out of the rain.”

The better question Geo, would be how am I going to be able to stay away from her… Finally his eyes opened and he smiled back half-heartedly. “You’re right. Let’s go get packed for my moving to the NSX.”

“And here I thought you’d ask Phoenix to help you and forget all about me… Sure no problem!” Grinning he gave Eagle the thumbs up. “Oh, by the way, your father is starting a tournament to find more highly skilled warriors. He wants you in it since you’re still undefeated in the FTO.”

Eagle grinned at the thought. “Sounds like fun. I’d be honored to carry out my father’s wishes.” Pausing, a thought struck him that made him ill. “Will Phoenix be in it?”

“Nope! Your dad said he’s a marvelous fighter, but he assigned him as a personal mechanic.” Geo watched Eagle sigh in what seemed like relief and wondered what brought it on.

“I see… Good to hear. No use in getting Phoenix hurt.” He didn’t know why he said it, and when Geo arched a brow at him, it made him realize how bad it sounded. Flashing one of his bright and irresistible smiles, he began to walk out of the dome with Geo close at his heels. In the shadows, Lantis walked silently after them while deep in thought.

I should do that… Phoenix… she’ll help me. With a small smile, he proceeded out of the dome and headed straight to her quarters with a pair of golden brown eyes staring hard into his back.


The metal gave off a soft clang as Phoenix touched a wrench to a bolt holding a smooth royal purple plate of armor in place. A smile lighted her face as she allowed the sound to slowly ebb away. She didn’t really know why she loved the sound so much, but it relaxed her greatly. As her wrist flicked a few times, the bolt fell into the palm of her free hand. “Well, I’m glad to know you’re still in rather good condition.” Phoenix smiled brightly while she observed her position. Her legs were hooked around a finger of the mech’s immense hand, making her look somewhat like a bat hanging upside down. What a sight I must be… Laughing softly, she swung around into an upright position carefully to put away the bolts and wrench. Afterward she slid back down sending a wave of loose hematite hair downward.

A soft sigh escaped her as she pushed the panel aside and busied herself with the complicated wiring inside. “STO… That Zazu kid did a good job repairing your outer damage and replacing the control panels in the cockpit… but there’s still a lot of tweaking to be done in your systems.” In response, the great machine gave a few soft beeps and clicks. The small girl snickered and continued to work her hands through computer chips and wires as her vision seemed to focus beyond what she was doing. “I wonder… if what Eagle did and said were merely out of pity or spur of the moment…” The machine clicked softly almost as if to state that it didn’t understand.

Something sparked then sizzled sending a soft pulse up her arms. “Itai!” Snapping her hands back, she cradled them against her chest. “Guess I should pay more attention. Sorry my friend.” The machine creaked and the flare of sparks subsided. Once more she swung upward and hopped to her feet. With the grace of a large cat, she hopped from metal structure to structure, flexing her lean black clad body in perfect motion. Finally landing with a soft plop on the metal floor she smiled up at her white and royal purple mech. “Lemme get some new wires to accommodate for my carelessness.” With a wink she whirled about and headed for the table that held all the necessary parts. Leaning over the table she pushed her shoulder length hair behind her small ears to keep it out of her way. “If I know Eagle… His initial reaction was out of pity… the true reaction is yet to come.”

The cheerful disposition seemed to melt away as she picked up a wiring kit to help her fix the circuitry she’d just fried. “If only… my heart…” Heavy eyelids slid half closed as she bitterly reviewed her feelings. “Curse my heart for being so weak. All my emotions have been revealed… and…” A slender hand reached up to touch her own cheek. “I cried…” A sigh coming from deep within, finally breeched her lips. “I have never cried before…”

