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From left: David, Merdith, Elisa, Cavaroc, Scott (in the back), Stephanie, Me, Kenneth, and an empty bag of Doritos

Look everybody its the Malibu! (and me acting like a dumbass, as usual)

Me puttin a whoopin on Kenneth...I chug therefore I am

From left: Will, Kareem (my young african brotha),Keith (the polish pistol), Dan (Dan he's our man if he cant toss it no one can), Kenneth, and Me with my good friend Beer.

Row 1 from left: Keith, Kenneth, and Lindsey (Star Wars crackhead extraordinaire) Row 2: Kareem, Me again with my good friend Beer,and Zvalonek the only man I know besides myself of course thats enough of an ox to be able to take a vodka bottle full of Kermit. Row 3:Dan, Two guys I don't know the one on the left I met at the party but was totally lost for his name the next morning, I have never seen the other guy in my ENTIRE life. Oh yeah, and Cavaroc is comin out the door.

Me again, and my good friend Beer (my God he follows me everywhere), Kenneth, Cavaroc, Stephanie, and Meredith.