As my growth amplifies I am finding myself falling into the role of Teaching. I was told by a dear friend a couple of years ago that she saw me teaching but couldn’t fathom how. Now, I see this.
The first thing that I teach and feel it is paramount before beginning one’s Spiritual Journey is this:
You must first be brave enough to look deep within your heart.
This is where the truth of all lies the answers are here.
Once you look inside;
you will find that it is not as frightening as you first believed
this to be.
You must truly listen… and truly hear what is being said to you.
(Think on this… listening and hearing are two separate things.)
Once, you hear the truth of what is told will set you FREE!
This truth is the key.
Only after this has been sought can you begin on your quest the way the journey should be taken.
Secondly… meditation is the second key that will open the doors of your quest. But, remember you will be taken to the door… but, only you can open this door and walk through it..
If you are called to the meditation of Shamanism… you might try this book… Oak, Ash and Thorn by D.J. Conway.