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Friday, September 28, 2001

Yeah, you know what? I've been thinking while I drive again. The end results are always a little freakish.

First, however, a little update on my problems:

  • The reason I thought Santos' name was Joel last year was because Joel is his middle name. I guess he goes by it on occasion. I have been stalking him in a friendly way and have discovered that he is a rather good artist with a nice website. Since I don't want him to know I'm being a friendly stalker or any kind of stalker for that matter, you will have to ask me for his URL.
  • The mysterious girl in my History class is named Hifa.
  • I set up a rather methodical way to get lasagna through my friends, but it kind of didn't work out.
  • I went berserk because of the lack of lasagna, forcing my mom to run out to the grocery store.
  • My dad replaced my windshield wipers. Unfortunately, it's not raining anymore.
  • The UH bookstore has raised the price of ScanTrons to 20 cents. I knew I should've started stockpiling them last year!
    and, in general,
  • I'm way happier than last year.

My short/long-term goals, updated:

  • Grades are not bad so far, basically because there aren't any yet.
  • Therefore, I have no Hash Brown Stars yet.
  • I still want to see the Harry Potter movie, but now I'm afraid one of my creepy customers from the bookstore is going to hound me forevermore.
  • Pretending my papers were due the day before they really were due did not work. I still did them at the last minute.

Well, um, this is kind of long now, so I think I will have to continue my thoughts in the next LOSS entry. Go to it right now!

Must have 5 to reach Hash Brown Goal: (none yet)


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