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Just so everyone knows, the October 16, 1999 is BECCA's first birthday. I wanted to do something special for her. And what better than to put up a page so you all know that it is her birthday. For BECCA's very special very first birthday, we have made some really big plans. At first our family wasn't sure what we could do for her, then some friends started making suggestions to us.

So we decided on these things:
We are going to make cupcakes with her name on them. We are going to light a candle to remind us of the light she brought to us
for those 11 short weeks, release balloons with special messages to go to the
sky so she can see them, take a special gift to "her spot". These are just a couple of the things we're gonna do.

Some people may wonder why we are having a party for a person who is dead.
To be honest if it weren't my precious daughter I think I would too.
But the truth is that she was very special. The day she was born was the
beginning of so many special memories. She Came into the world a year ago and made me see how perfect life could be.
She only stayed for 11 weeks but those 11 weeks were the most special weeks of my life.
Being pregnant with her was also a wonderful and equally special time for us, but seeing her look
up at me that day and knowing that she was a part of me, a part of me that was right and great. The child she was and the time we had will be remembered forever. I cannot let her very first birthday
pass with no celebration because she was here and she deserves to be celebrated just like the rest of us!

Sorry for my rambling

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday day Dear BECCA!!!!!!!


In October
In Ocotober
When all the leaves have changed
When they are falling to the ground
And the big day comes around
I will remember
How you came to me on that warm day

In October
When your birthday comes
When I am saddened
To think you are already gone
I will remember
The sweet sound of your first cry

In October
When I am over come with fear
When I become afraid to open my eyes
And face the day of your birth without you
I will remember
What it felt like to be your mother
Even if only for a little while

In October
When I feel the tears come
When I hide them and fight for a fake smile
So no one will know how very badly it hurts
I will remember
You for who you were

In October
When I weep for you
When I think of how little time
You and I had to get to know one another
I will remember
That, for that little while, you were mine and I was yours

In October
When it becomes too much
When holding my head up is impossible
Because there are too many memories and too little time
I will remember
That you are happy and one day I will get the chance to make up for all our lost time.

In October........

I hope you have a birthday that brings you smiles and so much more, baby girl.
Even though I won't be there I will be thinking of you the whole time. It may hurt and I may cry
but I promise that this hurt will never compare to the love and joy I felt the day you were born. I just
can't believe that a whole year has gone by since that day. What is even harder to believe is that you are already
gone by. I know that we would have planned you a spectacular party, if only we had gotten the chance. Happy birthday my daughter.
Mommy still remembers and always will.
Love always and forever,

Remember me!

Remember me whenever you see a sunrise
Remember me whenever you see a star
Remember me whenever you see a rainbow
Or woods in autumn colors from afar

Remember me whenever you see the roses
Or seagulls sailing high in a sky of blue
Remember me whenever you see waves
Shining in the sun
And remember, I'll be remembering you!

Remember me whenever you see a teardrop
Or meadows still wet with morning dew
Remember me whenever you feel love
Growing in your heart
And remember, I'll be remembering you!

A Special Birthday
Please, God, make them remember that
Today is a special birthday
Make them understand that
The memories don't go away
Bless them with ears to hear and hearts that care
Enable them to listen while I share
Shelter them that they may never know my pain
Help them to help me know that my childs life was not in vain
Help them to remember, Lord, that I wish
That my child was here
So we could still celebrate
To understand that I still
Feel the nearness of my child
To see beyond my smile
And the words "I'm okay"
Please God, just let one remember

My Litle Girl
Your little girl cries to much.
My little girl makes no sound.
Your little girl sleeps warm in her bed.
Mine lies cold in the ground.

Your little girl woke up today.
My little girl never will.
Your little girl laughs and plays.
My little girl lies still.
Your little girl makes you proud.
And just as proud am I,
Cause while your little girl
is learning to walk
My little girl can fly.


Tears fall from my eyes
As softly the memories flow
With the tears ,salty on my tongue
I miss you so much.

Tommorrow is frightening
Except for the thought
Of seeing you agian
Another time, another place

I hear your voice....
in my dreams you come.
We talk and laugh
about silly important things

Each day without you is less
Less bright ...Less full........Less
I feel your love with me
Yet I want you to hold

Faith in God eases the pain
For moments sometimes days
Still I cry, not for you
But for the loss I feel in me


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