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Chyna's Chat on MSN

Chyna : Hi, thanks for coming! Ask away!

"Dish Diva" : Chyna, great to meet you! Thanks for being our guest tonight. Please make yourself comfortable, we have several hundred questions here for you tonight, let's see how many we can get through!

"Dish Diva" : Are you excited about Tuesday night's "3rd Rock" episode?
Chyna : Well that is my first episode that I did and it's gonna be quite a unique character that I like because it portrays a lot of myself as a person rather than the character Chyna. And they've like it so much I've gone back to do 2 more episodes.

"Dish Diva" : Do you play Chyna or another character?
Chyna : I play an officer named Janice that works with officer Don.

"Dish Diva" : "Chyna Is My Idol" Asks: Chyna, I just want to say I love you, and as for my question, of all the things you have accomplished, what are you most proud of?
Chyna : That's a tough question because I'm a very driven person so I don't think I've accomplished my biggest accomplishment yet. But breaking into TV was big for me because Chyna has set a presidence in the entertainment industry because Chyna : I'm the first powerful wonderwoman 2000. Chyna : It was the real deal, it was a female that was creadable and powerful.

"Dish Diva" : wwffan2000 Asks: Hi Chyna, what was it like dancing on WWF tv with Too Cool, Rikishi, and Chris Jericho?
Chyna : It was a lot of fun! I usually don't get to display my character in a fun smiling sort of way. So it was fun for me.

"Dish Diva" : TRIXYTRACE Asks: chyna, do you see yorself managing people in the future or dealing with more the behind scenes?
Chyna : I see myself doing both, I want to manage and then do maybe a hot angle on my own occasionally here and there.

"Dish Diva" : smartypants says: I am 15 and you are my rodel. You are smart and you kick butt! Chyna, who was your role model when you were my age?
Chyna : When I was 15 I first started working out and I started working out because of the Jane Fonda videos. So I would have to say that she was a big role model in my life.

"Dish Diva" : "UK lad" Asks: I would like to know if Chyna realises how much support she has over here in the UK, and when she is coming over here. We love her to bits, and keep up the good work!
Chyna : You will probably know before I would I always look forward to going there because of the great fans that are so fun in the arenas.
Chyna : I think soon.

"Dish Diva" : Burning Pyre says: What was it like being the first female intercontinental champion?
Chyna : It was quite a reward. What we do is entertainment, but it really meant a lot behind the scenes because you take on a responsibility of accepting that role.
Chyna : which was primarily a man's title and a man's role.

"Dish Diva" : stonecoldstun Asks: Chyna I saw you on Jay leno are you two really Friends?
Chyna : I just met him that night, but he was very nice and I was the first WWF star that had been on in quite a while.
Chyna : There was hesitation having me on the show.
"Dish Diva" : It was a fabulous show, Chyna. You two looked like old friends!
Chyna : Luckily it worked out great and it opened the door for other WWF superstars.

"Dish Diva" : KittyLuver says: How did Chyna get started lifting weights, and what advice does she have for young women who want to start lifting weights?
Chyna : Like I said, Jane Fonda for one. Now there is so much available. Read as much as you can, watch as much as you can, and get a trainer. The May issue of muscular development magazine, I am on the cover, I have a full workout routine in there.
Chyna : That should hit the newstands at the end of April.

"Dish Diva" : Original_Q Asks: Dear Chyna, first of all let me say how beautiful you are. My question is: Will we be seeing your autobiography as # 1 in New York's bestseller's list?
Chyna : Well I certainly hope so, the anticipation is being greatly awaited. I am working very hard to write an inspirational story.
Chyna : I hope the fans will appreciate my candid life story.
"Dish Diva" : Chyna, when will that be released?
Chyna : It should be the end of Arpil.

"Dish Diva" : cougarmansy Asks: How long do you train in and out of the ring?
Chyna : It's very diffecult to make a schedule because I'm all over the place. I train about 4 times a week, about an hour and a half and very hard. So it's quality not quantiy.

"Dish Diva" : Ozzyman Asks: Chyna im all for multiculturalism, but why do you decide to wrestle under the name Chyna and not a name like Susan or Cathy or something?
Chyna : Because that's the name they gave me.

"Dish Diva" : ExoticKindOfGuy Asks: Have you been approached by Playboy? If not, would you pose nude for Playboy?
Chyna : If they paid me enough money, I don't see anything wrong with showing a beautiful, powerful, sexy body.
"Dish Diva" : And that it is!

"Dish Diva" : starchilddono Asks: Chyna, can you confirm or deny rumors on the internet that you and HHH are having marital problems due to his storyline with Stephanie?
Chyna : It's entertainment.

"Dish Diva" : mrsapril Asks: i was just wondering when you will go for a bigger belt
Chyna : Well I think I did pretty good with the intercontinental title. I think I should take some time before I try again. The next title is the world title.

"Dish Diva" : Savio_Vega Asks: How can Chris Jericho can be your friend if he hit your hand with a hammer???
Chyna : It's entertainment.

