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R.I.P. Carl Clifford Davis Sr. - 12/6/47 - 3/19/04

my dad died of a heart attack friday nite March 19th '04 around 8pm, just sittin' with mom after dinner and died on the bed, in his wife's arms - my mom tried a few times to revive him, the neighbors across the street came over immediately and kept working on him even after he was cold, but he was gone and even the EMS couldn't revive him when they got there 5 minutes later...

he was 56 and had a congenital heart condition, Aortic Stenosis, which is a narrowing of the Aorta - after he was given a medical discharge from the Navy for an injury he incurred while on active duty he applied for benefits and they told him he had the condition before he went in the Navy, after he got out of the Navy, but not while he was IN the Navy...

he was sent a letter shortly before he passed away that said the letter he recieved in 1972 stating he was ineligible for benefits was sent in error and he was in fact eligible and just needed to complete the paperwork - he went to the VA in October and they set a date for him on April 21st '04, and he tried several times to get the date moved up but they denied him each time...

at the beach, my dad using the video cam and me with the digi-cam, my son caleb and shorty in the background.

We lost a bad ass musician, mechanic, mr. fix-it, and friend to all - great and small. My dad was in a number of bands, most notably successful was a band from San Marcos called "The Mad Mods".

The keyboard player in The Mad Mods died of a heart attack in the evening
of saturday
july 31st 2004, R.I.P. Sheldon Padgett.