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Here you will find some very usefull tricks to help you suceed on your quest.

How to kill Kefka in one shot: Fight Kefka with Shadow in your party, but don't equip the Atma Weapon. Make Shadow throw the Atma weapon at him. This is supposedly supposed to kill him, but I have never tried it.(Being that I am Kefka, I wouldn't want to do that, you see?)

The Lete River trick: When you are going down the Lete River, turn the attack button on your tubo controller on and wait. After a few hours you will be practicly invincible at this point in the game.

The Returner Hideout trick: When you talk to Banon and he says, "Do you want to join the Returners?" Say "no" three times to get a Genji Glove. With this relic you can equip two weapons so you can attack twice. Very useful early in the game. Must have two weapons to use it.

Zozo Clock Trick:Go to the clock in Zozo and set the clock to six-hours, ten minutes, and fifty seconds. The clock will then open and you can get the chainsaw. Edgar will like this one.

Shadow's Dream: Get Shadow into the world of ruin (Make sure he doesn't die on the floating continent. To do this, keep choosing to wait for Shadow. When time is almost up, he will come. If you don't wait for him at the end, you can not get him later in the game because he will be DEAD.) Go into inns and go to sleep and shadow will occasionally dream. Keep sleeping repeatedly at different inns until you get all the dreams. If you get them all, I think it changes the ending. This may take a while, so be pacient.

Disappearing Monster trick: If you use vanish on a creature, then X-Zone or Doom, the creature will disappear...FOREVER.

Savin Cid: To save Cid in the world of ruin, all you have to do is feed him yummy fish from the beach. Yummy fish are the ones that swim super fast. If there are none, go back and talk to Cid until there are some.

On the top floor of Strago's house, in Thamasa, you can get another Momento ring by going to the left corner of the room, by the table and chairs. Face down and press A.

There is a monster called Intangir on Triangle Island in the World of Balance. He will sleep until disturbed by magic, then counter with meteo and fall back asleep. He is invisible while asleep and can not be hurt by weapons. Use doom or x-zone on him while he sleeps or have Mog dnace the Dusk Requiem or Desert Aria. The snare and antlion dances will get him while he is invisible. If you beat him, you'll get 10 Magic Points! Hang around there if you want to learn spells fast.

You can steal an Atma Weapon from Goddess, the third statue in Kefka's Tower.

You can steal a ragnarock from Doom, the second statue in Kefka's tower.

You can get unlimited muscle belts by stealing from Borras in Mt. Zozo.

You can steal Dragonboots from Wyverns in the world of balance. Sell them for lots of money.

The Retainer enemy, found in Kefka's tower, has an interesting rage. Leap a Retainer on the Veldt and the use the rage--Leo's old "Shock".

If you got the sword Ragnarok, change it into Illumina by wagering it at the collosseum. (Take Locke into Narsh and go into the building north of the weapons shop to get Ragnarok.)

You can get an Air Anchor in the Fanatic's Tower, instead of betting Genji Armor at the Collosseum. Go to the second treasure room, go to the space directly to the right of the treasure chest, face up, and press A. Now go out of the room. Down one flight of stairs is a new room.

You can bet the Sky Render at the Collosseum to get an Aura Lance, and Vice Versa.

Have Mog learn the Water Rondo in the World of Balance by jumping into Baren Falls with Mog in your party. Go to Crescent Mountain in the Veldt and jump in the current, and you will arrive at Nikeah. Take a Chocobo ride all the way back to Baren Falls where you left your airship.

You can steel Megalixers from the Earthguards on the Solitary Island.(You can also steel elixers from Peepers)

At the auction house in Jidoor, you can get the Magicite for the Espers Golem and Zoneseek.

To find the break blade: in the MagiTek Factory there is a corridor of empty, intact glass tubes (just before the room where you meet Cid and get a lot of Magicite). There is an invisible walkspace by the bottom-left tube; check for a treasure chest down there.

There is a Gold Helm and Gold Armor in the MagiTek fatory. Look for doors and walls below some areas.

You can steal unlimited ribbons from Brachosaurs. Brachosaurs are found in the forest north of the veldt in the world of ruin(the forest that looks like a dinosaur head if you squint REALY hard ^_^) This is an excellent place to build levels in the world of ruin. (Beware, these are one of the hardest types of monsters in the game. It would be wise to save before entering the forest.)

Ever wonder how to get Economizers, those nifty relics that make spells only consume one magic point per cast? If you manage to find and beat a Brachosaur in the dinosaur forest(see above), these monsters will sometimes drop this cool relic. Imagine the possibilities of combining it with a offering relic and casting Ultima four times per turn and only using up 4 MP!

The cursed shield becomes the Paladin Shield if worn for 255 battles. Be sure to use equip the character with this shield with a Ribbon to counter the terrible effects of the shield. The cursed ring also becomes the Paladin Ring in the same manner.

You can get unlimited Cursed Rings (and thus, Paladin Rings) by defeating Veterans and Didalos in Kefka's Tower. They are in the Gold Dragon's room. Try using the Ragnarok esper on them.

a good combination of weapons for a fighter wearing a gengi glove is the Atma Weapon and Valiant Knife. the Atma is stronger when you have higher HP, the Valiant Knife is stronger when you have low HP, so you'll always do a sound amount of damage.

