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Missing You

"Missing You",

It was six months ago,
When you "my little man" was born.
But now that your gone,
it fells like my heart is all torn.

How I want to hold you.
I long for one more time.
But I know that all my begging,
will never change God's mind.

Now all of your feedings,
and our special little times.
Will always live forever,
safely in my mind.

I miss you so bad,
That sometimes I wish that I was dead.
But i've really became a master,
at keeping it all in my head.

I try to find something,
to keep my mind at ease.
But no matter what I do,
the memories never leave.

I can remember,
that morning how I cried.
Even holding your little body,
as they made me say good-bye.

Now I cry inside,
so no one else can see
. Because I ust don't want people to know,
how your death is killing me.

My feelings are so raw,
it's like an open nerve.
But I can't help but thinking,
this is more than I deserve.

You've been gone for three months now,
I know that not long.
But I can't help feeling,
My life's a sad song.

What did I do?,
to make you leave out of sight.
You left me so quickly,
it was like a thief in the night.

I realized just today,
that Dayton misses you too.
When Allison came over,
he swore that it was you.

He kept giving her a hug,
and that one little kiss.
He even gave her a pacifier,
and with that he can't miss.

All of these kids,
are driving me crazy.
and Dayton keeps repeating,
"No, that is my baby."

I know that one day,
my life will come to an end.
But until then,
I could sure use a friend.

By Margaret Melton


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