Reference sources used to develop this Web site NOTE: We receive many requests for additional information about the Columbine High School tragedy. We have no additional information, insight, contacts, or informants. For additional research information, you may wish to check the sources below.
The Associated Press News
The following are said to be actual copy's of some of Eric Harris's writings. His Web page on AOL was deleted almost immediately after the shootings. The following are said to be what remains of his writings - Portions of Harris's site as printed by the Browns and turned into police for the death threat against their son: Copies of Harris's Web page Harris's AOL Profile: Profile Another posting by Harris: Harris Posting A drawing made by Harris (?): Harris drawing You can also enter "Columbine" into any Search Engine.
Brett Mauser creates film -- About a year ago, my close friend Tom
Weinbrecht persuaded me to write a script about high school
shootings. After I wrote it several friends told me it
HAD to be made.