To cast five spells per turn--equip a character with the Gem Box relic, and on their turn, cast the first spell, then Quick. Then you can cast four more spells. It would be wize to epuip this character with an Economizer relic so his/her MP won't be drained.

To attack eight times per turn--equip a character with a genji glove and offering.

You can change the Esper Odin into Raidin by doing as follows: Get Odin in the Avcient Castle, then go to the Queen's throne (the one on the right from your view). Walk five steps doen from there, and you'll step on an invisible switch, which creates a stairway to the right. Go down the stairs and talk to the queen. You might want to wait before you get Raiden, because Odin is the only Esper which gives a speed bonus at level up.

The best pleace to learn magis cpells in the world of ruin is the desert south of Maranda. Edery Cactrot you fight will earn you 10 Magic Points, and every Hoover you fight will earn you five magic points. Equip as many characters as possivle with Thunder Shields, to make "SandStorm" ineffective. To beat the Hoovers, use the disapearing monster trick. To beat the Cactrot, one shot of Edgar's drill will more than do the trick. You will not be able to use physical or most magic attacks on the Cactrot, so use special skills. The drill works the best because it takes away a couple thousand HP and the Cactrot only has 3 HP. Most other special attacks take away between 1 and 2 HP only.

To beat the MagiMaster easily, just cast Bserk on him. He won't be able to use WallChange and will use many spellcasting abilities. Be sure to cast Life3 on party members, because he'll cast Ultima at the end of the battle.

Gogo can do more than just mimic! Check his status and you can add three special abilities to his list. If you choose Magic, then the magic he knows will depend on what everyone in your party knows.

In the World of Balance, there is a forest to the west of the Veldt, full of bombs. Occasionally you might meet an elusive enemy of FF3, the Grenade.

When you travel from Figaro Castle to South Figaro through the cane early in the game, leave al the treasure chest alone! When you return there in the World of Ruin, the treasures there will be much more valuable.

To beat Wrexsoul and the Soul SaversIin Cyan's dream) easily, just cast X-Zone.

Give Umaro a Green Cherry to make him stronger during battle, just like when you fought him.

Use healing magic to hurt undead monsters. Use revetify and life to destroy them. Keep in mind I said "undead" not "living". Undead means zombie.

Find the second basement floor in South Figaro (in Locke's Scenario) and walk straight down from the treaure chest and press A. There is a hidden chest with a Ribbon in it.

Equip Locke with the Thief Glove and Offering and he'll have four chances to steal per turn.

Almost every grandfather clock in the game has an Elixer in it.

You can find the Moogle charm in the World of Ruin, right where Mog is standing when you find him in the cave in Narshe. Stand there, face the wall, and press A to get it.

A cut scene in the game that most prople miss: After the airship crashes in the World of Balance, go back to it and go into the engine room. You'll learn more about Daryle.

To gain levels faster, try taking only one or two party members. You'll gain much more experience per battle.

If you want to break the rules and fight in the Fanatics tower, bring a strong character, such as Umaro, and cast Bserk on him.

The relic ring makes your party undead, so cure magic will hurt them and make dispatch attacks and doom magic heal them. You can equip the party leader with the relic ring and cast doom on him/her to heal the entire party.

To easily defeat the Dirt Dragon, equip all characters with Gaia Gear. All earth attacks will heel your party. All party members who can not equip Gaia gear should be floating.

When you travel to Kohlingen from Narshe in the World of Balance to find Terra, bring only three people in your party. You'll meet Shadow at the Inn, and he'll join you...for a price.

You can get unlimited Genji Gloves by stealing them from Dragons (found on the Floating Continent).

A good experience building tactic for the World of Ruin: Take one party member who know Vanish to the island Doma Castle is on. Cast Vanish, adn walk around on the grass, fighting monsters (don't forget the Exp. Egg!) Fights can give you character up to 20,000 experience points per battle, and there is very little risk. The only attack that can cause damage is LifeShaver, which is cast by TumbleWeeds.

If you want to see a slight change in the game's ending, try beating the game without Locke, Sabin, or Strago. Edgar's, Celes', adn Relm's endings change. It is possible, but extremely challenging to beat the game with just Celes, Edgar, and Setzer.

The Blizzard Orb, an often-missed Relic for Umaro, is found in a treasure room in the Ancient Castle. It causes Umaro to randomly attack with an ice spell that hits all enemies.

If you are in a multi-party situation (like the Phoenix Cave or Kefka's Tower), you can save and use tents for all party members when only one of them is at a save point. Leave one party on a save point, then venture foward until another party reaches a save point, then trade.

In Mobliz in the World of Ruin, visit the wounded soldier. He will ask you to send a letter for him. Send it by going to the post office, then take a rest at the Inn. Go back to the soldier, and he will have another letter to send. Repeat these steps several times, and eventually you will get a Tintinabar.

In south Figaro, when you play Locke's Scenario, go straight down after it asks you if you want to change clothes (right before you go and save Celes). There are some nifty items in that secret basement.

In the Returners Hideout, go to the northernmost room (there are three chests and a bunch of boxes in it). Walk around to the right of the boxes, then go down and to the right to get a White Cape.

Look around Doma Castle in Cyan's Dream before you fight Wrexsoul. You will find many cinema scenes.