The Bay Area Writers LeagueB.A.W.L. Pelican logo by John Rice, Copyright (c) 1998, all rights reserved.

Conference and Open Manuscript Competition

Registration Form

Please note: This is not an online form. You must print it out and mail it, along with a check or money order. We cannot accept electronic payments at this time.

               Writing teams, please submit a form for each member.
City: State: ZIP:
Telephone: Best time to call:
E-mail address:
Title of entry:
I confirm that the manuscript I am entering in this contest has not been published or contracted for publication and that I am not a previous winner of this contest.

All entries must be postmarked by March 31, 2003. Each entry must be accompanied by an official entry form , signed contest waiver, conference registration and entry fee. If you want your manuscript returned by mail, also include a SASE with the appropriate postage. An optional self-addresssed, stamped postcard may be included for notification of receipt.

Use this form to calculate your rate for the conference:

Are you currently a member of B.A.W.L.? Yes No $
Are you a full-time student at an accredited school? Yes No $
Check the days you wish to attend: Friday Saturday
You must submit exactly one entry: $
Total:   $

B.A.W.L. Open Conference
P.O. Box 580007
Houston, TX 77058

Privacy statement: B.A.W.L. will use the information you provide only in connection with the conference. We will not transfer your personal information to any other party (e.g., spammers and telemarketers).


I certify that this is my original work and that, at the time of submission, it has not been accepted for publication. I have read and understand the guidelines for the Bay Area Writers League (B.A.W.L.) Open Contest. I realize that contest judging is, by its nature, subjective, and that I may receive feedback from contest judges with which I do not agree. Accordingly, I will accept and abide by the decisions of any judge and/or contest official regarding finalists or winners for the Contest.

In consideration of B.A.W.L.'s acceptance of my entry, I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless its officers, members and all judges of the Contest from liability for its/their actions arising from, or relating to, judging and handling of my entry, and conducting, sponsoring and advertising the Contest. If I win the B.A.W.L. Open Contest, I will allow the B.A.W.L. conference committee to right to use my work up to three times for publicity purposes only. I retain all other rights to my work.

Signature                                                     Date

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Copyright © 2000-2003 The Bay Area Writers League, All Rights Reserved.