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Unfortunately this is page 3 of the memorials. there are so many parents out there who have lost children.
It saddens me that all these children didn't get to have more time on earth.
I am very honored to be placing there names here. So the world knows they were here with us even if only for a short time....
And they will forever be loved and remembered by those who knew them and grow to know them through each other.

Brianna Morgan Willis .
Brianna was born to her wonderful loving parent,Lisa Willis.
Brianna was born on September 20 1991. And on December 5 1998 she began her eternal life in heaven.
She was 7 years old when she left us for heaven.
A house fire took sweet little Brianna from the family that loves her dearly still today.

Brianna was a very beautiful and loving child. She absolutely adored her brother. She loved to laugh and play games. She was an outstanding daughter. There is so much I could say about her. She had no dislike for anyone or anything. Because of her outgoing personality she knew no strangers! She had a warm smile and hug for everyone. I am so very proud of my only daughter and I sincerely miss my best friend. W.A.M.H

You can e-mail Brianna and Micheal's mom at

Michael Timothy Willis.
Michael was born to his wonderful loving parent,Lisa Willis
Michael was born on April 28 1995. And on Decemeber 5 1998 he began his eternal life in heaven.
He was 3 years old when he left us for heaven.
A house fire took sweet little Michael from the family that loves him dearly still today.

Michael was a very handsome boy, definitley full of spunk. When he wrestled with his mother, he put his all into it. He was also a gentle and loving spirit. He adored his "Sissy"! He use to give kisses on the nose and I truly miss our bathtime cuddles. He referred to me as his "sweetie girlfriend". I miss my only son terribly! W.A.M.H You can e-mail Michael and Brianna's mom at

Aaron Troy Kimball.
Aaron was born to his loving parents, Denise and Jesse.
Aaron was born on October 4 1981. And on December 5 1998 he began his eternal life in heaven.
Aaron was 17 years old when he left us for heaven.
A house fire took sweet Aaron from the family that loves him dearly still today.

Aaron was unselfish, a very loving young man. He had a girlfriend, he was a junior in high school, he had his whole life ahead of him. Yet he chose to re-enter a building that was engulfed in flames in an effort to save his young cousins, my children from certain death. He only made it two running leaps back in before he collapsed from smoke inhalation. He was a true hero. There is no greater gift than to lay down your life for another human being. I am forever grateful to Aaron.

Deanne Kathleen Klein.
Deanne was born to her wonderful loving parents, Deanne Kathleen Klein
Deanne was born on November 19, 1998 at 6:30 p.m. And on this same day she began her eternal life in heaven.
Deanne was born at 22 weeks and left us for heaven.
Prematurity took sweet little Deanne from the family that loves her dearly still today.
You can e-mail Deanne and Machaela's mommy at

Michaela Deanne Klein.
Michaela was born to her wonderful loving parents, Anne and Tom Klein
Michaela was born on October 7, 1999 at 5:30 a.m. . And on this same day she began her eternal life in heaven.
Michaela was born at 19 weeks and left us for heaven.
Prematurity took sweet little Michaela from the family that loves her dearly still today.
You can e-mail Deanne and Machaela's mommy at

Christian Bryce Patrick.
Bryce was born to his wonderful loving parents, William and Carren LeiLoni Patrick.
Bryce was born on May 29,1991. And on September 26, 1991 he began his eternal life in heaven.
He was almost 4 months old when he left us for heaven.
SIDS took sweet little Brycw from the family that loves him dearly still today.

A moment in my arms, forever in my heart!

Shelby Anne Otto .
Shelby was born to her wonderful loving parents, Rachel and Curt Otto.
Shelby was born on January 22, 1997. And on November 12 1997 she began her eternal life in heaven.
She was 10 days shy of 10 months old when she left us for heaven.
SIDS took sweet little Shelby from the family that loves her dearly still today.

" We miss you baby girl" "You are still our little Heffalump"
You can e-mail Shelby's mommy at

Courtney Marie.
Courtney was born to her wonderful loving parents, David and Stephanie
She has a baby sister named Kylee Marie, who lives here with her mom and dad.
Courtney was born on Christmas Eve 1996, on this same day she began her eternal life in heaven.
Courtneywas stillborn and began her journey to heaven.
Nurse neglect took sweet little Courtney from the family that loves her dearly still today.

Courtney mommy,daddy,and sissy miss you sooo much.
You are missed more than words could ever express!
I can't wait for the day that we will be together again! Love you! mommy,daddy, and sissy .
You can e-mail Courtney's mommy at
Please visit In loving memory of Courtney

Connor Jacob .
Connor was born to his wonderful and loving parents, Sami and Ali.
Connor was born on 13th September 1997 . And on this same day he began his eternal life in heaven.
Misscarraige took sweet little Cj from the family that loves him dearly still today.

Even though Conner Jacob (CJ) was part of my life for 6 months they
were the best six months ever. Okay so when he kicked like he was
putting a football ready for goal it was a pain but hey, joys of
motherhood!! He was wonderful and when he was born he I thought he
was the most beautiful child ever. He was so precious and I will miss
him always. He is forever in my heart. I miss you Conner. Please take
care of Maygen and Charlie for mummy.
You can e-mail Connor, Maygen, and Charlie's mom

Maygen Louise Hope.
Maygen was born to her wonderful loving parents,
Maygen was born on May 28 1999. And on September 27 1999 she began her eternal life in heaven.
Maygen was 1 day off of 4 months old when she left us for heaven.
Her lungs collapsed and that took sweet little Maygen from the family that loves her dearly still today.

Maygen was a part of my life for 4 great months. She was beautiful.
Just like her brother. She was my sunshine when times were dark. If I
was unhappy she would make me smile. I thank her for that. When my
boyfriend left me I carried on for Maygen. Sadly she lost her fight
for life and I miss her incredibly. Everyone would say it would be
hard because I was a teenage mother but it was easy! Okay there were
some hard parts but I got through them. With help off of family and
close friends. Maygen made everyone happy and all it took was that
infectious smile of hers. She will forever be in my heart and I know
she is looking down on me with her big brother Conner!! I miss you
Maygen. Take Care, Love Mummy.
Please e-mail Connor, Maygen and Charlie's momma at

Charlie .
Charlie was born to wonderful loving parents, Sami and Steve.
Charlie was born into heaven on January 17 2000.
Charlie was taken from the family that loves him dearly still today by misscarraige.

Charlie, the reason this tiny little life was called Charlie was because it's a name for a boy or a girl. I didn't know the sex of this precious tiny life inside me. I lost little Charlie when I was 3 weeks pregnant. It was obviously not meant to be. I didn't get the chance to experience life with Charlie whether he/she was inside me or not. Charlie was still precious as every life is. I will miss you Charlie. God Bless. Please e-mail Connor, Maygen and Charlie's momma at