Colour Auras
Many see colour auras in many different lights.
Please remember that this is my personal view on
auras... How I see them and what they represent to me
I was born seeing colour auras but, was told by my
mother that this just wasn't so... it couldn't be.
So, for that and many other reasons... I shut this
off. But, a little over a year ago... things opened
for me again... and, they became part of my viewings.
This was and is so awesome for me!
There are some instances where I don't *see* the aura
but *feel* the aura. I have been told it is really
more important to be able to *feel* the auras because
it is at this point you can do something with it... as
in healing. Occasionally, one is so closed no aura is
available to me.
The aura is an energy field that extends out from the
body 4-6'. Most don't see the energy field this far
out. But, if you think of it as a 'personal space'
kind of thing... you will see that it does extend this
far. Most see the aura just surrounding the body...
about 1/4" out. Many see a glow or some kind of
shifting light (it's sort of like the fumes from gas
when you fill your car). My daughter sees 'twinkle
lights' in the glow of the aura.
Personally, I see colours... vivid colours around all
living things. Around people, I usually see one to
three colours... but, know this; we all hold all the
colours of the spectrum... there are just a few
thought that we hold most dear and are who we really
are. These are much like personality traits and the
colours represent different traits.
There is a great book... Lifecolors by Pamala Oslie
that I suggest all who are interested in auras to pick
up. It's an easy and fun book to read.
I'm going to give a brief synopsis of each of the
colours and how I feel they are related to each
person. I use this in healing. *Seeing* or *Feeling*
the colours gives me the advantage of seeing part of
their personality. I can usually tell when a colour
is true or if it is something added. I personally
feel that all illnesses including physical illnesses
manifest from emotional and/or spiritual issues. Many
of these are represented in the colours of who you are.
REDS... These are very physical people. They are the
protectors of the world... unafraid to walk into the
flames for what they believe in. Most things in these
people's lives are either black or white... with no
middle or gray area. They see and live life of how it
simply is. These people are usually very active and
athletic. They are also very sexual. Action is how
they speak to others. Red is a very 'male' colour,
though there are a few females that hold this colour
also. (Madonna is a RED)
ORANGES... These people are the "bungie jumpers" of
the world. They love and live for the constant
excitement of living on the edge. To them, the thrill
is always in what they can get by with next and
surprise. The "gray zone" is no stranger to these
people. They are unafraid of going there and actually
relish this. (Evil Kneivel is an ORANGE)
MAGENTA... These people are very interesting. One
tell-tale sign of a this type of person will be
assymetrical hairstyle. Magentas are non-conformists;
they see life from a different and unusual
prospective. Peer pressure has no effect on these
people. They are one's termed as "following the beat
of their own drummer". Laughter and the absurd appeal
to these people.
YELLOWS... These people are always 'the life of the
party'. They are very out-going and fun people; they
are always very sunny and warm. Yellows are very
healing... it is said that to receive a hug by a
yellow is to feel healing. These people love to keep
the peace and will do whatever THEY think is needed to
keep the peace (even lie). Yellows are very sexual
and love the physical activity of sex. They also have
to keep in balance and the only way to this is through
physical exercise.
BLUES... This is a very feminine colour... very warm,
loving, caring... the nurturing mom's of the world.
Blues are such givers and give out of love and the
sheer joy of giving but, even though they don't expect
it back... their feelings often get hurt simply
because others aren't so thoughtful as they are and
simply do this. They give and give, many times to the
point of self-detriment. Blues are the ones you will
see crying at movies... they cry at the drop of a hat.
GREENS... These people are very practical, analytical
people... very methodical. They usually keep endless
lists and are very organized to the point of over-
organization. These are the accountants of the
world. Greens are not afraid of knowing what they
want and going right for it. They can be as sharp as
a laser beam. They are often very difficult to live
with as they expect perfection in all around them as
they do in themselves.
LOGICAL TANS... These people usually keep their
feelings to themselves. They are very logical and
analytical (think of Mr. Spock on Star Trek). They
are not risk takers; they will assimilate all the data
and figures before coming to any decision. These
people can be very logical and stablizing to others.
Logical Tans do not have a very strong sex drive.
It's not that they don't like sex... it's just that
it's not a priority.
ENVIRONMENTAL TANS... These tans have a band of
forest green. These people experience their reality
by physically touching their environment then
analyzing it. They can sense the exact distance from
one side of a room to the other just by looking at
it. Environment Tans demand reliability and
dependability from their world. One unusual
characteristic of these is many are fascinated by
airplanes, boats, submarines or other vehicles that
put them in contact with their environment. These can
be sexual as they appreciate and operate more from
their physical bodies.
SENSITIVE TANS... These tans have a light blue band
around their bodies. These are gentle personalities
that are quiet, sensitive and supportive. They are
more emotional and intuitive than Logical Tans, but...
they still also keep most of their feelings to
themselves. Families are THE most important thing in
their lives and they love the comfort and security of
knowing they have things around them. Sexually, they
are very reserved, loving and affectionate.
VIOLETS... This is the oldest colour on the spectrum
and those who hold this colour are usually very
intuitive people... people who KNOW there is something
big out there for them to do. These are
the 'visionaries' of the world. Violets are very
passionate about all things they consider important in
their lives and live to heal on a global level.
Meditation is paramount for these to stay in balance
and sex offers them a connection with something grand
on a cosmic scale.
CRYSTALS... These people are a clear conduit or
channel for healing energy. Being natural healers,
Crystals help those by clearing blockages to enable
their own natural healing process to take place. This
is a very difficult colour to be... since their colour
is clear, Crystals tend to take on other people's
colours when they are in their presence. These are
considered to be the "Auric Chameleons". Crystals are
physically fragile and delicate. They like everything
to be pretty, clean and gentle - like a fairytale.
Crystals enjoy sex, but it can frequently be a
traumatic experience for them. Because they interact
with the other's aura so intensely it is often painful
for them to disconnect emotionally afterwards.
INDIGOS... This is the newest colour on the spectrum
and mainly shows up in children, though many adults
are now showing this colour. These are ones who seem
to be in their own world.... seeing things from a
totally different viewpoint. Things are much the same
for an Indigo; they love the table in the kitchen as
much as they love the pet. Many of these seem sexless
and/or androgenous. Sex for an Indigo is deeply
spiritual, bonding experience between two souls, not
merely a physical function. These people are also
healers. This is another very difficult colour to
hold. (Micheal Jackson is an Indigo)