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A Little About Me

I was born in Battle Creek, Michigan on December 26, 1946. I am the middle child and have an older sister, and younger brother.

I was raised for the most part in southeast Michigan. I graduated high school in 1966, and worked for several years before I married the man, who later became the father of my three kids.

I was religious, but not a Chrisitan until July, 1971 when I went forward in a small Baptist Church in Richmond, Michigan. I had known Jesus all my life but no one ever told me that you needed to ask him into your heart.

I received Jesus when I realized that I was lost and didn't want to spend eternity without Jesus. I was baptized in water one week later, and spent the next nine years growing and maturing in the Lord.

During that time I participated in the bus ministry, worked as a Sunday School teacher to pre-schoolers, worked in the kitchen for the senior citizen bus ministry, and for the Saturday morning bus ministry visistation.

One more thing that changed the way I look at the world forever, I joined a ladies Saturday morning evangelism group and went out every week without fail to lead people to Jesus. When I say that this changed my life, I mean that for the first time I saw with Jesus' eyes a lost and dying world.

I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in the spring of 1980 and a whole world of growth opened up to me. Now I not only had the desire to serve Him, but I had the Power do what He asked me.

I continued in the growth and knowledge of the Lord and moved to Texas with my husband, mother, and three children in October, 1982. The road then became rocky as my marriage of 17 1/2 years fell apart. I was devastated because that isn't suppose to happen to Christian folks who were active in church. I wasn't ready to become mom and dad to my children, caregiver to my ailing mother, and the breadwinner for the home. I always thought the man should be those things.

During this time, I really grew close to Jesus. I can honestly say that without Him I couldn't have made it. At that time, the two scriptures that I clung to were:

PSALM 91:4-7

"He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust; his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

Nor for the pestience that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee."

Psalm 121

"I will lift up min eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

Behold, he that keepeth Isreal shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is they keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy hand.

The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the the moon by night.

The Lord shall preserve thee from evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore."

I have continued to walk the bumpy path and have had many trials through the years; some good day, and some bad days. I would like to tell you that I did it without complaining, but that isn't so. I complained a lot. There were times when I didn't think I could handle anymore, and without Jesus I wouldn't have made it.

I ran a daycare in my home, and worked in daycare centers and went to college two years. I have just finished a sixteen month term as a VISTA with AMERICORPS of America, where I worked with low income families and "at risk children."

I am currantly unemployed, and am sharing an apartment with my daughter after my second marriage failed. I was in this first apartment with no car and no job, but the Lord opened a way for me to get online with a webtv, where I met someone who sent me the money to buy the car I now drive. I began my page building on the webtv. I asked the Lord one day, how I could serve Him when at the time, I had no car, and no way of getting out to church or anyplace else. The Lord showed me that I could serve Him online and that is where this ministry of Christian pages began. I have found that there are just as many lost and hurting people online as in my own town. The Lord told me to do this and I have had much spiritual opposition from the enemy, but Jesus triumphs and I will serve Him. The Lord is my boss, and I will do what He tells me.

That brings us to this point in my life. It is the desire of the Lord to reclaim the internet and to use it as a tool to spread the Word of God. I will do as He instructs me. It is His job to bring in the increase.

Please pray that these pages will do what the Lord desires, and they He is the one uplifted in all of this.

I enjoy most types of crafting, including all types of needle work, painting wood, ceramics, and building web pages.

I love country music, country gospel music, and blueridge mountain music. I just love getting into deep conversations with close friends. I have a fair sized collection of beanies based on topics like Coca Cola, Wizard of Oz, and many others.

I guess one of my favorite things to do would now be building web pages, and meeting new friends on the internet. We share stories, jokes, heart aches, and testimonies.