"Dish Diva" : Carrie Asks: My sis is right beside me and is a big fan also she wants to know who's incharge of your wardrobe cause she thinks your outfits r really cool
Chyna : I am basically and a woman named Terry Anderson makes my clothes for me.
Chyna : I love the leather and I love the sparkles.

"Dish Diva" : yellowfellow says: Do you ever surf?
Chyna : I don't only because of the time restrants, but I would like to, I need to get Mod.

"Dish Diva" : casey says: What did you want to be when you were a little girl?
Chyna : A movie star.

"Dish Diva" : ginny says: Do you want to do more TV or films?
Chyna : Absolutely! I don't want to leave wrestling, but I'd like to do both.

"Dish Diva" : johnnK says: Do you ever get to be normal and go out for coffee or to the movies?
Chyna : No. I don't.
Chyna : Even before I was a WWF superstar I always stuck out like a sore thumb in a crowd.

"Dish Diva" : wolfman Asks: chyna while watching tv the other evening i noticed you doing a photo shoot. it really showed a softer side of you and i was really for my question will you be doing any more such shoots?
Chyna : I've been doing a lot of magazine shoots lately, so I'm sure you'll be seeing some new pictures.

"Dish Diva" : beebee says: Did your family worry about your wrestling, being a girl and all?
Chyna : I'm not close with my family. I'm a one woman show.

"Dish Diva" : Gryphon Asks: Gryphon: With whom do you most enjoy working a match? And who do you spar with (aside from HHH )
Chyna : Every match is a new experience for me since I haven't wrestled all of the guys. Usually the last match that I had is my favorite.

"Dish Diva" : Thunder Asks: chyna, you are too cool. You have inspired me to start to work out at age 41 (and a female). I just wanted you to know the positive influence you have had. How long did it take you to go from normal to super body? at what age did you start?
Chyna : I started at 15 and it probably only took 3 or 4 years. I'm 29 now so I've been developing my body for years. You're always working on it.

"Dish Diva" : jamie says: Do you recommend a certain eating regimine? I love you!
Chyna : I try to eat a lot and eat high protein.

"Dish Diva" : hellokitty says: What do you like to do when you are not in the ring?
Chyna : I like to read.
Chyna : I love to dress up and go out to dinner and I love whole dressing up thing.
Chyna : My favorite pastime would be going to a broadway show. I love to be entertained.

"Dish Diva" : angelface says: Do you wish there were more women in the WWF?
Chyna : I'm certainly pro woman although it takes a lot for a woman to earn my respect. I think there is a lot of women that can be put on TV but that doesn't mean they have something special.

"Dish Diva" : gcgold Asks: Who are the three people you respect most in the business?
Chyna : Obviously HHH, who has taught me an awful lot. Steve Austin who has gone through a tremendous amount of pressure. Mae Young is pretty impressive to be 80 years old and taking bumps.

"Dish Diva" : "Fath H" Asks: How old do you have to be to be in the WWF, and how would I get into the WWF?
Chyna : I think you find most people from the early 20s to their late 30s and you have to be trained by a wrestling school or another wrestler.
Chyna : Shawn Michaels has a good school now.

"Dish Diva" : "Phantom Rider" Asks: Do you ever feel that you have to compromise what you feel is right for your character in order to please the fans?
Chyna : I've not gotten to that point because I've not compromised I've done the exact opposite.

"Dish Diva" : chillit says: What do you want to be doing in five years?
Chyna : I'd like to have a very lucrative career.
Chyna : I'd like to be married.
Chyna : Possibly children.

"Dish Diva" : Santefe_Mom says: Do you have a quote you live by?
Chyna : I guess it would be "try and try again".
Chyna : Keep trying, I've heard the word NO many times.

"Dish Diva" : mike19 says: How did you break into the business?
Chyna : Once I started training, I self promoted myself by sending tapes, pictures, and going to every show possible.

"Dish Diva" : drew_beefcake Asks: Chyna I heard that you were in the FBI before being in the World Wrestling Federation, is this true?
Chyna : Not the FBI, the Secret Service.
"Dish Diva" : Wow, I didn't know that! That's fabulous!

"Dish Diva" : cougarmansy Asks: What do you think about Kurt Angle?
Chyna : I think he's a promising young star in our business. He's very entertaining and he's doing a great job!

"Dish Diva" : ViRiCiDe316 Asks: hi my question is this: over the past serveral months you have changed your look by losing muscle mass, is this the WWF's influence or your own? thanks!
Chyna : I don't feel that it's really changed in the last few months.
Chyna : I think you're just seeing more of me in a different light.

"Dish Diva" : Chyna, thanks so much for being our guest tonight! I know you need to dash back to the set! Any final thoughts?
Chyna : I just want to thanks everybody, and I'm sorry I can't spend more time with you but I'm in LA because I'm filming 3rd Rock that will be on Tuesday, be sure to watch me.
Chyna : Good night!