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Set in the year 2033, The Knight Sabers are still the city of MegaTokyo's avenging angels. Recent increases in Military Boomers going rouge in the city has forced the ADP to add a new department. The ADP Heavy Armored Anti-Military Boomer team. Nicknamed the ADP Tank Cops, it is formed of top officers from all areas, headed by Captain Briton from Kobe. Recently added member Officer Leona Osaki joined. The Team uses Bonaparte styled Urban Street Enforcement tanks and Remodeled Kumo Battlmovers.(I'll post the stats of the Kumos later) Teams like this have become part of all ADP stations world wide, as has an outbreak of Hardsuited and Powersuited Vigilante teams.

Corps: Genom is still making trouble, but now the Dainipon Gikian Research Corporation is making a name for itself in weapons and hardware. Rumors abound about a link between the two and links between DGRC and a recent rise in well armed gangs.

Life is the same, get up go to work and come home. House hold boomers exist, as do the rare Sexroid. Most corp execs own top of the line A or B class Androids, which are a legal version of the sexroid. It's rumored that the Tank Cops are looking into testing Boomers as officers and most establishments run boomers as staff. Life goes on.


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