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Family Castillo

Maria Oralia Castillo (Lalie)

Her grandmother's name is Felicita G. Castillo (Sept 5,1889 - January 7, 1967. Mother's name is Elisa Cuellar Castillo (March 29, 1912 - October 6, 1989. Father's name is Donato Castillo (August 10, 1909 - Oct 20, 1999. When they came to the United States they bought a plot of land in a small town called Mercedes, Texas. It is just 7 miles from the border. The house was a simple 4 room home with outside pottie. The family consisted of 2 boys and 4 girls. They are Delia, Armando, Emma, Ernestina, Ricardo, Lalie, and Rosa.


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de Leon Family History