Lantis stood deep in the shadows of the private by watching her elegant form move with calculated grace over the body of the enormous metal being. Lighting himself against a cool wall, he watched her hover over the table of various objects and talk softly to herself and the mecha. Her words stung him deeply and he wished there was something he could do to help her though this pain. Sorrow filled his deep sapphire pools as he debated going out there to her or remaining where he was. She cried for Eagle… I hope she never… uses that cursed spell… but if she does… it will be for… Anger seemed to seep from his very pores as he watched her agony filled movements. He’ll never realize what a sacrifice she has made for him… Such a strong promise encased in the simple package of tears… Suddenly he heard a crackle and her cry out as a wire that hadn’t shorted before exploded in her face knocking her off balance. “Machine no baka!” Her words drowned out as her eyes closed tightly as she waited to hit the ground. This painful end she didn’t care to see. As she fell helplessly through the air, she didn’t realize she’d stopped before she could make contact with the cruel metal floor. Slowly she opened one eye and was surprised to be looking straight up into the blue eyes of Lantis. “Oh!”

Lantis smiled and seemed to clutch her to him a bit more tightly. “Yelling at it won’t do you any good my dear. Are you all right?” He watched her frown then resignedly drop her head against his chest.

“I suppose I am. Thanks… You’re right though… I shouldn’t yell at STO… after all it was my fault.” Bitterly she crossed her arms over her chest.

Shaking his head, he purposely neglected to set her down. “Should you be doing all this work when you should still be recovering?”

A blushed touched her porcelain cheeks as she brushed the sweat from her brow. “I know but I needed to think, and I do it best when I’m working on STO.” Blinking she looked up at him with wide eyes. “Um… Lantis… What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be with Eagle?”

For a moment she watched a battle rage in his eyes as he searched for the answer to give her. When the storm calmed he looked into her eyes and gave another faint smile. “Originally, I just had a favor to ask you, but also I’d like to help you so you won’t get hurt.”

Laughing softly, she nodded to him while once more resting her head lightly against him. “Thanks Lantis. What favor did you want to ask of me?” Her shining eyes peered u pat him in silent question surprisingly bringing a blush to his face.

Setting her down gently, he cleared his throat in an attempt to regain his regal composure.” They have a tournament soon to find new warriors, and I’d like you to help me enter it. I heard they asked you to be a personal mechanic… I was wondering if you could be my trainer as well.”

Phoenix grinned at the idea and nodded emphatically in response. “Sure thing, as long as you don’t tell Eagle. This should be fun.” Turning to face her mech, she took a tentative step toward it. “I’ll finish a few things on STO here, then bring the LTO in to upgrade it for you.”

“But don’t over exert yourself. You’ve been beat up pretty badly.”

With a shrug she spun about to smile at Lantis. “Don’t worry. I plan on teaching you all I know and more. I think it’s time we give Eagle some REAL competition for a change.”

Lantis blinked in surprise and gave her a questioning glance. “Why is that? Are you mad at him?”

“No, not at all. He’s just always whining about there being no real competitors out there for him to face. He has really been wanting a good match.” With a grin she started climbing back up the machine in order to fix the mess she’d made. Lantis smiled after her a moment before following her path in order to insure no further injuries. As he seared himself on the arm, she gave him a questioning look. “Trying to be my babysitter?”

Shaking his head, he grinned smugly at her. “You just seem so accident prone today. So I’ll just sit here and attempt to be helpful.” For a moment, her gaze seemed elsewhere as she looked into his eyes. It was well known to him what was on her mind, but he found himself slightly angered about it. He had no true reason to be angry at Eagle. In fact, Eagle was extremely cunning and still king hearted. All people make mistakes, it’s just so difficult to sit back and watch them happen. The last thing he wanted to see was tears in Phoenix’s eyes, or even Eagle’s.

“Could you hand me that wiring kit at your feet?” Disturbed from his thoughts, he dropped his gaze to the dangling form not too far from him. Phoenix blinked and seemed to be observing him rather intently with a million questions in her eyes. “Something bothering you Lantis?”

