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Other Stuff...the place where all your lost socks go

This page will contain all the strange, cool, funny, and interesting sites I find during my internet wanderings. Among other things.

Random Links that I thot were cool --- A webpage filled with jokes, and other funny stuff
The drunk parapelegic, chicken page --- I found this while looking for SuperChicken stuff and couldnt pass it up
???????? --- I'm not gonna say what this page have to check it out...its the funniest thing I've ever seen...dont be scared off by the text at the top of the page --- Everything you could possibly want to know about Cheech and Chong
Stephen --- The Homepage for the best writer in the world
Dave Barry Links --- The Miami Herald screwed me outta the archives so I used another college students site. --- A site filled with every music video you could ever think of...they have close to 1000

Things you never expect to hear..especially when you hear them