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Site Index

This is a site index to make life
easier for those of you viewing my pages.
There are alot of graphics on most of my pages,
so I know it takes forever to load
and I am very sorry for this but each of
my graphics is in some way very important to me.
So from this page I am making it possible to get to any
part of my site. As I said through these links you
will be able to get to any part of my site,since it
will take less time to load it should make your stay
at our home little on the web a more pleasant experience.
I do hope that you will sign our guestbooks
and leave a message on our message board.
Also remember if you have an angel, let us
add him or her to the memorial pages.
Thank you for your time and cooperation.
Jean S.
Becca & Ethan

Welcome To All Of Becca's Links

Angel Kisses From Becca
(Becca's Main Page)

Becca's Wonderful Page of Poems

Becca's Picture Page

Memorial Page 1

Memorial Page 2

Memorial Page 3

Memorial Page 4

A Wealth of Information on SIDS
Helpful Links
All About SIDS
Visit My Message Board
For those who have
lost children. Please
stop and leave a message.
Becca and Jeans Webrings Becca and Jeans Webrings page 2
Becca and Jeans Webrings page 3 Becca's 1st Angel Birthday
Becca's second birthday.
Here is our newest page. Pro Life.

"Sharing Our Stories and Poetry"
A Poem For Becca
By Grammie and Paw Dog
Special Angel
Author Unknown
I'm An Angel Now
Authur Unknown submitted By Margaret Melton
Missing You
By Margaret Melton
Poem 6
Dearest Becca
Love, Mommy
Ethan's Angel Mommy
Author unknown, submitted by Gramma Mae

All Of Becca's Awards
BECCA's awards #1 BECCA's awards #2 BECCA's awards #3
BECCA's awards #4 BECCA's awards #5 More Awards Coming!!

Our Earth Angel Ethan
BECCA's awards #4