Chyna's Stats
Real name: Joanie Laurer
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 196lbs
Marital status: Involved with HHH (Jean-Paul Levesque) since February 1997.
From: Rochester, NY (or Londonberry, NH)
Birthdate: Dec. 27, 1970
Best female friend in the WWF: Debra McMichael Stables: De-Generation X, Team Corporate, Corporate Ministry
Wrestling school attended: Killer Kowalski's Wrestling Academy
University attended: University of Tampa, to pursue a degree in Spanish Literature
Real hair color: Blond
Eye color: Blue
Favorite Colour: Pink
Favorite Band: Van Halen
Favorite movie: "Pulp Fiction"
Favorite Athlete: Mike Tyson
Favorite sport: Boxing
Hobbies: All sports
Favorite Food: Chicken
Fast food: Never!
Past occupations: Singer, belly dancer, flight attendant, sold beepers, waitress
Person she would most like to meet: The creator from "The Simpsons"
Secret Talent: Fluent in 3 different languages Quote: "Ask and you shall receive."