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This is the sitemap for the pages I have made that have something to do with the tragedy in New York, and to other Patriotic Pages.

On Monday

Psalms 5

Newsletter 911

Do It Again

Where Was God?

The Folded Flag

Two Thousand One, Nine Eleven

This graphic set was made by a very sweet and talented lady. I have used many of her sets on my pages.

When this tragedy occurred, I found that I could not follow the horror without going to my simple paint box which came on my computer and I drew a simple drawing of what I saw in my spirit and what my daughter was bringing in on her computer; she gets live broadcasts on her computer. But what I found interesting is that the people I visit for graphics went to their paintshops and designed graphics that showed what they were feeling, and the lady whose poem is below did the same thing. I guess people had to go somewhere during times like this.