Involuntarily, he jumped at her words. It made him slightly uncomfortable to know she could read his emotions so easily when he had been so careful in the building of the wall to prohibit that exact thing. “I’m fine. Just thinking…” Slowly he grabbed the kit and handed it to her carefully, desperate not to disturb her balance.

Taking it from him, their fingers brushed only minutely but she was still able to feel him shiver ever so slightly under her fingertips. Curiously, she watched him retract his hand then sit back down pretending that nothing had happened. I wonder what’s bothering him… Sighing softly she began to work again, this time with a little more focus than the first time. “Weren’t you suppose to stay with Eagle today?”

Lantis blinked in surprise then nodded solemnly from his perch. “Yes, but he and Geo seemed too preoccupied to even notice I wandered off…”

“Is that so? Huh, I always told Eagle that he should be more observant. I had actually thought he was getting better…” With a sad smile she finished replacing the panel in an indication of being through with her work. It hurt to talk about him now. Crying had seemed like the ultimate betrayal, especially to her self. Now she could hear a voice in the depths of her soul weeping and whispering Eagle’s name. Clenching her teeth, she closed her eyes in order to hide the pain as she lowly mimicked the melancholy sound. “Eagle…”

Where Lantis had stood not too long before, Eagle watched them with shadowed eyes. He hadn’t heard a majority of the conversation, but he did hear the pained whisper that she had allowed to slip past her lips. It felt like his heart was twisting and then ripping apart. He couldn’t explain it, but the feelings caused him to double over in pain, while only softly panting for air. Why do I feel like this Phoenix? I don’t know what to think anymore… One moment I just want to stay away… Then… when I see you… I feel this terrible yearning to just hold you… Smiling lightly he allowed his eyes to come to a close. It’s better this way… isn’t it? I am doing the right thing… In the darkness, a tear trailed like a liquid pearl down his cheek, tracing the smooth contours of his face. Tears… I never thought I’d ever cry… Quickly he wiped the moisture away and spun about. Taking a deep silent breath, he left the bay area hoping he was strong enough to move on. Without noticing, one of his hands gripped the metal tags about his neck, while careful fingers slid over the tag give to him. Phoenix…


Lantis sat silently at the translucent table, staring through its surface at his feet. Upon the table sat a mug of sorts that was glass like at the top, but the bottom that cradled the clear glass was dusty white and contained the ability to keep the liquid hot while still keeping thing container itself cool. It truly amazed him the things that Autozam had created and he respected them for their determination to create such things in the first place. But for the moment, he wasn’t thinking about that, his mind was focused on two things. The first was the exhaustion flowing through out his every pore making it seem nearly impossible to move. The second thing was standing at the counter humming softly as she cooked their meal for the evening. She had her hair down, which was damp from the shower she’d just taken and she wore only a deep amethyst tank top and black shorts. It shocked him at first to see her like this, for no one dressed anything like this in Cephiro. What he had always considered a lack of clothing was what kept his eyes focused solely on his feet.

Slowly he rose his deep blue eyes and rested them upon her willowy form as she busily moved about cooking. It had been three days since he’d asked for her help, and the only time she allowed him to rest was when she wanted to upgrade or modify something on the LTO. But even then, she worked so fast that the breaks were short lived. The thing that puzzled him the most was that she worked along with him almost tirelessly. If this was her second wind of endorphins, he envied her for it. “Aren’t you tired at all?”

Phoenix paused in her movements to focus on the man in the small kitchen with her. “Not really, for some reason I have an ability to regain my strength easily. I’m just resilient.” Smiling softly, she turned back to the counter to continue her task. Lantis seemed to really like her cooking and it excited her to no end. It was nice feeling appreciated. Eagle on the other hand avoided her like the plague. As soon as he’d figured out she was back on her feet and well, he’d disappeared from existence. His excuse had been the tournament and he didn’t have time for ‘idle chit chat’. Phoenix knew when Eagle was lying. His smile that day never once reached his eyes, and whenever she touched him, he shrank away. It wasn’t extremely noticeable, but she could still tell. Slowly, the placid look on her face melted away and a cold stabbing pain ran through her every nerve.

