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GAPP 1999, Part I

(June 1999)

These are photos of my classmates, me, and our exchange partners in Germany. Through the German-American Partnership Program (GAPP), we were able to attend each others' schools for a month. Ah, the memories.

Will is bored at Julia's party. Jim enjoys his spaghetti at an Italian restaurant.
Kristen tries her popsicle outside the train station. Herr Unger, Frau Knobus, Juliane, Christine, Markus Q., and Frau Gerstacker sample our fare at the Tex-Mex dinner.
Markus U. and Lori laugh at Thomas, Nico, and Dustin as they try to ride the swing together. Frau Beyer, Herr Beyer, and Juliane (my host family) show me around Wittenberg's university.
Jim and Markus U. stand on Unter den Linden. Will gets pretty for a night at the youth hostel.
Lori and Jim are in the TV Tower. Philip and Dustin are stylin' in Nuremberg.
Frau Gerstacker meets Homer and Bart. I meet the Simpsons.
All the GAPPers (minus me) chill in Berlin.

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