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Camela, My Youngest Daughter

Web Page Designer Extraordinaire and Student

turned 17 on March 3rd and is talented in many ways. Her gift of perseverence and creativity enables her to write lovely lyrics and design awesome webpages. Her inquiring mind drives her to know the truth about everything. She is a caring person and is sensitive too, but she doesn't like anyone to take her for a fool. Her intuition is very strong and she is a good judge of character.

She is a student of Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art.
She'd like to be an architect or maybe a web designer or possibly work as an investigator. I love Camela very much, and I hope that she will realize all her dreams come true.


You look at me and all u see is white so you want to fight
All around the world people stay in there "own" groups because in their eyes their differences are their weaknesses
Terrified of this they forget to give anyone out of their race a chance
Forgetting that black man you just gave a glance
Could have been your soul mate or family in a past life
What makes the world so great is our differences or at least that's what I think
And hope one day everyone will come to see this and join hands together to make our own rainbow
We could learn so much from each other if only we
could stop fighting and yelling at one another
You may not relate with others in another race on the outside but deep within you may
You say your not prejudice but everyone is and so are u
I saw the way you didn't want to talk to me because of what I wore around my neck
You didn't understand why I held my head up high
I am proud to be my race, religion and sex and you should be too
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be friends with others unlike you
Everyone has good within
You just have to find it in them
But to do that you have to look past the outside
if you want close your eyes and then look inside them
you might be surprised

written by: Camela


Made by Da~Bee

Camela made this beautiful banner for me.
Click on it to return to Follow Your Bliss main page.