The chair slid back from the table, and Lantis got to his feet instantly. Mentally he groaned in pain as his muscles screeched in protest. Slow steps brought him behind her small frame that remarkably held unseen strength and stamina. He could feel the pain in her heart. It made his own heart hurt all the more when she pretended to be all right. Even when she was weeping deep inside of her very heart. For some reason, he was linked to her and could nearly hear her thoughts sometimes. He’d been able to read thoughts in Cephiro, but he found it harder to do that with the people of Autozam who used their mental energy for everything. Gently he rested one of his hands on the bare silken ivory skin of her shoulder. Before she had flinched every time he touched her, but this time she fell back against him and whimpered. Carefully he wrapped his arms around her shoulders hugging her shivering frame closer to him. “It’ll be ok Phoenix…” His heart wanted to hate Eagle for treating her so coldly, but Eagle still remained a person whom was hard to even dislike.

“Lantis… How… do you always know when I’m hurting?” Phoenix upturned her shimmering surreal eyes to him silently with a pleading look in them.

“I’m not sure…” Returning her gaze he felt surrounded by warmth that seemed to pour off of her. The color faded from her face as a wave of agony and dread washed over her causing her to crumple and wilt in his grasp. Gently he caught her and then sat back in the chair with her lying silently in his lap shivering.

“I’m so scared Lantis… He’s acting like I don’t exist. I can’t keep going on like this…” Swiftly, she buried her face in his chest and squinted her eyes closed to fight off the urge to cry.

Shaking his head, he in turn nuzzled his face deep into her sweet smelling hair. “I know Phoenix…” It seemed like forever that they’d stayed like this. Their hearts seemed to beat as one, slowly calming Phoenix back into her placid mood once more. Lantis felt so drawn to her. Each time they pulled away from moments like these, he swore it hurt far more than any wound he’d ever experienced. What made it hurt worse was knowing she would never feel that way in return. She loved Eagle, and the fact that she cried over him made it clear that he was the only one she’d ever love.

Pulling away, she remained seated in his lap. It made her uncomfortable to be so open about her gender with Lantis, but as time went by, it grew easier. Oddly, she enjoyed the tall man’s presence immensely. He was silent for the most part, but when he spoke he knew what to say and how to say it. He seemed to always be here for her whenever she fell apart, and she wondered just how she would have made it without him. He was her strength now that Eagle had drawn away. A small smile crossed her lips as she tilted her face up to his. The deep sapphires bore into her with a warm and yet yearning glow. After a moment he smiled back shocking her slightly. The action caused her to smile a bit more brightly, which seemed to make his eyes light up. Suddenly she realized he was moving closer and she could feel his warm breath wash over her face. Stunned she didn’t move, and questions started flooding through her mind.

“Hello!” The voice filtered into the kitchen from the living room making the two jump slightly in surprise. As they did, they’re lips brushed causing both to blush a deep shade of red. As she moved to get off of his lap, Eagle walked in and gaped at them in disbelief. A mixture of emotions played over his face, which neither Lantis nor Phoenix could read. “What’s going on?” Eagle fought himself to keep his voice down as the jealousy and fury boiled with in him.

Phoenix stood stone still just beside Lantis unable to move or speak. She didn’t understand why Eagle was so upset. What was wrong with Lantis comforting her, she would never know. Lantis meanwhile wondered how he would clear this up so Eagle wouldn’t be upset with Phoenix. He couldn’t bear to see her in anymore pain than she was already in. As he moved to speak up, Phoenix gently cut him off. “I was… upset… Lantis was just being kind enough to comfort me… is that so bad?” Her quiet yet uncertain voice proved that she saw nothing wrong with the situation at hand.

