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The Sparrow

A sparrow fleetingly perched,
its quivering brown body ready
to flit from light to light.
Trapping itself in presumably 
the safest place, 
but also the farthest from freedom; 
a cracked window.

I didn’t want to tell him what I saw
when I looked in his eyes. It
was only his business that the
world stopped revolving, if I 
made it his.
And when he entered my dreams
they were the most beautiful, 
the most haunting,
the most compelling.

I watched its head twitch on
the closet door. Descending
closer to the window, the edge of my
computer, piled high with newspaper
clippings and note pads. Its smooth
rounded belly no longer
shook as it assessed this maze
of unfamiliar surroundings.

But all progress was lost the minute
“help” arrived in a patch proclaiming
“maintenance.” He carried a
pole and a worn beach towel.

“This could take a while.”

The only thing familiar to home
is the sky. But even that is blocked
by cement prisons, and gaudy electrified 
parking signs. Mapping the city
with hours of steps, alone,
I see the Streetwise corners that
never vary. Ultimately, someone
is going to ask for a kind of help I 
can’t give them. But at least they
have someone to ask.

In a frenzied panic, the sparrow’s wings
lifted fearfully back up to hop from
light to light. The towel following
from corner to corner. Each time
the bird fell to the ground. In
exhaustion, in fear, in panic; it 
always managed to escape
to the next corner, where it
plummeted again.

I can’t tell you our history, and
you won’t want to hear it anyway. 
People are merely interested in the ecstatic
highs and the black pits that swallow. 

Only an occasional snap remains.
The rest is lost with the chemistry 
formulas and Spanish vocabulary.
Until I can’t remember whether it was him
or the dream of him. I don’t know if
they’re separable anyway.

It wasn’t until in complete
exhaustion and swallowed by fear
that it fell for the last time.
The patch tossed the towel
covering the corner. Clumsily, 
trying to find the beaten wings and
expanded breast lost among
the folds.

Because dreams are what give us hope. Even
when we’re stumbling alone. Even when we’re

I told him to open the window 
in that same corner, it’s easier
to let it out a different window.

“That’s a good idea.”

And we all need someone to hold and
hold us when our dreams are bad and
there seems to be no escape.

The sparrow was a bullet, seen 
only for a moment. Wondering
what it felt to be free
again, the door clicked behind me
as I was left alone. Wondering,
who would patch me. Wondering,
if it would take a while. Wondering,
if I had to leave differently
than I came.
