All meet death, infants, children and adults, and it alike defeats all in the struggle for existence. We sometimes think it is beaten back, but as in this case, only a little longer time is given.
The hearts of Mr. and Mrs. G. L.
Curttright are made sad by the death of George Lafayette Curttright Jr. He was born
He was a bright, happy little fellow until about a month ago, when he took sick, and notwithstanding his severe suffering he bore it patiently to the end, when death finally claimed him.
Christ has come and gathered one of earth's pure and sweet flowers before sin had stained it, and transplanted it in Heaven, where it will always remain pure and sweet, singing and playing around the throne of King Jesus.
"Rest on the bosom of thy god, young spirit, rest thee now,
None of the sorrows here portrayed shall fall upon thy brow
The vital cup in part your lips, had quaffed
But with it sickened, you repelled the draught opposed
Then turning from the blaze of day
You gently breathed your infant soul away
Ere peace and joy and bliss have fled
and sin has brought decay
Better in youth to die, life being fair and bright
Than when the soul has lost its truth in age and sorrows night
When shed not the fear of grief upon the sable pier
His wearied spirit find a rest in a more blissful sphere."
Little George was a member of the Cradle Roll of the U.B. Sunday School.
The funeral services were held last Saturday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. C.C. Hobson, and the little boy was laid to rest in the Olin cemetery.
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