The fire in Eagle’s golden brown eyes seemed to subside as he absorbed her confused demeanor. “I see…” For reasons unknown to the others, Eagle averted his eyes to the floor. When he finally looked up, he noticed that Phoenix’s scantily clothed form was shivering with her arms hugging herself tightly. Automatically he took a step toward her, but soon stopped short. Inwardly he scolded himself for being so open and turned to look at Lantis. “I came to see how you were doing…” The taller man remained seated with his eyes closed unresponsive. From the corner of his peripheral vision he noticed her slowly turn to the counter and begin to chop something at an extremely slow pace. His heart ached, but his face never once betrayed him.

“I’m fine. Phoenix has been kind enough to get me accustomed to the workings of Autozam, as well as the technology.” Lantis had a slightly iced edge to his voice as he still refused to look at Eagle. Where he was angry with him, it didn’t last whenever he’d see the warm amiable golden gaze of the man with platinum blonde hair.

“How kind… of her.” Eagle’s voice fell flat as if he were attempting to keep all feeling out of his words. “You should come visit me you know, I could show you around as well and introduce you to my father.”

Lantis nodded in agreement. “I’ll do that.” Eagle smiled lightly as Lantis finally opened his eyes in order to be polite.

“Great. Well, it seems I’ve interrupted dinner, so I’ll be going. Sorry for the intrusion. Good night.” He smiled lightly at Lantis then cast a quick glance of longing at Phoenix who continued to prepare the meal.

“Good night.” Lantis stood and nodded to the blonde who seemed all too eager to leave as soon as possible.

“Be well… Eagle.” Eagle jumped at the soft tone that spoke of unbearable suppressed pain.

Pausing in the doorway, Eagle clenched his fists at his sides and closed his eyes. “As you wish… same to you.” Only Lantis’ sharp hearing caught the whispered words that followed as he slowly walked away. “I’ll never deserve it for what I’ve done to you…”

Gasping inaudibly, emotional pain swept over Lantis at full force, causing him to fall back into his chair. What a fool… He yearns to be with her yet refuses to do so… What reasoning or pride could blind someone so intensely… How could he refuse even her friendship…? Longingly he let his eyes rest on her slumped shoulders. Not even I can…


The arena mechanical bay was buzzing with excessive excitement as mechanics and pilots made final adjustments on the massive man-like machines. In the far reaches of the metallic room stood a deep green mech with a frantic form dressed in white, royal purple, and black hovering over every console for a second inspection. Silver black bangs shaded wide eyes of fear and excitement as she called for one of her assistants. “Is the shield generator in perfect working order?”

A boy with mahogany tresses poked his head out of a panel and grinned broadly while giving the thumbs up to her. “Perfect sir! Your modifications were extraordinary!”

With a grin of satisfaction, Solara returned the thumbs up and winked. “You bet! Only the best for our pilot, Hyabusa!”

A hand then rested on her shoulder causing her to jump slightly. “I swear, you people and birds…” A smile lighted her lips as she turned about to see Lantis looming above her. “You shouldn’t be so worried, I’ll be fine.”

“I just want to be ABSOLUTELY sure that you are! You’ve made so much progress… It just makes me so excited! This will be great!” Phoenix glowed with a fire of intensity as she looked back to the LTO. “Hey Caterra! How are the verneir engines looking so far?”

A girl with soft blue hair sweeping her shoulders nodded her head anxiously in the distance. “Superb Lieutenant! I can’t believe how much better they work now after you told me what to do!” Enthusiasm seemed to pour out of everyone as they more than willingly did their work. Lantis couldn’t believe how much respect everyone had for the officer at his side. She was so very intelligent and made friends with all of her co-workers. She refused to treat them as anything less. In her words exactly she had called it inhumane to ask people to slave just because one was a superior officer.

With a soft gaze he watched her float from person to person helping where she could and telling people ways to finish quickly without sacrificing quality and efficiency. Where other mechanics took much longer and brought about more work, she halved the workload on her staff. It was truly amazing. Looking back at Lantis she gave him a genuine smile. “When is it your turn Lantis?”

