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I Am a Horse

You can saddle me or bridle me
You can put a chain around my neck
You can laugh or dock my tail
But my spirit you'll never break.
I'm not a toy to be modeled for fashion
Nor a slave to your every whim
I am a horse, a creature of my own
Like you, I was made by Him.

I will not answer to your call
Yet I will be here until the end
I am not here to be your doll
I was made to be your friend.

I will not run away from you
Nor will I beg for reprieve
I was made to be your companion
So I never shall leave.

You can treat me like a slave
And perhaps you'll never know
That inside, I am something more
Then the horse on which you go.

You can chain me or starve me
Drive a whip into my sides
But you'll never get inside me
Where the angel spirit resides.

-- written by Kit --

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