He Is FaithfulHe is faithfulFaithful to help Help see beyond the problems of life Looking into the perfection of peace and joy He is faithful Faithful to help carry them in his mighty hands The same hands that measured the waters Even that which makes up the oceans If he carried that, surely, all my problems he could Never mind the mocker Who finds talking to God ridiculous He is a sucker for the known, a rocker to ungodliness A reprobate mind he has got To know the living God he cannot Till the veil over his soul is lifted By the One he mocks in ignorance The true living God I know God is faithful To pardon the years of ignorance To wipe away tears that flowed night and day To strengthen faith in love Which had caused death by its flight He is faithful I am sure For all things are subject to him So He controls all my plights It is real The passion sealed I in Him and He in me Love me ever Leave me never A heartfelt cry of mine Always answered with the gentle tug of His Spirit I just know that He is faithful Anita Vincent Back to Christian Poetry
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