“I fight in the third bout in close to two hours. Does that give you enough time?” The female chief of mechanics nodded happily and ran to her staff in order to call them together. He watched, as she seemed to pass her glow into each person. With her minimal staff of five, she still accomplished more than the usual teams of ten or more. “Solara… You are truly amazing.”

The day seemed to go by so quickly, with each fight, Lantis flew through with flying through with flying colors. In a way she was upset, because she and her staff had hardly any work to do at all. Tuning up the machine proved to be a redundant yet boring job. The only thing that made them feel better was that their pilot was good enough to keep the mech in perfect condition. Lantis told them it was merely because of their fine work, which proved to boost their morale. Soon, it was the final battle for Lantis, and the only one that seemed nervous was Phoenix. The ultimate test for all new recruits was a battle against Eagle. He was the one person in Autozam to never be defeated.

Calmly, Lantis smiled at Phoenix as he sat in the cockpit of his mecha trying his best to get her to calm down as well. “I’ll be fine. I’ll give him a fight to remember.” Oddly, she was comforted by his words and nodded to him before the hatch closed completely.

“Good luck Lantis.” Slowly she turned to her crew with a twisted look of worry and placidity.

The crew watched her a moment then one finally stepped forward. “We’ll stay here as we should, you go ahead and go watch. We’ll be fine.” The young man smiled as the others nodded. “Just hurry back boss if something happens!”

As the boy winked, Phoenix allowed herself to smile widely. “Thanks guys. I promise I will.” Grinning from ear to ear, she took off for the stadium eager to watch the battle she had been dreading all along. According to the stats so far, Lantis had qualified for citizenship as well as an officer’s job in the fleet, but rank depended on this single battle. Slowly she looked over the seating areas frantic to find a spot when her eyes fell on Geo and a small boy waving to her excitedly.

“Yo, Phoenix! Come sit with us!” Geo smiled as Phoenix trotted over to them and smiled back in greeting. “So who’s the prodigy that’s been flying through the tournament?”

Phoenix merely smirked then shook her head. “You’ll find out soon enough.” Looking around the disappointed man, she saw the other boy with a mushroom like hat that was forest green. “Hi, I’m Lt. Phoenix Solara. And you are?”

Grinning madly, the boy extended a white-gloved hand. “I’m Zazu Torque! Chief of mechanics on the NSX and Eagle’s personal mechanic!”

“Well, what a pleasure. Nice to meet you. So you’re the child prodigy I’ve heard so much about. I’ll be working under you on the NSX.”

“I’m the one who should be honored! I can’t believe we’ll be working together! I’ve heard a lot about your skills! I hope you’ll teach me some stuff!” Zazu beamed, as he resembled something of a child with a new toy.

“I’d be happy to. We can trade secrets later.” Gently she gave him a smile, which he returned tenfold. “Who do you think will win Zazu?”

“Man, this guy is really good. I’ve been watching his as close as I can, but I still have great faith in Eagle.” Phoenix grinned minutely as she began to dust off her white and purple cape. Zazu watched her a moment and arched a brow in curiosity. “You seem confident over something. What’s your opinion?”

“I have the utmost faith in Eagle, but I believe Eagle will receive a run for his money.” Both Geo and Zazu gaped at her as she looked at the two mechs as they faced each other in the center of the arena.

Before the buzzer sounded, Geo bent toward her ear and spoke lowly. “Is something wrong between you and Eagle? I haven’t seen you in so long, and you and him used to be joined at the hip…” Pain filled her silver eyes as she gave him a quick look. “I see… Never mind.”

Suddenly the buzzer blared out sending the great white and green mech into instant action. Eagle piloted around the other mecha with the speed and grace of a bird of prey. Phoenix dropped her eyes on Lantis and smiled softly. I told you he would try to confuse you with his speed… be patient… She could almost envision the careful smirk on the blonde’s lips as he put on his best tactical moves that would disorient his opponent. Just concentrate Lantis… Finally you will see exactly where he is and what he plans to do…

“What’s that guy doing just standing there like that?” Zazu frowned and growled at Lantis’ mech that still remained unmoving as Eagle became nothing more than a green-white blur.

