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Once agian I create a new page with bitter sweet feelings in my heart. Bitter because each name represents a child who did not get o grow up. Sweet because each name represents a child who will be remembered forever here. Please take the time o veiw each memorial here and to look at the pages for each angel who has one. Also remember you can add an angel on page 1 of the memorials.

Jean-Frederic Brayer Goupil .
Jean-Frederic was born to his wonderful loving parents,Melanie Brayer and Mario Goupil
He was born on January 7th, 1999. And on April 19th, 1999 he began his eternal life in heaven.
Jean-Frederic was 3 months and 12 days old when he left us for heaven.
SIDS took sweet little Jean-Frederic from the family that loves him dearly still today.

Dear Angel we miss you so much. One day will be together again and I will hold you in my arms for all eternity. Until then please watch over us. Specialy over your little brother Jeffrey. Mommy and Daddy love you sweet Angel
Please visit In Loving Memory

Email his Aunt at

Liam McDonald.
Liam was born to his wonderful loving parents, Alison and Ian McDonald.
He was born on November 22 1996. Altho he was born onto earth that day on November 21 he was birn into the arms of angels.
Liam was born still and left us for heaven.
Anti partum heamorage { placental abrubtion }took sweet little Liam from the family that loves him dearly still today.

Liam , We wasent able to hear you cry, dress you,bath you or feed you we wasent able to hug you better after you fall, but we were able to hold you and love you and we will always love you forever and ever and i pray that one day i will hold you again, Please visit Liam My Angel

Email his Mummy at

Timothy Dakota Hollon.
Timothy was born to his wonderful loving parents, Joe and Jamie Hollon
He was born on October 8, 1999 . He left to join the angels in heaven on Febuary 17, 2000.
Timothy was 4 months 9 days old when he left to be in heaven.
He was born with TAPVR and Pulmonary Vein Stenous.
And this later cause him to be taken to heaven

Please visit Timothy Dakota - Our Angel

Email his Mommy at

Aaron Micheal Johnson.

Aaron was born to his wonderful loving parents, VJ and Billie Lynn Johnson.
He left a special big sister Brittney and a twin sister Ashley for Mommy and daddy to love on earth.
He was born on August 20,1998 . He left to join the angels in heaven on September 6,1998.
Aaron was 17 days old when he left to be in heaven.
He was born withHypoplastic Left Heart.
And this later cause him to be taken to heaven

Aaron, you were a very special little man to all of us ..we love you very very much and miss you everday. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of you. You will always be "daddy's little buddy" We love you Aaron. You will always live forever in your twin sister Ashley and until we meet again. Love, Mommy, Daddy, Brittany and Ashley Please visit Aaron Our Angel

Email his Mommy at

Justin Thomas Colley
He was born to his wonderful loving parents. His mother still thinks of him after all this time.
He was born on May 27, 1974 . And on June 26, 1974 he began his eternal life in heaven .
SIDS took sweet little Justin from the family that loves hijm dearly still today.

I never got to meet my big brother but I have made a promise to him and to my mother that he will not be forgotten.

Christie (his little sister)

You can E-mail Justin's sister at

Kelly Lauren Johnson
,img src="kelly.gif"> Kelly was born to her wonderful loving parents, Jo and Gary Johnson.
She was born on June 24th 2000. And she began her eternal life in heaven as she was born onto earth as well.
She left behind two siblings, a brother Chris and a sister Olivia .
Hypoplastic LeftHeart Syndrome took sweet little Kelly from the family that loves her dearly still today.

Kelly had a sever form of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and came into the world at 21 weeks weighing 324grams (11oz) and 25.5 CMS long. She was perfect in every wayexcept for her little heart was broken.

Kelly was very much loved and is missed greatly by her mummy and daddy big brother Chris and big sister Olivia.

You can E-mail kelly's family at

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