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Day of the Dead Page

History Exercises (Final Exam - points vary):

You may do one or more of the following activities for your Final Exam points. These are options and none are required.
1. Write a 200 word research paper about the history of the Day of the Dead. Be sure to list your resources. Up to 30 points.
2. Put up a display that follows the guidelines for Day of the Dead altars. It may be dedicated to anyone you have lost or my husband who died on Nov. 1 (part of the Day of the Dead). Take 3 or more photos and e-mail them to me along with a brief explanation of your altar. Up to 50 points (see instructions online)
3. Visit a cemetery with Hispanic graves and see if you can find evidence of others marking the day to a loved one. Take a picture. E-mail the photo(s) to me with a brief explanation. Up to 10 points each up to a maximum of five or 50 points. They must be different displays.
4. Complete Internet Analysis Worksheets from the links below. Up to 10 points each.
5. Interview someone who celebrates the Day of the Dead. Ask the person about their memories and why they celebrate. (about 100 words) Up to 30 points each.

Day of the Dead Theater - Smithsonian Latino Center
Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead
Los Dias De Los Muertos
Day of the Dead - Wikipedia
Day of the Dead -
Unique Facts about Mexico - Day of the Dead