Lord teach me to Love your people...

show me the begger on the street filled

with hunger, loneliness, and despair.

Let me see those around me as if they

were my own family.

Lord teach me to Love your people...

let me see them through your eyes, hear

them through your ears, touch their

hearts with your hands of love.

Lord teach me to love your people...

If only I could look upon this earth and

see pain so I can pray their heart's cry

and not my own.

Lord teach me to love your people...

It is not enough for me to sit in a

church and sing songs and hear your

word, if I cannot go out and do your

bidding. Let me never loose the burden

for your people that burns within my


Lord teach me to love your people...

Lord, help me, I am only one amongst so

many in need. People all around me are

lost, broken, and searching.

I am only one person, how can I do this

that you have given me when the need is

so great, and the workers are so few.

Lord teach me to love your people...

I need helpers, Lord. Those who are not

afraid to get their hands dirty; who

aren't afraid of catching the disease of

poverty and dispair.

Lord teach me to love your people...

Lord, I am only one person, bring me

workers to cover this area with your

love. Let others see what we see. Let

others roll up their sleeves and work

along side of us. Lord shake the walls

and pews of the churches and send your

workers to a dying world.

Lord teach me to love your people...

Let me not miss the latter day revival,

but rather let it start with me and

spread as a fire throughout this land,

and on to the next.

Let this fire spread and bring the lost

into the fold.

Lord teach me to love your people...

By Judith Brown

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