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E-Mail Help

Step 1: Click on the song you want to play on your email.
Step 2: Hit the "go to" button under "options".
Step 3: Hit the "show last" button...the addy that comes up in the http:// bar is the addy you need for your signature box...copy it down exactly.
Step 4: Go under "Settings" in your email.
Step 5: Under "settings" on "signature".
Step 6: In the box provided....type out this exact code:
(html) (bgsound src="http://exactaddyofthesonghere" autostart=true) (/html)
dont put ( ) around the html part tho...use the brackets where there are parenthesis...for demonstration webpage builder wont let me use them or they dissappear.
If any of these directions are unclear...then you can email me at