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Other Characters

This includes bikers, cyberpunks and other characters not covered in the other categories.

                                     School Photo:)           

Name: Mimi Asuri
Age: 19
Occupation: Hacker
Played by: Curb_cat
Background: Mimi is a hacker, plan and simple.  She met Nene at a Hacker's Only Chatroom and became fast friends.  Nene has helped Mimi through some difficult times and is one of the only people Mimi can talk to about problems.  Mimi is a bit of an airhead a times, but when it comes to hacking, she can't be beat.  Mimi has a phobia though that makes her life troubled.  Mimi is deathly afraid of Mice!!  The mere sight of one will send her screaming from a room.  Mimi's friends took her to a shrink who convinced her to get a pair of cats, Princess and Passion.  The female cats keep Mimi's home mouse free, but when she goes out, she caries something with a cat on it for protection, usually a necklace or shirt.  Her backpack is covered in kitty designs and every year for Halloween she dresses like a cat girl.  Mimi is a lesbian, she became one early on when her experiences with boys in school ended up being disastrous.  Each time she let a boy make out with her it was the same, they'd get her wet, push in, grunt and moan, pull out and cum on her stomach and fall asleep, leaving her to finish herself.  She is very fond of Nene, having traded pics with her and some day hopes to meet her and tell her how she feels.  Mimi is also a biker (sort of) and hopes to make friends with cute biker babes.  She is also a Knight Sabers fan.  She was able to tell by the shape of the armor that the KS's were sexy looking women (she hopes) and she would love to meet them.  Currently, she is working out of her apartment in Mega Tokyo and trying to make enough money to take Nene out to a nice place when they meet.


Name: Vision (Reika Chang)
Occupation: Rock Star
Age: 24

Played by: twomuchcaffeine69
Background: Vision was born Reika Chang, in 2009 in the US. She is currently 24 years old, and I have no idea what her blood type is. Her family led the Hou Bang for generations [a Chinese triad, which translates as 'Tiger Corps'], but she had no interest in organized crime. Her father had led the triad, until he and her mother were killed by the massive "Gulf and Bradley" corporation, but she didn't care. She changed her name and became a popular rock musician, even managing to get on the world top ten. Her career was going in only one direction- up. 

Reika has been highly trained in many forms of combat, from hand-to-hand to the usage of combat battlemovers. She has a dislike for authority, which goes nicely with her strong personality. Though she quickly can become very emotional, and can easily fly into hard-edged anger, she has trouble killing people. 

Summation: Reika is very rich, very tough, very attractive and very smart. Hey, life's like that sometimes.