A poem for BECCA
My Dearest Little Angel
By Grammy & Paw Dog(BECCA's Grandmother and Grandfather)
You were perfect in every way
So sweet, so pure, and true,
Now that you are gone
I look back
Thinking of you
What you were and,
What you were supposed to be
How could some one so little
In such a short time,
Do so much
You touched every one
Who seen or touched you,
In such a special way.
But now I know what it was
That was so special about you
You were an Angel
Sent down From God
To teach us to love
And to take time for each other
And not to put off until tomorrow
For it may never come
All along you were angel
I never saw your wings
But now they are s clear
As off to Heaven you fly
We love you so Grammy and Paw Dog
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