You Have Found a Friend

When someone helps you to become
The kind of person you ought to be
Without worrying about what they
Are going to gain by it,
You've found a friend

When someone tells you that you're
Making a mistake, and you can see,
That it hurts them as much as it
does you You've found a friend

When someone can give of their time,
Energy, efforts and talents;
To help you work on one of your ideas
And be happy they did it
You've found a friend

When someone stands by you
In the midst of the strongest persecutions,
Gossip, rumor, and false accusations
Never doubting nor wavering for
What they may hear
You've found a friend

And when someone can withstand
Your hastily spoken, angry words;
Can watch you leave in a fit or rage
And forgive you, and await your return;
Never mentioning the things you
said or did, when you do
You've found a friend

And the best way
To find a friend
Is simply , to be friend.