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This is the beginning of what I hope becomes an extensive page on Pro Life. I am starting to add multiple links and adopted angels who were not so lucky to have been loved like my angel in heaven and my angel on earth. Please come back to visit often so you can see what is added.

I do not know anyone who has had an abortion but Ido know there are thousands of unnamed unloved angels so I am going to giev them names and love them. I hope you will do the same! Here is my first adopted angel Kyra Jean!

Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!

Kyra Jean

Adopted: June 23,2000

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

Today I adopted another angel. Rebecca Corrine!

Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!

Rebecca Corrine

Adopted: June 30,2000

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

I also adopted Connor Kabel!

Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!

Connor Kaleb

Adopted: June 30,2000

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

Please welcome to our prolife page Aaron Allen!

Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!

Aaron Allen

Adopted: July 1,2000

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

I hope to adopt many more as time goes on.

My first award for this pro life page!

This is our second award from Brea

These are called unborn angels. They are unborn children I pray for. I pray there families will make the right decision and let them have a life

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We have gotten so many new angels we have no more room Please Go here for more.