Times ThreeHe said, "You will say you don't know me."I love you Lord, this cannot be. Before the rooster last crows you will deny, Sadly you will look me in the eye, This will be times three! Luke 22:34 Feed My sheep, I ask of thee. I will do anything You ask of me, Love them each and every day, Gently show them all My Way. This will be times three! John 21:15 -19 A sheet of meat for me to see. "Arise and eat," He said to me, When I was on the roof to pray, Asking God to show me His Way. This will be times three! Acts 10: 9 - 16 Peter loved his Lord, as do we, Though it seems he acted stubbornly. If instead it had been me today, Could I at once see it His Way? Or would it have to be times three! ©1994 Janice "Jan" Derrick Back to Christian Poetry
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