Agh! It's been so
long since I've last edited my webpage. But here's
some update info on me. I'm 15 and I'm in 10th grade
Westwood High School in Austin, Texas. For you
folks that don't know, Austin is the capital of Texas,
and located near the center of the state.
I've been designing my own webpage for about three years now, but I recently have moved my page from Geocities to Angelfire. The reasons? Well, since I hadn't edited my page in a while they kicked me off, and I was forced to start anew. Instead of going back to Geocities, I decided to come to a place where I could choose my location i.e. tx2/basketballgirl.
I also LOVE playing basketball and I enjoy reading a good book. Recently I have been interested in Michael Crichton and I always enjoy Shakespeare. One of my pet peeves is that everyone says: "To be or not to be.." but no one knows the lines after it. Click here to read it and memorize it so that you can impress people!.
Want to see a pic of me? Well too bad, because I'm not photogenic.
What else should you know about me? I play basketball at Westwood High School and my number is 42. This past season I was a starting post on JV. We had a GREAT season, 18-3, winning the McNeil Tournament and ended up being Co-District Champs along w/ Georgetown. In the off seaon I'm currently playing on a AAU team.
Also right now I'm participating in track. I'm on varsity this year, and I have done fairly well. I throw shot put and discus. At the track meets I have placed 2nd, 5th, 6th, 3rd, and 2nd in discus. With my farthest throw being 110'6".