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Umbrella Societies

The inspiration for this poem came from watching other UH students sloshing to class on rainy days. All I wanted to capture was the uplifting feeling I got from watching colorful umbrellas bob up and down, but the poem ended up with something a bit more meaningful. The one comment I've received about this poem was, "I love the title of this!" So I guess the poem's not so great.

Umbrella Societies

On a rainy day,
People become
Their own universe.

Each soul alone
Under an umbrella
Huddled against the downpour.

The umbrellas, however,
Are a social bunch.
Bobbing, bumping companionably.

Colorful and varied,
They jostle and nudge,
Amiable in their shared function.

One dry person
Follows the example of the umbrellas
And steps out of her world

To offer room for
One drenched person
Under her umbrella.