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This section is for all those talented artists who like to show off their work every once in a while. In this section I will post any pics that you draw dealing with FF3, other Square Soft games, or anime. Feel free to send any pics to Kefka_1(don't send the pics to Trunks).

If you send any pics be sure to include your name, the character name, and where the character is from(what game, anime, etc.) Also try to keep the file size from being too big. You may not use any images in this section without the permission of the artist. With all this being said, on to the pics...

Click on a pic to see a larger version

Artist:David Reid(Kefka)

Artist: Andre Ciere

Kefka pic!

Sephiroth pic!

Artist:Isabelle Dupuis

Sorry, there are no thumbs here but these are the best in the gallery!