Still Phoenix continued to smile with pride at her student in the ring. Then, almost as clear as day, she heard his voice in her ears with perfect clarity. “Now.” With perfectly fluid motion, Lantis drew his beam cannon and shot one of Eagle’s rocket boosters, sending the FTO crashing into the ground immobile. Sheer pride and happiness overwhelmed her as she sprinted down the tunnels leading to the arena floor. Behind her she could hear the quick heavy footfalls of Geo and Zazu, but instead of running to Eagle, she ran straight to the kneeling mech containing Lantis.

A hush fell over the crowd as the hatch of the LTO opened and Lantis hopped out, sending a spray of green and black behind him. Smirking, he looked up at Phoenix and felt the glow of her smile totally cover him. “Way to go Lantis! Are you ok?”

As Lantis nodded, they both turned their eyes to Geo and Zazu as they helped Eagle out of the FTO. Geo scratched his head and grinned nervously. “Looks like you lost Eagle…”

“Thanks for stating the obvious Geo…” Eagle grumbled and dusted off his white cape in irritation. “Who is the other pilot?”

Before he could look and find out, Zazu burst out in laughter surprising both of the older men. “Hey! Eagle got his wings clipped!” As he collapsed to the ground in a heap of laughter and giggles, Eagle took on a look of being extremely frazzled.

Geo looked torn between seriousness and laughter himself as he tried to admonish the boy. “Now Zazu… You shouldn’t say such things… as comical as it is…” Geo let out a choked chuckle.

Phoenix and Lantis silently walked over to the trio as they laughed at the third withered figure. “Well… it seems that you have indeed been grounded.” Eagle shot his eyes up in shock to Phoenix who only smirked at his surprise.

Fire seemed to burn brightly in his eyes as he walked over to her and met her eye to eye. “YOU?! You were the personal mechanic?!” She nodded slowly then looked to Lantis with pride. “Don’t tell me…”

Lantis smiled minutely and nodded to Eagle sagely. “I was the pilot. She taught me all I know and more.”

Rage was now clear in his eyes as he glared back into Phoenix’s eyes with a vengeance. “What did you do that for?” Clenching his fists at his sides he gave her an angry look that could’ve made the strongest person wilt. “I hope you two are happy…” Storming past them he called in a tone only they could hear. “You sure have ways of telling me you care…”

Geo and Zazu took places beside Lantis and Phoenix on order to watch Eagle storm away. “Well, he’ll get over it. I didn’t think he was a sore loser though…” Zazu blinked and scratched the back of his head thoughtfully.

“No… Normally he’s not. Lantis… is it you who piloted the LTO?” The ebony haired man nodded to Geo’s question and sighed. “Maybe that has something to do with it…”

“Perhaps…” Lantis looked down to Phoenix as her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Suddenly, he wished that it were only because of him and not her. Gently he touched her arm but she didn’t respond.

Silver pools mirrored the entryway that Eagle had disappeared through as the caped form began to tremble. “Excuse me please.” Her muted voice shocked the three with her, but she was already walking away dejectedly before any of them could come out of their trance.

“Seems everyone is acting strangely today…” Geo sighed softly and shook his dark head in dismay. “I hope those two work it out. I hate such a strong friendship to go to waste.”

“I agree. Zazu… could you take the LTO to the mechanics that are working under officer Solara? I want to make sure those two are ok…” The boy nodded slowly knowing it wouldn’t have helped to refuse anyway. “Thank you.” Slowly he turned and took long strides in the direction Eagle had gone.

“Who is that guy Geo? I’ve never met him before.”

“That’s Lantis… Eagle and Phoenix took him in when he migrated here.”

“Oh…” Both stood there for a moment then sighed. “Well, back to work… I’ll have to repair the FTO for the first time ever…”


