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His Perfect Will

His perfect will deliberately assigned
To those called, chosen, designed aforetime
What a mighty loss should they ever resign
Loss of earnings incomparable within existence
Oh, my! His perfect will upon me bestowed

By life, through death, through sickness, in health
Science perfected or mirth destroyed
A purchased possession I am
‘cause He paid the price with His blood
Oh, my! His perfect will upon me bestowed

Blind eyes, behold His manifested goodness
Deaf ears, listen, the music of His demonstrated strength
Lame limbs, hear His terrible commands
Dead womb, obscured joy, here comes a child!
Oh, my! His perfect will upon me bestowed

The power, wisdom and anointing made available
Ever present to those able and willing
Obedience a strength, willingness an instrument
Total manifestation through vessels accessible
I will go! His perfect will upon me bestowed

©A. Vincent July 2001

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