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Club Rules


Characters must either be existing Characters from either series or original characters that can be plausably fit into either or both series. This means no DBZ or SF characters exist in this story line, you can use the names, but not the characters.

Also, there will only be one of each exsisting characters, so only one Knight Saber team, only one Leona and the other Tank Police crew. But, don't be worried, you can make your own Hardsuited team and your own Tank Police styled officers. If you want to play as a hardsuited vigilante, you can, but you can't in Megatokyo. I'm allowing teams to be played anywhere in the world, so you can play as a team in Germany, the States, anywhere. You might make an appearance in MegaTokyo, or the Knight Sabers might visit you.

Boomer Characters and other cybernetic life forms are allowed, but limited. Boomer characters are limited to BU-55C's, the basic combat unite that can be disgued as human, Androids, A or B class and Sexroids, near human boomers. I don't want super deadly boomers running around the place unless they are the NPC enemy. Cyborgs are okay, as are characters like the Puma Twins.

As always!! Please make your character requests to the founders before playing a character. Once okayed, supply background on your character and if you can(this is optional) supply a pic.