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Grandmother Moon

Grandmother Moon is dying
Her body has been raped
By those who walk in greed

They are mining Helium 3 on the dark side
They are of the dark side
They have no respect

Her story and intent
She cries for us to heal her
Seven tears will come into
The oceans of Grandmother Earth

Before she crosses to Great Mystery
Grandmother Moon is loving
And bids us to take heed
When seven tears have fallen
Into the great waters of her sister
Grandmother Earth

The Cloud People will bring her tears
To all who walk this earth
And Grandfather Sun will see this
And intensify his rays
Such heat will be experienced
For an untold length of days
And Grandmother Moon will leave
This third dimensional realm

Her sister, Grandmother Earth
will awaken in these times
To feel the waters and the heat
And wind she will call upon
To cool her precious skin

And in this time
In the blink of an eye
Her renewal and rebirthing
The Fire, Water, Wind in fury go
As she too... will leave
This third dimensional realm.

~ Author Unknown ~

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