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The Late 19th Century

African-American family
Late 19th Century Politics Lecture Notes
Late 19th Century Social History Lecture Notes
Late 19th Century Foreign Policy Lecture Notes

19th Century on YouTube
Benjamin Harrison Recording
William McKinley's 1901 Inaugural Address
William McKinley 1896 Election Campaign Speech
Mexican Polka in Texas
"Yo Soy un Pobre Vaquero" (I Am a Poor Cowboy)
The Galop
Minstrel Song - "Carve that Possum"
John Philip Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever"
John Philip Sousa's "Washington Post"
Scott Joplin "Maple Leaf Rag"
Scott Joplin "The Entertainer"
Ted Kennedy "Sweet Adeline" with Quartet
Mills Brothers "Sweet Adeline"
"I Love Lucy" with "Sweet Adeline"

To Politics
To Economics
To Foreign Policy
To Social History
To Women
To General Late 19th Century Resources


General Resources - Politics
The Hayes Years // The Garfields // Chester Arthur
Grover Cleveland // Benjamin Harrison // The McKinleys
Third Parties and Radicalism
Late 19th Century Exercises Online
Outline of Class Discussion: Late 19th Century Foreign Policy

General Resources: Politics

The Hayes Years:
Rutherford B. and Lucy Hayes
Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center
Rutherford B. Hayes
Hayes Presidential Center
POTUS Rutherford B. Hayes
National First Ladies' Library - Lucy Hayes
Lucy Hayes Heritage Center

Garfield & Assassination:
James and Lucretia Garfield
Charles Guiteau Collection

James Garfield Home
James Abram Garfield
National First Ladies' Museum - Lucretia Garfield

Chester Arthur:
Chester Arthur
Chester Arthur's Grave
Chester Alan Arthur
Chester Arthur
Pendleton Civil Service Act

Grover Cleveland:
Grover and Frances Cleveland
POTUS - Grover Cleveland
Frances Cleveland
Frances Cleveland

Benjamin Harrison:
Benjamin and Caroline Harrison
American President: Benjamin Harrison
Caroline Harrison
Benjamin Harrison Home

McKinley and Assassination:
American Memory - The Last Days of a President: Films of McKinley & the Pan-Am Exposition, 1901
William and Ida McKinley
The Trial and Execution of Leon Czolgosz
American President: William McKinley

Populists and Other Third Parties:
The Populist Party
Populist Platform 1892
Wikipedia - Populist (Peoples') Party
The Prohibition Party
Greenback Party
Wikipedia - Anti-Monopoly Party
Union Labor Party

Eugene Debs and Socialists
Eugene Debs Photo
Eugene Debs Photos
Eugene Victor Debs

Emma Goldman and Anarchists
The Emma Goldman Papers
Emma Goldman Exhibition
Emma Goldman Quotes
Emma Goldman Quotes


American Protective Association
Protestant Paranoia


Sharecropper Contract
Sharecropper Contract
Dr. Pepper Museum
The Chronicle of Coca Cola
Cocaine Cola
Tariff of 1883
McKinley Tariff
Free Silver
Free Silver - Wikipedia
Panic of 1893
Panic of 1893
Depression of 1893 and Coxey's Army
Coxey's Army

Late 19th Century Foreign Policy
Life in 1898: The Spanish American War
Queen Liliuokalani
World History Archives - Hawaiian Islands
President Cleveland's Message to Congress: Hawaiian Sovereignty
Life in 1898: The Spanish American War
Spanish American War
George Dewey
Rough Riders
The Spanish American War in Motion Pictures
Teller and Platt Amendments

Emilio Aguinaldo
Hero of Philippine Revolution: Emilio Aguinaldo
First Open Door Note
Brief History of Samoa
History of U.S. Navy, the Oceanic Period, 1890-1945
Open Door Notes

Late 19th Century Social History:
John Philip Sousa
The Chicago Fire, 1871
Vaudeville and Popular Entertainment, 1870-1920
Polka Radio
Actors' Photos
Milwaukee Photos
Lady Liberty
Mark Twain In His Time
Victorian Library, Harper's Bazaar, Vanderbilt Trousseau
Pedaling History Bicycle Museum
Baseball Almanac
Baseball Links - History
The Comstock Law
Comstock Law
Anthony Comstock
Social Dance
19th Century Photos

National American Woman Suffrage Association
Votes for Women
Populist Mary Lease
Frances Willard House
The Life and Times of Florence Kelley
Women Working: 1800-1930
National Museum of Women's History

General 19th Century Resources:
19th Century Links
The 19th Century
Wikipedia 19th Century
19th Century U.S. History
Yahoo 19th Century
Internet Modern History Sourcebook
Victoriana 19th Century History
Tenement Museum

Late 19th Century Exercises Online
New Haven and the Nation, 1865-1900; A Social History, Labor, Immigration, Reform

Wanda Downing Jones