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Monday, October 1, 2001

I got a letter addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Helen Lin. I wonder when I got married?

My life seems to have taken on a life of its own. I have recently been receiving credit card applications addressed to one of my nicknames. I bet I could get a credit card for my stuffed Larry the Cucumber, if I really didn't have a life.

Today I wanted to talk about how my limbs are out of control. That's right, they don't obey my brain anymore. Has this ever happened to anyone else?

  • Example 1: After my Media Production class, I usually grab a copy of UH's newspaper, The Daily Cougar. Sometimes I get it from a stand outside the Communications building, and sometimes I get it from the library, which is where I normally go next. Anyway, this particular day, my brain decided that I would get the newspaper at the library. As I try to walk past the newspaper stand, my legs walk me straight to it instead. All the while, my head is thinking, 'No, no, you were going to wait until the library!' Nevertheless, my arm reaches out and takes a paper.
  • Example 2: For once, I decided to talk in class. I think of something to say, but the time isn't right yet. My class is in the middle of another topic. I know this. My brain knows this. But my arm doesn't. It gives a big twitch and spasms, like it's trying to raise my hand. I don't want to raise my hand! What's it doing?!
  • Example 3: I'm at work. Everything is dandy. One of my customers, a teenage girl, buys one of our bargain books for $6.99 and a paperback for $3.99. Her mom complains about the cost, and the girl replies, "Don't worry, I'll bring it back when I'm done." Me, I can't believe she just said that in front of me. I'm not going to say anything, though; I'll just ignore it. I open my mouth to tell her how much she's getting back in change, and instead, I say, "Did you just say you were going to bring it back?!" So now my mouth has betrayed me as well.

Perhaps I shouldn't be allowed any contact with the outside world.

On an unrelated note, that girl from my History class is now in possession of my phone number and my e-mail address. It's getting more than a little creepy, I think.

Must have 5 to reach Hash Brown Goal: (two)


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