4th of July Crafts
4th Of July Activities
Safey Pin Flag
you will need:
- 1 large safety pin
- 12 small safety pins
- Red,white and blue beads(small)
On four of the safety pins, unlatch and put beads on in order of red, white, red, white, about half way up the safety pin. On the other half, put blue, white, blue white, in that order. Afterwards, close safety pins. On remaining safety pins, put beads in the following order: red, white, red, white, all the way up.
Close all safety pins. Put safety pins in order from all half red,white pins to all red,white pins. Loop large safety pin through holes of all small safety pins, in order
4th Of July Lantern
you will need:
- 1 jar
- red, white, and blue tissue paper
- 1 candle
- thick string
- glue
- scissors
Measure a sheet of white tissue paper by wrapping it around the jar. Cut to fit and glue to jar at the back seam. Cut long strips of red tissue paper and wrap them around the jar, using glue. Place candle inside the jar and light it. Tie the string firmly around the mouth of the jar. Hang the jar 3" from the ground.