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Welcome to the


Prayer Chain


Welcome to the Push n' froggie Prayer Warriors Page. We would love to have you join us, so please sign up on the form below. By submitting your email address you agree to our suggestions.  Nothing too strict or harsh, just a few things to help keep everybody happy on our chain.

First a little about our prayer chain from Jackie aka Froggie:

Hello Everyone, I am Jackie aka Froggie

Welcome to the prayer chain.  In 1997, I had a baby girl 15 weeks early.  She was in ICU for 4 months. (144 days) But her time on this earth was short and she succumbed to respiratory failure in January of 1998.  So many times during her stay at the hospital, I would sit in the rocking chair holding her and feel so much comfort and peace knowing that there were people out there  praying for us.  Well........ I guess that was God's way of telling me to help others feel that same comfort and peace, because I was driven to start this prayer chain.  Everyday  my mom Joanie aka Danciee, sends an email out to all the prayer warriors and everyone prays for the situation.   As of October 11, 2000 we have 129 Prayer Warriors worldwide actively involved with this prayer chain. They range in age from their teens to their 80's. We have warriors in the USA, Scottland, Canada, Equador, Australia, England, Caman Islands and other places around the world. Most of us appear to be animal lovers. Many of us seem to have at least a cat or a dog. We have doctors, writers, nurses, pharmasists, receptionists, mothers, grandmothers, foster parents, and more. You name it. And we all have one common bond, and that is the fact we all have faith in prayer and the Lord Jesus Christ our God. Please join us, or ask for prayers. Whatever your needs may be we are here.

God Bless. Jackie/Froggie F.R.O.G.G.I.E. (Fully Rely On God's Goodness in Everything)

Suggestions and Rules:

1. We suggest that you keep your prayer request brief and to the point because some days there are many prayer requests and it makes it easier to remember your request when praying for you.

2. We suggest that you do not promote any television ministries, evangalists, current movements or specific denominations in your prayer requests. We are a Non-Denominational prayer chain and want to include everyone without controversies or debates over things like that. Please understand this is to keep peace and everyone happy, if you send in a prayer request of this nature, we will return it to you asking that you edit it for the sake keeping peace.

3. We ask that you notify us immediately if you do not receive the prayer chain email daily, we faithfully send out our email daily and expect everyone to be faithfully praying daily for these requests.  We will try to find a way to fix whatever problem that is occouring immediately.

4.   Please do not use all CAPITAL LETTERS on your prayer request. Please use good grammer and run your spell checker on the prayer request before sending it in. If your email is in poor condition we will return it to you asking that you make the corrections. We have always done the corrections in the past ourself, but since the prayer chain has grown so large, we no longer have the time to fix them all before posting them in the email or on the web page. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

5.  Please sign your name to all requests.  We have over 200 address
in the address book, and trying to hunt down who sent in a request is very time consuming.    Please use your nickname also, if that is something you are commonly
known by.

6.  If you are going to be away for an extended period of time, please drop
us a note of when to stop sending prayers and when to start again.  That way we will not overload you or your email account.

7. Please notify me of any address changes as soon as you can.

9.  Send all requests to or hit reply on the prayer chain you receive.

Sign up to be one of our

Prayer Warriors Here

Your  name:

Your email address: (e.g.:

Write I would like to join the Prayer Chain

in this box

and any other additional comments


BibleCo is honored to be friends with The Push n' Froggie Prayer Warriors Page and would like to invite any of their members to visit us!  Whether you're looking for a Bible on Audio CD  or a Christian Game like Armor of God Board Game we have it all.  We also have great daily devotionals such as the Womens Devotional Bible NIV  and go-anywhere pocket Bibles such as the Franklin KJV Electronic Bible.
